Book 3: Chapter 23 — Solo Spar

Book 3: Chapter 23 — Solo Spar

By the time afternoon had rolled around, the party had split up into different groups. Zax had already left with Valros. Aurelia had decided to take a mid-day nap by herself, Snow and Seraphina were in the library reading books, and Erwest had gone somewhere with Valeria. Kaelan, similarly, was busy with some work. Noah, finding himself without much to do, had decided to spend some time training.

Hed found a sparring chamber relatively quickly out in the training fields. A dojo-like space with wooden board floors and mage lighting setup on the walls. The marks and dents on the floor denoted that the place was used to practice hand to hand combat, and other similar sparring sessions. Noah had been slightly concerned that a wooden floor would break if he was too rough with things, but to his surprise had found the floor extremely sturdy, despite the lack of any visible magical spell fortifying it.

Tony shifted at his command, his black overcoat sleeves receding, leaving him topless as he stretched his muscles, feeling them quiver in anticipation. The training Kaelan had put them through had certainly not been gentle, and with all the overtime sparring sessions Noah had done with Aurelia and the others, even his modified body had demanded he rest.

But now that he had given himself that much needed rest, he was in better physical shape than ever before. There was a mirror in the sparring room, mounted on the wall with what seemed like a spell to keep the surface clean. Noah walked in front of the mirror to look at himself.

There were no scars on his body despite everything he had put it through. No marks, and no indications of the torture he regularly put himself under. His muscles looked both firm and soft at the same time, but for how lean his body and build was, he filled out his figure quite well.

He also couldnt be too certain, but he had a sinking suspicion that he was becoming more attractive the more he leveled up. His jawline was more refined, and his abs were firm enough to bend steel. It was a little surreal to look at himself right now. Noah had never been unfit. Never been fat. But there was a world of difference between being fit and having the body of a model. His proportions didnt exactly make sense either, the strongest of people didnt look like this, and he had to wonder if the system adjusted his physique to suit what he thought looked good. His charisma sub attribute had also gone up by one to D7.

Quite the introspection. Are you gonna kiss yourself now? His shadow specter swirled, manifesting in front of him. Noah rolled his eyes. He didnt particularly care how he looked, and neither did any monster that would be looking to make him into a good meal.

But it doesnt hurt to be hot, the shadow added, reading his thoughts.

You unnerve me sometimes, Noah said, looking at his shadow.

Probably because Im you. Its weird to hear your own voice from someone else isnt it? Now imagine knowing that you arent actually yourself but instead just a copy, its definitely an experience, Ill tell you that, the shadow said, an evil glint flashing across its eyes, like it was sayingIll murder you if you arent on your toesbut Noah knew the jokes for what they were by now. The shadow specter was bound to him, they were part of the same entity. If Noah died, the shadow would die with him.

And hed had a dozen or more chances to kill him already. But had never made any indications of doing so. The specter had been very docile and had mostly kept to himself. Although every now and then when they were alone, he would come out to chat.

Ignoring the specter, Noah opened up his Astral Script.

Astral Script:

Name: Noah Brown

Race: Draconian Humanoid

Rank: D

Title: [Titan Slayer]


Wyrmblood Guardian (Legendary) - level 129

Runebody Arcanist (Legendary) - level 128

Abyssal Predator (Legendary) - level 130


Power: 938 [1125]

Agility: 808 [969]

Constitution: 853 [1151]

Mystic: 878 [1185]

Attribute points: 0Updated from n0velbIn.(c)o/m

Skill Points: 1

All four of his attributes were nearing the thousand mark as their base. The amount of attributes he gained per level was downright insane. Just in raw power, he was already stronger than Aurelia unless she was using her berserker abilities, and even then, Noahs metamorphosis meant in nine out of ten matches, he would most likely win. Erwest was trickier, the paladins holy powers countering his void abilities quite thoroughly, but Noah still didnt see himself losing in a confrontation.

The fact that just a month ago, winning against either wouldve been a difficult task told him just how fast he was growing. It wasnt like the others had stopped progressing either. He was simply that much faster than them.

The shadow similarly stumbled, though no blood came from him, the specter entirely ethereal on the inside.

Both combatants panted, both had been an equal match to the other. Noah let his chains dissolve away, extending a hand towards the shadow.

The shadow looked at the offered hand, before grasping it in a shake.

Reminds me of my high school days, Noah said.

Those bullies were never this mature after we kicked their asses though, Shadow replied as the two of them snickered over the shared memory.

Noah checked his abilities, slightly disappointed to see no level ups, but there was more to combat than merely levels. He was much better at using the chains now, and there were budding insights in his head about the flaws in his own spear usage that he had seen with the shadow specter. He would meditate on those tonight. And he had a feeling that after he did, he might just see a level up in his weapon mastery skill.

As Noah thought over what insights he could draw from this spar, his Shadow gave him a hesitant glance.

What? Noah asked. It wasnt like him to be shy.

So, Ive been thinking about this and, dont take this the wrong way

Sounds ominous.

Im definitely still you and all that but Ive been thinking that it would be nice to have my own name.

Noah looked at the specter in surprise.

I know, it sounds weird, and I didnt think it would bother me this much. But like, Im you but Im also not entirely you am I? Right now, Im just the shadow or the specter or what have you and I thought that was fine, but I definitely also kinda feel like having my own name my own identity would be nice. Even if Im still a part of you. A bit like Tony, the shadow said.

Noah cupped his chin, humming in thought. Well, I suck at names. I would call you shadow but Im afraid thats been taken already.

The specter chuckled. Yeah, tell me about it. My whole shtick is not even unique!

Noah thought a little bit more. Dark Noah?

The specter cringed visibly.

Yeah, never mind. Im not good at this. But Ill try to think of something. I dont mind giving you a name. I just never did because you have my face and everything so it felt weird.

Yeah, no, I get it. I really get it. Not being yourself while also being the identical copy of someone is strange. But Ive been telling myself that were kinda like twins. Similar but not the same, and inseparably tied together. Though in our case thats also literal, the shadow said.

Yeah, I can see that. Hmm. A twin. Well, its not like we can ask mom to name you.

Yeah on that topic. Since souls are real and magic is real do you think that

I dont know, Noah interjected. Hed definitely had the thought before. But this wasnt Earth. There was no reason his mother or her soul would be here. So if she was somewhere, it would be on Earth, or wherever souls went after people died there.

He hoped it wasnt the void.

Footsteps echoed from nearby, and a moment later the gate to the sparring chamber opened with a thud. Shadow NoahThat still felt awkward but it was better than everything else Noah had thought ofhad already melted back into Noahs body, assimilating with his shadow.

Kaelan stood on the other end of the door, looking inside curiously.

You were sparring by yourself? The draconian man raised an eyebrow.

Uh, yeah, just some mild training, Noah said.

Alright. well, The rest of us are going out into the city to explore a little, before having some food. Remember the steak place I talked about that had the best stuff from anywhere? I managed to get a spot for us there, even though it typically needs a reservation week prior ahead in time. You wanna join us? Kaelan asked.

Noah adjusted his coat, which Tony had reformed without him even needing to askNo matter how often he said this, it wasnt enough. Tony was the bestas he walked up to the man. At the mention of food, Noahs stomach let out an audible grumble and though he really didnt need to eat food anymore, working out still raised his appetite.

I suppose thats answer enough, Kaelan said with a smile.

Noah grinned back in response.