Chapter 750

Aerospace Technology Group.

In the workshop of Jinmen Aerospace City, a huge cylindrical core cabin is parked in the center of the workshop.

About to start the last inspection day before, engineers of the Fifth Institute are carrying out routine safety inspection on the completed equipment in the core cabin.

After checking the circuit of the core cabin door, it can be opened and closed normally after confirming the password. Sun Yuanpei, wearing a safety helmet, raised his arm and rubbed his forehead, grinned and chatted with another engineer nearby.

“…… Professor Lu, chief designer of the moon orbit construction committee, is really covering up the sky

Zhao Xianpu didn't look up to do the work. He grunted, "isn't it?"

In a word, the launch plan was arranged at the end of the month, and they, who were still resting on weekends, immediately came to the unit.

Sun Yuanpei shook his head and said, "sometimes I don't understand what this guy thinks. Is it not good to be an old man in the field of controllable fusion, honest and honest? It's said that this guy resigned from the position of director of the executive center of the nuclear fusion energy program, and the position of chief engineer of East Asia electric power was also given to others. He came here to engage in aerospace with determination It's not insane. "

In his view, no matter how the aerospace industry develops, the future will certainly not match the soaring controllable nuclear fusion.

What's more, just looking at the engineers of controllable nuclear fusion technology and East Asia electric power, how many national interests China has won in the international arena, will be enough to meet the bright future of this industry.

However, Professor Lu seems to be blind to all this. After completing the research of controlled fusion, he is like throwing away a toy that has been tired of playing, and putting all this aside.

In the eyes of most researchers, this is not only unimaginable, but also incomprehensible.

Didn't it take so long to taste the fruits of the final victory?

When it's time to pick fruit, it's really amazing to get out.

Zhao Xianpu straightened the helmet on his head and closed the line protection cover on the bulkhead.

"The devil knows what he thinks."

At this time, a slightly younger engineer next to him put in a word and said, "maybe he is different from us?"

Sun Yuanpei curled his mouth: "two noses and one eye, what's the difference?"

At this time, footsteps came from the outside of the factory building, and the three people immediately began to chat.

Not long ago, Zheng Xiangdong, deputy general manager of AVIC group, and Academician Yuan Huanming, chief engineer, followed a group of people into the plant.

When he came to sun Yuanpei, Academician Yuan looked at the eye core cabin and then asked him.

"Is the inspection complete?"

"It's finished. There's no problem with the lines." Sun Yuanpei immediately straightened his back and handed the old man the form with a hook in his hand.

After taking a look at the form, Academician Yuan nodded, then looked at the director of the space station system of the Fifth Academy behind him.

"Let's start the test."


Director Zhang nodded and immediately followed suit.

Originally, the test was scheduled two days later, but because the next launch is ready for starsky technology, and the space agency is pressing hard, all the work has been advanced.

However, as a space station project engineer, sun Yuanpei is not worried. The design of the core cabin of the Moon Palace can be said to be based on the most advanced technology of the whole aviation science and technology group and improved on the basis of the core cabin of the Moon Palace.

Soon, the core cabin was sent to a vacuum chamber and suspended by four cables. As the gas in the vacuum chamber is gradually evacuated, the whole core cabin has been in an environment similar to outer space.

Then the Engineer in charge of the operation pressed the start button, and all the equipment on the core cabin except the solar panel was started. At the same time, the operation of each component and various physical parameters were all reflected on the screen of the console.

"All parts operate normally!"

Standing next to Academician Yuan, Zheng Xiangdong, vice president of aviation science and technology group, breathed a sigh of relief and stretched a smile.

At this time, however, Academician Yuan beside him frowned slightly.

“…… Something's wrong. "

Just put down the heart for a short time and hung up again, Zheng Xiangdong immediately looked at Academician Yuan and asked.

"Where not?"

Academician Yuan didn't answer directly, he said after a silence.

"Look again."

Zheng Xiangdong said nervously, "don't scare me..."

The launch mission will begin at the end of the month. If something goes wrong at this juncture, he can't bear the responsibility.

Academician Yuan did not speak, and his eyes were still locked on the screen.

Seeing that the big man didn't continue to talk, Zheng Xiangdong felt a little relaxed.

Maybe it's a mistake, maybe?So comforted himself, he set his mind and continued to look at the screen on the console.

Ten minutes

Twenty minutes

Until half an hour later, the change finally happened.

Only the temperature curve of components fluctuated upward, and finally showed an obvious upward trend. According to the prediction of temperature time function, the temperature of the whole core cabin is rising rapidly. After 24 hours, it will reach a critical value. The antenna control element will be shut down first because of overheating.

Looking at this scene, a drop of cold sweat slipped past sun Yuanpei's forehead.

At the same time, a terrible word came to his mind.

Heat build up!

According to the current trend of temperature rise in spacecraft, the total heat production of the core cabin has obviously exceeded the cooling load of the thermal control system.

Not only sun Yuanpei saw this, but other engineers and researchers in the laboratory also noticed something wrong.

The first to respond was Academician Yuan, who made a quick decision.

"End the experiment! Introduce protective gas. "


The engineers in the laboratory were busy quickly.

With the opening of the airlock and the influx of nitrogen into the vacuum chamber, the power supply of each component is turned off one after another, and the working temperature of the core chamber finally drops.

However, none of the engineers in the lab showed a relaxed expression.

Especially director Zhang, who is standing in front of the console, and engineer sun Yuanpei, who is in charge of the space station project, all have pale faces at the moment.


Even though he didn't understand the technical problems, vice president Zheng Xiangdong also saw something wrong from the atmosphere at the scene and asked Academician Yuan standing next to him.

"What happened?!"

Academician Yuan frowned tightly, then shook his head and said briefly.

"There's a big problem."

Although he didn't take the whole spacecraft apart, he had already seen a general idea.

Obviously, the problem lies in the loop heat pipe in the core cabin.

This kind of loop heat pipe is usually used as the cooling system of spacecraft. Through evaporation and condensation fluid, the heat is transferred from electronic equipment to the heat sink, which is released in the form of thermal radiation.

If there's a problem with this part, even if other components are designed perfectly, it's a free match!

Now there are only two ways to solve this problem. One is to remove the whole loop heat pipe and redesign it. In order to reduce the total heat value of the whole spacecraft, it is necessary to simplify or even dismantle some high heat equipment at the expense of spacecraft performance.

However, the problem is that this thing is not a working module, nor an experimental module, nor a node module, but the core module of the whole "Moon Palace" space station! Its significance is the same as that of the international space station's "dawn" functional cargo compartment.

Even if they want to remove some high heat equipment, there is no extra thing to remove.

However, if the whole loop heat pipe is removed and the heat dissipation system is redesigned, it means not only that the cost of billions of RMB has gone down, but also that the whole moon orbit space station plan has to be affected.

When he heard that "there was a big trouble", vice president Zheng felt that his hands and feet were cold, and sweat gradually seeped out of his forehead.

The next mission is at the end of the month.

Now the core cabin is ready to go to heaven, but I didn't expect that something went wrong at the critical time.

If it's common, the problems checked out before God can also be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

But now it's an extraordinary time. Ares's life support unit has just been launched, and the whole country is looking forward to the Moon Palace plan. As a result, the chain fell off the most critical core module.

If not, the entire 2021 launch plan will have to be postponed

This responsibility is not always borne by one of his deputies.