42 Interlude: Questions and Advice

Kakashi was actually starting to become pleasantly surprised.

"I don't know what I'd do," Daisuke shrugged with a frown. "Honestly, I'd charge the big guy to stop him from rushing the team. Hisako? Nichiren? Any suggestions?"

The scenario was simple. It was an infiltration mission and their cover was blown when the three of them are discovered by another Shinobi Team. A large, heavily muscled man with an equally giant sword, a skinning man with long flowing robes and a shinobi covered from head to toe. Combat, Jutsu and Stealth specialists. Pretty even mix.

"Eh, If you could, I'd say rush their back-line and force the big guy to pay attention to you," Nichiren replied with a frown.

"Wouldn't that leave you guys open, if he does the same thing, though?" Daisuke asked with a frown.

It was also starting to surprise him how expressive Daisuke was becoming. It still wasn't anything close to particularly normal, but he was getting closer to actually human with every power spike. It actually made him quite happy, not that he'd ever let them know that.

"Not necessarily," Hisako shrugged. "Since this is an infiltration mission, they'd probably be surprised to find us, giving us the preparation advantage."

"Besides, if he rushes us when you rush them, that leaves it two on one," Nichiren nodded with a sense of finality. "It also leaves you in that position, but it's not like it takes you long to dispatch a target."

"This is true," Daisuke replied. "Alright, I charge the backline, Sensei."

"Who's your target?" Kakashi asked.

"The stealth specialist," Daisuke replied. "Jutsu's are dangerous and all, but they take time to cast and the most danger I was ever in was because a stealth specialist shanked me from behind. I'm not taking my eyes off of him until he's dead."

And so, the lesson went. Daisuke had seemingly learned the ever-important lesson of relying on your teammates to patch the holes in your skill-set and use them to improve. Hisako and Nichiren had used him to train their Taijutsu ever-since they were put on a team together and now, with tactics and strategy, Nichiren and Hisako can repay the favor. It almost brought a tear to Kakashi's eye.

But eventually, the lesson was concluded and they started combat training. Not just one field, but combat in general. His Genin were at a point where just training one specific field didn't help them as much as it did to start tying all of their unique skills into a cohesive whole. Hisako and Nichiren sparred and that left him to sparring with Daisuke.

Sparring with Daisuke, as had become expected, was becoming increasingly difficult. If Kakashi had to guess, he would say that his Genin had broken from the mid B-rank Shinobi that he was to high A-rank since their C-rank mission. To be expected, really.

It was disgusting to Kakashi that Daisuke's bloodline flat-out rewarded him for going off on his own. All the kills Daisuke had scored in the sewers had made him significantly more powerful indeed, but that encouraged Daisuke to hog all of the combat to himself and was utterly antithetical to teamwork. In all honestly, Kakashi felt a little foolish that Daisuke himself had to point out his problem, as the emphasis on teamwork was going against Daisuke's very nature.

Little wonder that, prior to the that, he seemed extraordinarily resistant to the tactics that he, himself, had asked for.

But now, something had changed. He was asking his teammates for advice. Somewhat reluctantly, like he was afraid of the answer, but he did. It was still clearly Daisuke, they all knew that. The sparring revealed that in his blocks and counters, the erratic and unpredictable fighting style that was almost impossible to copy without the Sharingan. But something had changed.

He wasn't sure what it was. But he liked it. Because now Daisuke was trying. It made him happy.

Of course, he still had much to learn and Kakashi felt the need to point this out. So, when Daisuke made to punch Kakashi in the head, Kakashi ducked and jumped backwards. Earth Release: Four Crushing Pillars!

It was Daisuke's own jutsu, made as a spectacle piece for all of the clan heirs. Daisuke looked alarmed as the four pillars rose up from the ground and rushed to him, successfully pinning him before he could do anything.

Kakashi had only guessed at the name. He wasn't even sure Daisuke named his jutsu, for he was always silent when casting them. But that was the end of the sparring match, as Kakashi brought his hand up. "That's the end of it."

Daisuke groaned in irritation and broke the pillars into a thousand different pieces with what he assumed was a modified version of his exploding punches. Kakashi himself had only seen it in Tsunade of the Sannin before, but was entirely glad that Daisuke had cracked it – he suspected that it was what kept Daisuke alive through all the danger he's faced.

"You copied my jutsu?" Daisuke looked annoyed. None of the hurt that usually came with copying a friends jutsu, just annoyed.

"Well," Kakashi gave him an eye-smile. "You can't expect me to ignore a source of expertly prepared jutsu, can you?"

Daisuke sighed. "I guess not."

"It's just another way to rely on my team," Kakashi continued, wrapping an arm around his should. "Strategy."

"It makes sense, Sensei," Daisuke replied with a frown. "It's just annoying, is all. How many jutsu have you copied from me?"

"Not a lot," Kakashi replied. "None of the mixed element types, certainly. If you don't mind me asking, how, uh…long, have you been able to mix elements like that?"

Because that was valuable. It was so valuable, it had the Hokage shaking in his seat and salivating all over his pipe. Metaphorically, of course.

"Not too long," Daisuke shrugged. "It's not the only one I'll be able to use either."

"Will you be able to use Wood Release?" Kakashi asked, so thoroughly done questioning the over powered nature of Daisuke's bloodline and just going with the flow.

"Probably," Daisuke shrugged. "Should I?"

"Yes," Kakashi nodded vigorously. "Yes, you absolutely should."

"Okay," Daisuke nodded. "Why?"

Kakashi blinked. "Why are you asking?"

"Because I'm unsure of what Wood Release does that can't be done better by other bloodlines," Daisuke shrugged with a frown. "Earth-release takes care of barriers, Storm-release can eliminate pretty much anything and water element takes care of stealth, if I got my guess right...I'll need to verify that later, actually…"

Kakashi took a breath as Daisuke trailed off into his own thoughts. "…I'm guessing you don't care about how the Shodai Hokage forested the entire land of fire?"

"Not in the slightest," Daisuke frowned. "I prefer to burn things down, not build them up."

"If the mission calls for a hostage, wood release can grab and restrain the target," Kakashi stated, almost entirely sure that wouldn't be quite what he wanted to hear since, after all, Daisuke thrives on bringing about death.

"So can Earth Release…" Daisuke blinked. "Oh. Heh, might as well."

"You should talk to the Hokage about this," Kakashi nodded, again pleasantly surprised. "He knows about every element release seen in the elemental nations."

"I don't think he'd have time to see me whenever I had a question," Daisuke frowned, folding his arms.

"He has time," Kakashi replied. "He'll make time."

"Do I have too?"

"You do now, yes."

"So, he's started asking us what we think," Nichiren said before slurping down some noodles. "Like, legitimately. Then he listens! Or at least he tries. Did you say anything to him?"

"No," Ayame shook her head with an intrigued look on her face. "Sounds like he's making some changes, though."

"Good ones," Nichiren agreed with a nod. "I wonder what finally got through to him."

"Maybe he's just learning?" Ayame said with a smile.

"You know what? I think that's it," Nichiren was smiling too. "I didn't think it's possible, but he's actually learning."

It was late in the afternoon. Save for Nichiren and Ayame, the ramen stand was empty. Nichiren would forever be grateful that he glimpsed the Hokage and Naruto walking out of it all of those months ago. He got the location for the best ramen in Konoha and made a fantastic friend in Ayame, someone to bounce ideas off of, talk about his teams increasingly functional dynamics with, among other things.

"Nichiren-senpai?" Nichiren looked up with a mouthful of noodles and saw Yamanaka Ino, having just came out of a bow of greeting with her hands folded in front of her.

Nichiren slurped the noodles in. "Ino-chan. What can I do for you?"

"Well," Ino took a seat. "I just had a question. Or two."

"Sure," Nichiren nodded. "Ino, this is Ichiraku Ayame, she could probably help out too."

"Nice to meet you, Ino-chan," Ayame respectfully bowed to her new patron. "Can I get you anything?"

Ino looked over her choices on the menu above. "Can I get a bowl of the miso?"

"That'll be fifty ryo," Ayame replied and upon taking the correct amount, she dished up her customer's bowl. "Enjoy."

"Thank you," Ino nodded, breaking her sticks and taking a noodle-full into her mouth. Her eyes went wide as the taste of divine noodles hit her tongue. She quickly finished the mouthful and turned toward her server. "This is amazing!"

"Thank you," Ayame smiled. "It's our family recipe."

"It's delicious," Ino chirped happily. "Have you had any Akimichi customers?"

"Nope," Ayame shook her head with a smile. "I suppose it's for the best, though. I don't think they'd ever stop bothering Dad for it once they've had some."

"No kidding," Ino said with a smile.

"It's pretty good," Nichiren replied. "So what was your question?"

Ino took a moment to savor the mouthful as well as consider what she wanted to ask. She swallowed the noodle goodness before she opened her mouth to speak. "Are Hisako and Daisuke an item?"

"Nope," Nichiren felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as a new sense of wariness. Powerful though his friend was, he had no skill at politics and potential exploitation of that was to be guarded against. "You have an interest?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" Ino asked with a frown. "He saved my life, twice if you count disinfecting my arm after it was dragged through the muck, he's loyal to the point where he dove into a dangerous situation to save Naruto and his jutsu are awesome."

Nichiren mulled over this, his face still neutral. The first two reasons sounded sincere and were good reason to have an interest in someone. It was the third one that made that feeling of wariness increase. Daisuke was politically valuable and Nichiren didn't know the clans well enough to gage whether this was some kind of ploy. There was also Hisako to consider. She had made her interest clear to both boys and she was equally Nichiren's friend.

"He…just hasn't noticed," Ino sighed deeply. "Simply flirting just goes over his head and while I respect Hisako-senpai deeply…I want Daisuke-senpai for myself."

"Well, the first thing you need to know, and don't take this the wrong way," Nichiren started. "Daisuke's disdain for politics is only matched by his inability to participate. So if you got put up to this…I'd back off."

Ino blinked and frowned slightly. Then she sighed. "I suppose the suspicion is fair…but you should know that I hold all six of you, Cell 13 and Cell 9, in the highest regard. I'd never try to manipulate any one of you for personal of familial gain. That would be very poor thanks for saving my life."

Nichiren actually felt a little guilty. "Sorry, Ino-chan. I didn't mean to accuse you of being ungrateful, I'm just looking out for Daisuke."

"And I respect that," Ino said. "It shows how tight your friendship is, that you're willing to defend him. But I promise…my interest is genuine."

She's been given lessons in diplomacy, Nichiren thought to himself. "Alright. So I'm assuming you want to know how to get around his thick-headedness?"

"I'm also kind of curious as to why Hisako and Daisuke aren't dating," Ino replied, grabbing another bundle of noodles in her chopsticks. "She's been very blatant with her interest so I ended up thinking they had something…is Daisuke that…dense?"

Nichiren sighed. "Yes and no. Daisuke found out about her crush on him by eavesdropping on a conversation and he shut her down."

"Can I ask why?" Ino requested, her eyebrow raised and her arms folded in front of her.

I wonder if this could get her to drop it like a sane person, Nichiren thought to himself. "He said his lack of social awareness would make him a poor boyfriend. In all honestly, I think he's got a point."

"Really?" Ino blinked. "Huh."

"I didn't think he had it in him either," Nichiren wryly stated. "Self-awareness is usually beyond him."

"He's not that bad," Ayame argued. "He's been getting better, too."

"I guess," Nichiren frowned. "But still."

"I don't think it's that big of an issue," Ino shrugged. "But…Hisako's been flirting with him like that after he shut her down?"

"Yeah," Nichiren raised his eyebrow.

"That's…a little disrespectful of his wishes," Ino frowned, stirring her noodles.

"Weren't you part of the Sasuke fan-club that he clearly despises?" Nichiren asked with a smirk. "And kept trying to get his attention even when he made it clear of his disinterest?"

"That's diff-" Ino almost snapped hotly, before turning back to her noodles and stirring them with her chopsticks with a grunt.

Nichiren did a little dance in his head, having come a step closer to preventing an all-out war that Daisuke would be caught in the middle.

"…I thought he was just playing hard to get for the most part," Ino offered her weak justification. "I didn't think he actually wasn't interested. Besides, Sasuke wasn't really what I thought he was."

"What'd you think he was?" Ayame asked with a slight frown.

"A cool, competent shinobi who could beat anyone," Ino replied. "He's not cool…he lost it twice in the sewers. Never saw him do that before. But Daisuke? Not only saved us, but kept fighting even after being stabbed through the back and didn't even flinch when part of his skin was burned off after he spent time in the giant fish-man's gullet."

"…I don't he actually feels pain," Nichiren said with a slight frown. "Not physical pain, anyway."

"Cool," Ino muttered.

"But anyway, Daisuke will probably shut you down for the same reason he shut Hisako down," Ayame said, stirring a pot of noodles in thought. "And that's really considerate of him, but I don't think he should stop himself from getting into a relationship because of his disability."

"You're not helping," Nichiren hissed quietly.

"I'm just saying," Ayame shrugged. "I think that once he turns Chunin he should suck it up and ask either Ino or Hisako on a date."

"Preferably me," Ino said. "But I don't know how to make it so he, at very least thinks of me in that way. More than Hisako-senpai, anyway."

Ayame took a breath. "Well, honestly, I would just be his friend right now. Get to know him a little bit better and decide if you really like him or if you're just grateful he saved your life."

"But I do like him," Ino protested.

"What do you have in common?" Ayame asked with a raised eyebrow.

Ino grumbled again, turning to her noodles. "I don't know, that's why I want to date him."

"Fair enough," Ayame shrugged, turning a burner up. "It's a good starter, anyway."

"What does Daisuke like, anyway?" Ino asked with a thoughtful frown.

"Fighting and killing," Nichiren nodded. "To hear him say it, he's built himself to plunge into the darkest pit of despair and fight his way out."

"Okay, what else does he like?" Ino frowned. "That can't be the only things he likes."

"He told me he's been practicing with a guitar," Ayame replied. "I think he can play a song or two."

"Senpai plays guitar?" Ino's hands clasped together and she had this starry look in her eyes. "That's so dreamy-"

"Just a song or two," Ayame cut her off. "I don't know how good he is at playing those songs either."

"And knowing Daisuke, the songs have probably been weaponized," Nichiren stated with a firm nod.

"Why does he like killing so much?" Ino asked, frowning deeply. "That's not…healthy. I mean, he told us it's how he gets power but…"

"There's a specific power level he's working towards," Ayame answered. "When he gets that one, his social disability will disappear."

Ino's head turned. "So…he doesn't so much enjoy the combat so much as he's desperately climbing toward a goal he's probably wanted his entire life."

"That's the impression I've gotten," Nichiren replied with a frown.

"He's fighting and killing so he can actually understand society," Ino repeated to herself. "That's really poetic. I like it."

Nichiren groaned to himself. Chasing her off is not going according to plan. Well…at least I can tell Hisako I tried and hope I survive the reprisal.

"But…Daisuke so rarely comes to social functions and I need a way to actually spend time with him," Ino explained with a frown. "As a friend, since that's likely my best way in."

"Daisuke likes it when people are blunt," Nichiren sensed an opportunity. "Best way is to go ask him when you see him. Or go to his apartment and ask him to an outing as friends. Or something."

Ino groaned. "I know that would work, but that looks horrible. The political sharks would frenzy."

Checkmate, Nichiren was smugly nodding to himself. "So maybe you should wait until his issue is fixed like Hisako?"

And then Daisuke understands people, he asks Hisako to marry him on the spot due to her devotion and they end up with a family of adorable little psychopaths that call me Uncle, Nichiren thought to himself. Hisako doesn't murder me for not chasing Ino off and everything is happy. It's the perfect plan.

"Well, Hisako-senpai's not waiting," Ino frowned. "So neither will I."

Nichiren mentally groaned several foul cursing's to himself in rapid succession. "Okay."

"So, it sounds like you'll need to run into him," Ayame nodded her head.

"Does he leave his apartment for anything not a mission or training?" Ino asked with a frown.

"I have seen him go to the bookstore on more than one occasion," Ayame replied.

"He likes books?" Ino blinked.

"From what I've seen, he reads incessantly," Ayame replied. "I've also seen him go on runs around Konoha in the middle of the night."

"Does he have trouble sleeping?" Ino asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He doesn't actually need to sleep," Ayame replied. "I think he just gets bored."

I'm doomed, Nichiren thought, wanting to slam his head into the counter but refraining because he didn't want to break his glasses.

"Which bookstore?" Ino asked.

"That one," Ayame pointed across the street to the corner. "I don't know what he reads, but he's there a couple times a week."

"Thank you, Ayame-chan!" Ino stood up and bowed. "I'm going to come here once a week! Maybe more!"

"Glad to hear it," Ayame nodded.

Ino bolted from the ramen stand, leaving Ayame and Nichiren alone. Nichiren was breathing deeply to see what he just witnessed.

"Why?" Nichiren asked finally. "Would you do that?"

"I think Daisuke deserves every chance at happiness he can get," Ayame shrugged. "Besides, you and I know he's in a lot of emotional pain."

"But why would you give Hisako competition?" Nichiren asked, his voice a slightly higher octave. "Do you have any idea what she looks like when she's angry? If she finds out, I'm dead!"

"Well, considering you're all on a team, a relationship between the two of them is the last thing they need," Ayame shrugged and turned off another burner. "Besides, he needs more social contact and I really doubt it'll change anything if Hisako and Daisuke are meant to get together. And she's not going to kill you. You're cute when you're nervous, but relax. From what I know, she thrives on competition."

"Still," Nichiren frowned. "I don't look forward to the war I think is brewing right now."

"Enough," Hiashi said, standing up. The Hyuuga training dojo had only two occupants in the paper walls, the guards being stationed on the outside. "You've improved remarkably, daughter."

"Th-thank you, Father," Hinata was panting heavily, but she still straightened up.

Hiashi, honestly, was fit to be tied. Following her abduction and fight for her life, it was like Hinata had a fire lit inside her. She tried to overcome the challenges put before her now, as opposed to shrink from them in a misguided notion that she simply could not do them. A fear of herself that had no place in her, it was not entirely gone, but being worked away.

He had also, on deeper reflection, noted that stating what she did well helped her morale considerably. "You've grown faster and more precise in your attacks. You still have yet to accurately pin-point my chakra points, however, and you should train to cross this threshold."

It was unlikely she would be able to see chakra points for another few years yet, Hiashi knew, but it never hurt to push.

"I will continue to train," She was still panting. "To see Chakra points."

"That is all," Hiashi stated. "Please join your sister and I for lunch."

Hinata nodded and they moved out of the dojo, passing assorted branch family members that gave them respectful bows and main family members that gave Hiashi formal nods.

Hanabi, the younger of Hiashi's daughter, was already seated at the table, and she rose when the two entered. "Father. I see that the training has gone well."

"That it has," Hiashi replied. He was forever grateful that he was not at risk of either of his daughters being branded with the caged bird seal. The issue of twins was an…anomaly that had cost his family much. But since there was a clear several years' gap between them, it was irrelevant.

They all sat down to eat. They were waited on by several branch members as they ate. Eventually, they finished their meal.

"Hanabi, if you'd leave us," Hiashi requested. Or ordered.

"Yes, Father," Hanabi stood and bowed before exiting.

"So, Hinata," Hiashi started.

"Yes, Father?" Hinata asked, still a little nervous, but not to the insane lengths she used to be.

"Tell me, have you made any friends since you started the academy?" Hiashi was merely using this as a lead-in to the real question, something he had been meaning to talk about.

"I…I've made some," Hinata spoke softly. "Inuzuka Kiba and Aburame Shino are both really nice."

"Oh," Hiashi nodded to himself. "Any prospects there?"

Hinata blushed a bright pink. "…no?"

"Then who, might I ask, have you taken to following around for days on end?" Hiashi asked with a slight frown as he lifted a cup of water to his lips.

Hinata's reply, a few minutes in the making, was muttered so quietly and demurely that Hiashi couldn't read the answer on her lips.

"Come again?"

"…U-Uzumaki Naruto," Hinata said, loudly, but with a squeak.

Hiashi stopped, looking at his cup.


This…was surprising.

"Why?" Hiashi.

"He…he doesn't give up," Hinata was bright red now. "Ever. He just keeps trying at everything."

The truth for that was up for debate, but this was interesting. Hiashi supposed he should've payed closer attention to Hinata's personal habits to have known this sooner. But alas, now he knew. Hiashi found this interesting. The rest of the Clan Elders were hung up on Shimoda, but Hiashi had reservations on marrying one of his daughters to the bloodthirsty Genin. There was no guarantee that his bloodline was inheritable to begin with, since it may have more in common with the Wood release and not be inheritable…they'd be muddling the Byakugan for no real return. That, and he was bloodthirsty with no sense of self-preservation. Hard to keep a clan together without a patriarch.

But Senju, which Uzumaki was a part of by virtue of his parentage, was inheritable. Though it was seldom known and never discussed, the Byakugan was very good at finding secrets, better than perhaps even the Hokage knew. But this was never pressed for favors, as blackmailing the Hokage only had one outcome, and that was extinction.

And, provided that Shimoda maintained this friendship with Uzumaki, which was likely, and it turns out that Shimoda's bloodline was indeed inheritable, they would have an automatic in. It was a simple plan. And all he had to do to set it in motion was speak four simple words.

"You have my blessing," Hiashi nodded.

Hinata's eyes went wide in shock. She started to stutter out a reply, now red as she could possibly be.

"Hinata," Hiashi cut her off. "Breathe."

She took a deep breath.

"You have my blessing," Hiashi repeated. "Please, continue to associate with him."

"I-I-I…uh," Hinata barely avoided pushing her fingers together in her traditional nervous tick. "Y-yes, Father."

Hiashi masterfully suppressed a grin. While he was partially certain that his daughter had never even spoken a word to the Jinchūriki due to her inherent shyness, she had confidence now. Well, she wasn't as anxious as she used to be. That had to be enough. It might take a while, but that she had his blessing had to hopefully alleviate some of the anxiety behind it.
