Chapter 739

NASA's press conference, like a bomb thrown into the lake, has aroused strong international repercussions.

BFR super rocket with low earth orbit carrying capacity of 550 tons!

Ares plans to launch a life support unit to Mars in a month!

You are not our match at all!

There are three messages in director Carson's speech, either of which makes the North American media fall into a collective high tide.

Many media, such as the New York Times, used to swear at NASA's inaction in the current political forum some time ago, but now they turn their guns in an instant, singing praises for ares plan and spcae-x.

Space is the future of the earth and the pride of Americans.

Once they defeated the aggressive Soviet Union on the moon, and now the rise of China is gradually challenging their hegemony. Any American who is proud of that era will not turn a blind eye to it.

Curse NASA's inaction not because of hate, but because of anger! Give away the advantages of half a century!

Now NASA, which has not made much progress, has finally made a hard one. The Americans who are paying attention to the progress of Ares plan will not curse them any more, so they have offered them flowers and applause happily.

Chinese people on the moon?

Sharing our unique glory?

Sorry, that's what we've been playing with since the 1960s. Now our goal is to go further to Mars!

It's a place you can't even get on the detector!

After NASA's press conference, space-x, blue origin and other new generation high-tech aerospace enterprises also held press conferences, showing their unique skills in the field of aerospace.

For example, Musk's BFR super rocket is testing the BFS manned spacecraft. Another example is the blue origin of the be-4 rocket engine, as well as the powerful escape system.

In addition, many medical enterprises have come out to join in the activity. For example, Johnson & Johnson Group announced that it is carrying out a special project called "cryo release agent", which aims to prevent the cell liquid from freezing and puncturing the cell membrane at low temperature.

The project is jointly supported by the U.S. Department of health and NASA, and exists as a subproject of the frozen dormancy module project jointly developed by NASA and Spaceworks.

The market value of numerous Aerospace concept enterprises is soaring all the way, and the whole North America seems to be in a carnival. Countless people can't help dreaming back to that night 60 years ago.

That year, Yuri Gagarin entered space on board Oriental 1. Seven years later, they left the Soviet behind and set foot on the moon

Just as the North American media reported on ares plan and cheered on NASA's action, the British media BBC also reported on NASA's press conference.

Compared with the craze of North American media, the BBC reports from a relatively objective point of view, or the view of watching.

After all, the space race is a contest between the United States and China, which has nothing to do with Britain. And even if they have the idea to participate, they are not allowed to participate.

In contrast to the enthusiasm of the North American media, after NASA's press conference, the Chinese media is still at the moment.

The official media received documents that publicized the manned landing on the moon and the spirit of hard work. However, no one expected that this happened at this stage.

Is this a true report? Or when you don't see it?

If it is reported truthfully, it will undoubtedly cast a shadow over the national cohesion just rising because of the success of manned landing on the moon. However, if you don't see it, it seems a little too small.

Or add a quick scrolling line at the bottom of today's question?

In any case, it's not up to major TV stations and newspapers to decide.

Sure enough, I'd better ask the superior for instructions!

With the silence of the mainstream media, the new media naturally seized this opportunity and stood on the air outlet of the propaganda front.

The US will implement the Ares program next month. 42 Raptor engines, with a vacuum thrust of 138 meganewtons, can be reused for more than 1000 times. In terms of thrust and low earth orbit delivery capacity, they are more than one order of magnitude higher than the Xiangrui. ]

[reality is the loudest slap in the face. Americans tell us with practical actions that the way of chemical propulsion has never left the stage of history and is impossible in the future. The liquid oxygen methane engine with full flow staged combustion cycle is still the preferred propulsion scheme for interplanetary travel, which is now mature and will be used to colonize Mars. ]

[in fact, we can think about a very simple question. If electric propulsion is good enough, why do Americans still adhere to the technical route of chemical propulsion? It's not that they can't, it's that they don't think it's necessary. ]【…… Because of the arrogance of some people, because of the selfishness of a vested interest, the long-5 rocket died on the drawings before it was born. The so-called victory achieved by Xiangrui not only magnified our complacency, but also locked the future of China's aerospace industry in a narrow Earth Moon system. ]

[you know, the idea of overtaking on a curve is good, but technology can't be tricked ]

once the article was published, it soon got tens of thousands of likes, and was reprinted to Weibo and self media by screenshots.

Although this article seems to be biased in the eyes of the insiders, it quickly resonates with a large number of people in this pessimistic atmosphere because of its inflammatory words and subjective value orientation.

We are losing the competition.

We are losing our future by giving up chemical propulsion.

Although the Yankee rocket will be launched next month, many people have lost their heart