Chapter 757

The second weekend of April.

The peace of the morning in the major cities of North America was completely broken by a newspaper.

At the front of a new Washington Post issue, a line of headline shocked the eyes of passers-by before the newspaper stopped.

Major breakthrough of Ares plan! Ares life support unit landed successfully! The age of cosmonautics is underway! 》

compared with the New York Times, as the largest, oldest and most authoritative newspaper in North America, the Washington Post, which once played an important role in Watergate incident and Iran Iraq war, is undoubtedly more authoritative, and the reliability of news is far from that of ordinary newspapers.

Even the white-collar workers, who are not interested in the newspaper at all, can't help dropping a dollar's change from the newsstand after seeing the eye-catching title, and cramming the newspaper into the briefcase with them, intending to take it to work.

The newly published newspaper is almost still full of ink like oil temperature, so it's sold out!

For this unexpected situation, the Washington Post had to contact the cooperative printing factory, printing millions of newspapers in an emergency, and sent them to major newsstands and sales outlets.

To the south of San Francisco Bay area, it's close to the old town on the edge of Silicon Valley.

In a Coleridge shop on the corner, there are a few drunken hangovers in twos and threes, office workers who enjoy breakfast before going to work, and some old men who are obviously retired and just sitting here to pass the time.

Holding a greasy newspaper in his hand, the old white man sitting next to the bar of the Coleridge shop muttered in a low voice. His face was more and more shocked, so he reached out to his old friend sitting next to him and said in an unbelievable voice.

"Hey, have you heard? Space-x's BFR rocket successfully sent the life support unit to Mars! "

"God It's crazy! "

"I heard! I heard that the new BFS spacecraft has been equipped with BFR rockets. Space-x has reported the next part of its launch plan to NASA. Soon musk will send our colonists to Mars. "

"It sounds interesting. The era of the great navigation is beginning. Maybe we should open a bottle of champagne for the success of the BFR rocket."

"Oh, come on, I don't want to get drunk in the morning."

"Ha ha, what's the matter? It's for the liberty! "

Under the coax of a group of people, the owner of the rib shop smiled and brought the beer.

A drunken man who had a hangover for a whole night was woken up by the TV set hanging beside the bar. Vaguely opened his bleary eyes, vaguely heard the voices of the people nearby, he shook his hand and raised the glass which had been drunk for a long time, and said loudly with a hiccup.

"Let us for the future of America Burp, cheers! "

At the same time, the morning news broadcast on the TV, the host who was reporting last night's football match, suddenly received a copy from the side, and the expression on his face suddenly became wonderful.

"Here's a news break at zero hour According to NASA, the BFR rocket launched last month successfully reached Mars orbit and dropped its life support unit. "

"It's really a surprise. I'm not ready for it. Please allow me to take a deep breath..." The host standing in front of the TV took several deep breaths, faced the camera again, and said in a tone that was too excited to be true! We did it! "


It's not just Americans who have been rocked by the BFR rocket.

When NASA officially announced on the official page that the life support unit had successfully landed on the surface of Mars, there was a huge international uproar immediately!

Almost at the same time, space-x immediately held a press conference, presided over by the star entrepreneur musk, who introduced the role of space-x in the Ares project to the public, and how the legendary BFR super rocket threw a 25 ton payload from the earth's surface to Mars.

Wearing a lifetime of black suit and gray shirt, it is said that only one suit in the wardrobe, musk came to the stage and preached to the audience with a voice full of fan power and excitement.

“…… The life support unit is just the first step in Ares' plan! Later, we will send more colonists to the surface of Mars to explore the frontier of our civilization. "

"We welcome anyone to join us, regardless of gender, nationality, status, identity And everything. As long as you have a heart full of enthusiasm for the great cause of mankind, we are friends! "

"The future is approaching us. Do you want to embrace the future or watch it go through our eyes..."

"You have the choice!"

The moment the voice dropped, the meeting place of the press conference was filled with applause.

After the press conference.With the help of the news that ares landed on the surface of Mars, the share price of space-x is like a wing in the United States.

Not only that, but also participated in the blue origin of life support unit design. A series of high-tech aerospace enterprises incubated by Silicon Valley and Seattle all enjoyed the most fat steak in this capital feast.

The space race seems to have ushered in a turning point.

In the face of China's strength in the "moon plan", the United States, as an old aerospace power, once again demonstrated its unchallenged strength in the aerospace field to the world.

Even the land boats have to admit that the BFR rocket, which is standing on the shoulders of giants with 25 tons of Mars orbital delivery capability and unusual launch routes, is really powerful to a certain extent.

Just as the international media competed to report the success of BFR rocket, the BBC finally came out.

Following the report on the lunar orbiting space station of China, these Englishmen also stood in an objective position In other words, the success of the first stage of the Ares plan in the United States was reported from a lively standpoint.

“…… Musk's SpaceX has the potential to become a Maersk in the future universe. If the former Falcon 9 rocket is regarded as a wooden sailing boat just capable of going ocean, then today's BFR is a steam sailing boat. "

"From space-x's never-ending exploration in technology, we can clearly see their determination to forge ahead bravely in the future. Maybe we can have this unrealistic expectation, and hope that in the near future, they can go further in the field of technology, continue to study the diesel giant ship in the interstellar sense, and even the mobile 'mountain' like the sea giant... "

"It seems too early to talk about these things now, but if we keep this momentum going, space-x may be able to take the leading position in the market with its first mover advantage and set standards and thresholds for the global launch industry."

"Interestingly, we have noticed that Professor Lu of China said in an interview with the media not long ago that he would build the space launch project Department of Star Technology into the" interstellar rail transport company "of the future."

"So it seems that in the near future, star technology, which monopolizes more than 80% of China's space launch missions, may become space-x's biggest competitor."

"At present, the competition between China and the United States in the field of aerospace is becoming increasingly fierce."

"The first phase seemed to end in a draw."

"Both China and the United States seem to be firmly on their own path and have their own trumps."

"One is a world-renowned scientist, one is a visionary businessman Who will win the competition, let's wait and see! "