Chapter 748

North America, Florida.

On the central launch pad of Cape Canaveral Air Force Base stands a super rocket that is 32 stories tall.

On the side of the rocket are the American flag, the Nasa badge, the space-x logo, and the BFR. At the same time, in order to take care of several wealthy financial owners, there are several investment banks sponsored by Wall Street under these signs.

It took almost a month for such a huge rocket to reach Cape Canaveral Air Force base and complete its assembly. It took another week to prepare for the final launch.

Now, the life support unit has been loaded with rockets, and all the preparations are ready. Finally, it's the beginning of the expedition. A pair of eyes from the direction of the audience cast, countless people are looking forward to the arrival of this moment.

The countdown to the ignition will start soon.

With the end of the countdown to ten seconds, the thick smoke suddenly spread.

42 Raptor engines consume the liquid oxygen and methane in the fuel chamber at a terrifying speed, providing the whole spacecraft with a terrifying take-off thrust of 128 meganewtons, pushing the 100 meter long rocket slowly away from the launch frame and launch platform, and speeding towards the blue sky.

The roar of the engine was like the roar of a great beast.

This behemoth is called chemical propulsion.

Combined with the most advanced liquid oxygen methane propulsion technology, this giant beast once again showed the world its strong arms

Looking at this scene from a distance through a telescope, Musk's mouth was raised, he put down his telescope and handed it to his assistant, looked at director Carson, who was still staring at the distant cigarette post, and said with a smile.

"I said, there's nothing to worry about. We have the best aerospace technology R & D team in the world and the richest launch experience. You just need to wait for the Jiebao to be uploaded from the desert 60 million kilometers away."

"I hope it's the best news," said director Carson after putting down the telescope on the bridge of his nose. "What about the BFS? Are you ready? "

If the life support unit goes well on the surface of Mars, the three chosen lucky ones will embark in June to embark on the greatest expedition in human history.

As a supporting facility of BFR super rocket, BFS spacecraft will play an equally important role in the whole ares plan, which is to send astronauts to Mars safely.

Musk: we don't use the BFS

Director Carson looked at musk and said, "but what you said in the PPT is..."

Musk smiled and waved his hand: "it's a 100 person carrier. When we use it, it's the last stage of Ares's plan. Just send three astronauts up. We'll use a smaller, more stable and reliable vehicle. What's its name? "

Director Carson: " What's its name? "

"The heart of gold!"

Director Carson hesitated before he realized the old man.

"Galaxy roaming guide?"

If he doesn't remember the book wrong, it's probably called that. It's just that the golden heart in the novel is not a chemical propulsion, but a "infinite non probability drive" that makes people confused. Theoretically, it can reach any corner of the universe in an instant.

There was a smile on Musk's face.

"Yes, glass Adams's science fiction masterpiece, I intend to make it the first manned spacecraft to fly to Mars!"

Director Carson smiled and shook his head.

“…… I think it's more appropriate to choose a name with a more profound sense of history. "

"History is written by people," Musk said, dismissively. "When we succeed, there will be a sense of historical heaviness or anything else."

While they were talking, a deafening cheer broke out not far away.

Standing there are people from all walks of life invited by NASA, representatives of civil society, and journalists from major media companies. At the moment, everyone's face is full of excitement.

In this cheering, the BFR rocket carrying the life support unit sped toward Mars more than 60 million kilometers away. A month would be enough time for him to land on the surface of Mars without accident.

Standing at the designated shooting location, excited reporters have finished shooting the rocket take-off. They are fiddling with the camera while leaving the launch center.

They can't wait to get back to their work computers and start editing tomorrow's headlines.

Wait until after today.

The whole world will be shocked by the achievements of America


The news of BFR rocket's successful launch made the headlines of the next day's news without any suspense.

According to NASA's report, the golden heart spacecraft carrying the life support unit has successfully accelerated to the second space speed and is leaving the Earth Moon system for the new world.Once again, the United States has shown the world its ambition and strength in the field of aerospace. At the same time, relevant reports have also been swiped on major newspapers, TV news and talk shows.

As one of the protagonists in Ares' plan, space-x's share price began to rise uncontrollably after a brief shock.

According to a financial practitioner working on Wall Street, the launch plan brings not only billions of dollars of direct income to space-x, but also billions or even tens of billions of dollars of market value growth to US stocks.

Considering the expansion of the electric vehicle market due to the innovation of lithium sulfur battery and controllable fusion technology, it may not be long before Musk's name can be promoted to the top 10 of the world rich list.

At the same time, with the successful launch of BFR rocket, the critical voice of domestic public opinion on the lunar orbiting space station has become increasingly strong.

Many people even jump out and say that this project worth tens of billions is doomed to failure from the very beginning, and it is a success. It is of no use except for its luster.

I didn't even notice what those people said. After I came back from Beijing, I didn't have a day off.

The core difficulty of building a space station in lunar orbit lies in how to transfer the completed space station components from the ground to lunar orbit.

At present, there is nothing but star technology that can do this job.

So it's no exaggeration to say that he is the only one to win the competition.

In the conference room of Jinling Institute of higher research and Institute of space technology, a conference on lunar orbit engineering is in progress.

“…… If we want to complete the construction of the lunar orbiting space station, we need to throw at least 500 tons of heavy objects into the lunar orbit, "looking at the concept map on the screen, the land boat lightly points the desktop with a ballpoint pen," and this is only the most basic phase of the project, and there are at least 2000 tons of orders waiting for us, we must maximize our transportation capacity. "

The project manager of the lunar orbiting space station shall settle the launch cost of star science and technology according to the kilogram, and the payment shall be settled once every half a year. Because it is a key project directly under the central government, there is no common problem of project payment default in local infrastructure projects, so it is quite convenient to find a bank to apply for loans.

Although the project has not yet started, landship has applied for a loan of 50 billion yuan from the four major banks. Some of the money will be used for the construction of the new auspicious space shuttle and the other for the research and development of new space transportation tools.

At this point, the boat stopped for a moment and went on.

"I think we can study a spacecraft specifically designed to travel between the Earth Moon transfer orbit and the geosynchronous orbit."

The conference room opened to a whisper of discussion.

The idea of building a spacecraft to and fro between the Earth Moon transfer orbit and the geosynchronous orbit is so avantgarde that many experts who have worked in this field for decades cannot make up their minds.

Hou Guang frowned, thought for a moment and said, "you mean Xiangrui is used to complete the transportation from the earth's surface to the synchronous orbit, and then the space capsule to be transported is transferred to a special spacecraft to complete the transportation from the low earth orbit to the moon orbit? "

The boat nodded. "Yes."

"Theoretically, it is feasible, but there may be a lot of technical risks in the stage of goods transfer," Hou said

Lu Zhou continued with a smile: "spaceflight itself is full of risks. Every orbit change is an adventure. Appropriate risks are worth taking. If it can be done, we can not only upgrade the carrying capacity of the Earth Moon transfer orbit to a higher level, but also outsource the launch mission from the surface to the synchronous orbit to other qualified space companies to share our costs. "

After listening to the idea of Lu Zhou, Hou Guang fell into silence and said after a long time.

"I'll go back to research and give you a detailed report by tomorrow evening."

The boat nodded its head solemnly.

"Well, it's up to you."

This kind of thing is not able to make a simple decision in the meeting itself. He just has a brain opening and a mouth moving. The experts in charge of specific issues may have to break their legs.

However, Hou Guang didn't directly deny his idea, or even said that it was feasible in theory, so the question should not be very big. At least, the trade-off between the advantages and disadvantages made the big bull in the space field a little bit excited.

The meeting continued until noon.

After the meeting, Lu Zhou went to the canteen of Jinling Institute of higher learning and was about to finish the barbecue and find a corner to sit and eat. A phone call went to his mobile phone.

Glanced at the screen and saw that it was director Li who called. Lu Zhou pressed the connect button, put the mobile phone to his ear and didn't want to speak.

"Hello? What's up? "

Director Li at the other end of the phone did not exchange greetings. He was serious and said only one word."American BFR rocket launched!"