Chapter 402

"Ah!" screamed the predator's driver.

He turned the steering wheel desperately, trying to stay away from the drill.

However, the drill bit was still desperately extending in his direction, and the huge drill bit completely stirred his waist into meat sauce.

The predator driver opened his eyes and looked out of the window.

Outside the window was the car like a long knife. At this time, the long knife car was keeping pace with itself. A huge drill bit stretched out from the side of the long knife car and was constantly drilling his car.

"It's you."

The driver's head tilted, the car lost control and rushed aside.

He rushed in the direction of Zhang Tuohai's driveway. Seeing the bad luck in the dark road, Zhang Tuohai immediately slowed down to avoid.

However, as soon as he slowed down, the long knife truck also slowed down and came near his car. The huge drill bit was aimed at Zhang Tuohai's infantry chariot. It seemed that it was going to repeat the old technique.

If Zhang Tuohai's weapon is not locked at this time, Zhang Tuohai has 100 ways to kill this guy.

However, Zhang Tuohai had not stepped on any weapon button at this time and could not fight back.

However, the absence of weapon buttons does not mean that Zhang Tuohai has no means of counterattack.

He was directly on board the steam powered skeleton. Although weapons can not be used, the basic function of increasing strength is still available.

Zhang Tuohai directly picked up a 105mm shell and hit the long knife car.

Although the shell can not be fired, it is bound to be seriously injured if it is hit by such a heavy shell.

The long knife cart didn't expect Zhang Tuohai to play such a skill. At this time, it's too late to dodge.

With a loud bang, the heavy 105mm shell hit the big shaft connecting the drill bit.

The big shaft was directly dented, and the drill bit failed at the sight of it.

The driver of the long knife truck looked at Zhang Tuohai with resentment. The failure of the drill bit meant that he had lost a lot of help.

He wanted to tear Zhang Tuohai to pieces.

However, seeing that Zhang Tuohai raised another 105mm shell, he was afraid and quickly controlled the long knife car to slow down and avoid the shell.

Unfortunately, however, the 105mm shell just hit the axle on which his wheels protruded.

Originally, the stability of his car was not good. This style of camshaft widening wheel spacing was modified.

The protruding axle speeds up the wheel spacing and increases the stability of his car. The original effect is good.

But now it has become his talisman.

The heavy 105mm shell directly damaged the protruding shaft, and the shell was stuck between the wheel and the car body.

The car lost its balance, made three turns sideways, left its track and entered Zhang Tuohai's track.

However, it fell behind Zhang Tuohai.

[player Canaan leaves his track and violates the rules. Please return to his track within 10 seconds, otherwise he will be punished. Countdown, 9, 8, 7...]

Canaan, the driver of the long knife car, stepped on the accelerator and wanted to return to his track.

But his wheel was stuck by the shell thrown by Zhang Tuohai. One wheel couldn't move, so he had to turn around in situ.

Now Canaan was sweating.

[if the player Canaan fails to return to his own track as required, he will be sentenced to a foul and punished!]

"Wait, I have something to say!" Canaan shouted, trying to defend himself.

However, the game system won't give him a chance to defend.

A drone flew over and hovered over Canaan.

A rocket roared down.


An explosion sounded, and Canaan's long knife car turned into an orange fireball.

"The punishment is so serious."

Zhang Tuohai, who looked in his eyes, was surprised.

If you don't return for more than ten seconds, you will be hit by rockets, which is almost the execution of the death penalty.

It's just a pity that Canaan was punished and killed by the game system, and the killing quota can't be counted on Zhang Tuohai.

Zhang Tuohai has to kill another player if he wants to pass.

Just then, the huge RV suddenly caught up from behind and soon caught up with Zhang Tuohai.

"What is he doing?"

Zhang Tuohai looked at the RV with dignified eyes.

However, he soon understood.

The side cover of the RV was opened. Instead of all kinds of exquisite furniture, it was a series of guns.

These guns vary in calibre, including 75mm, 88mm, 105mm and 120mm.

There are more than ten doors.

Zhang Tuohai is sure that even with his current armor, it's enough to be shot by these guns.

He hastened to speed up and rushed forward to avoid the firing range of the gun.

Seeing that the large RV was chasing after him, it adjusted the angle of the artillery and looked like it was going to blow Zhang Tuohai to pieces.

When Zhang Tuohai was ready to continue throwing shells to interfere with each other, Xiao AI finally saw a weapon button.

"Commander, hold on for three seconds."

Xiao AI raised the speed to the limit and rushed over like a whirlwind. At the moment when the wheel pressed the button, Xiao AI felt that some of the restrictions on his body had been lifted.

"Commander, the runner chase gun has been unlocked."

Xiao AI said.

Zhang Tuohai frowned when he heard the speech.

Although it is not his favorite honeycomb rocket and 105mm gun, the runner pursuit gun is enough, which is much better than empty handed.

"Turn the turret and give it to the guy behind."

Zhang Tuohai shouted.


The huge turret turned 180 degrees and aimed the muzzle at the large RV at the right rear.

The large RV didn't know what weapon Zhang Tuohai activated, but at the sight of the huge muzzle and the missile on the roof, it involuntarily retreated and took the initiative to reduce the speed.

At the same time, the man picked up the loudspeaker and shouted, "brother, everyone is a player. You and I take a step back. How about the well water without violating the river?"

Seeing the man saying this, Zhang Tuohai sneered: "what's the strength of chasing me just now? I have to show a little bit of joy."

Zhang Tuohai ordered Xiao AI to stimulate the runner pursuit gun.

Boom, boom, boom!

Xiao AI directly fired all six shells.

Six shrapnel exploded in the air, and thousands of steel balls hit the RV like a steel storm.

The cab of the RV was directly swept by steel balls, and the driver inside was sieved by steel balls.

The huge body lost control and turned sideways.

Various parts of the gun were scattered everywhere.

A red light enveloped Zhang Tuohai, and he also completed the first drop of blood in the game.

"Finally solved task one. Now, you can finish the race only after two laps."

Zhang Tuohai thought.

However, at this time, he suddenly saw that the two Hummers that had escaped came back.