Chapter 7248

Even Gongsun Lue was startled because there was a lot of noise in the inn.

When Gongsun Lue knew that the 12-year-old girl was cooking for herself, he was also surprised.

He knew that this person should be the one Bai Yuexi said he would be loyal to.

However, he is more curious about this person, so special little girl, even said to cook for him.

What makes you happy?

The little girl said he was fine.

The little girl didn't elaborate on how to do it.

Because of this, Gongsun Lue became more curious.


People in the inn are also curious about food, but with twelve shadow guards, Bai Yuexi is safe, and no one can be against Bai Yuexi.

So when you look at the guards guarding the kitchen, you can feel the killing momentum on them.

So we can only put away our curiosity.

After waiting for a mo to wake up, Bai Yuexi brings the meal to the room.

After washing, amo ate with Bai Yuexi.

After dinner, Bai Yuexi tells amo about Gongsun Lue.

"Ah Mo, what do you think of Gongsun Lue?"

Although Bai Yuexi is to arrange for a Mo, but also want to ask a Mo's idea, she still respects a mo.

AMO doesn't know what Bai Yuexi has arranged for him. He listens to Bai Yuexi's question and answers to the point: "Miss, Gongsun Lue is the genius of the Gongsun family and the successor of the Gongsun family. In terms of strategy organization array, Gongsun Lue can be said to be the first person in the Gongsun family. If such a person falls into the hands of any force, he will be responsible for this Power adds great power... "

According to what he knew and his analysis, amo told Bai Yuexi all these things.

Bai Yuexi listened, and a bright light flashed in her eyes.

"So, amo also appreciates this Gongsun strategy?"

Do you enjoy it?

A Mo also don't know, his such status, he has no qualification to appreciate others!

First of all, he wants to be strong, so that he can judge others.

Originally, he would not have said some words, but he understood them in his heart.

But what Bai Yuexi wants to know, he will say what he knows.

For Bai Yuexi, he didn't want to hide anything.

He wants to be useful to the young lady.

Looking at the silence of a Mo, Bai Yuexi doesn't mind.

Bai Yuexi said with a smile, "ah Mo, let Gongsun follow you in the future. Maybe he can help you in the future."

Hearing this, amo was shocked.

AMO's fingers are all clenched.

Let the young master of Gongsun family, such a genius of Jiangbei, follow him. Although he has broken away from the slave status and has a normal status, he still has some inferiority in his bones.

A Mo all some can't believe, can't believe oneself hear of words.


Bai Yuexi once again patiently explained: "I think he is a talent. Don't you want to go to Nanyun academy? Let him follow you and be your classmate. You can be good friends. I'm a girl, and it's not convenient for you to say some words to me, but there are still many things to say with boys. You can rest assured that we saved him, you are his Savior, and he can be trusted. "

Bai Yuexi found a reason to say, she can't say, Mo you will become the emperor, he is beside you, can better play out.