Chapter 776

Jinling Institute of higher learning, reception room.

When the door opened, I saw Professor Angus sitting on the sofa, Hu Zihua white, and Wang Peng sitting opposite him.

And Professor Angus on the line of sight, Lu Zhou's face showed a friendly smile, with an ordinary and simple greeting as the opening words.

"Professor Angus Deaton, what brings you here?"

Pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, Professor Angus narrowed his eyes, and finally saw clearly that it was Lu Zhou who came into the door, and the expression on his face gradually became serious.

"Of course, because of recent events, I thought you knew why I came."

What happened recently?

Hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou immediately understood something, so after thinking for a moment, he cast a line of sight to Wang Peng and signaled him to go out first.

Wang Peng, sitting on the sofa opposite Professor Angus, hesitated and stood up.

However, he did not leave the reception room immediately, but went to the side of the boat and said.

“…… We have heard some bad rumors here. It's better for you to be careful recently. "

Lu Zhou gave him a reassuring look and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I don't plan to do anything dangerous. What's more, the domestic environment is different from that of foreign countries. I believe that Professor grunnstein's troubles are not a problem here."

After his paper was published, the domestic media tacitly chose silence on the matter which was making a lot of noise abroad. Although the radical human movement organizations in China are very noisy, it's still a bit of a pattern to think about the domestic uproar.

“…… No, I don't mean the radical human movement organizations. They are really not trouble, just... " Wang Peng hesitated for a moment, glanced at Professor Angus who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, lowered his voice and said, "it's the CIA We have heard recently that they seem to be planning something bad. "

Hearing this, Lu Zhou was slightly stunned, then looked at Wang Peng strangely.

“…… Do you think the CIA can do that? "

Slightly stunned for a while, Wang Peng didn't know what Lu Zhou was talking about at first, but he soon remembered the information of the visitor, and his face suddenly showed a little subtle expression.

“…… It seems to make sense. "

Develop a Nobel prize scholar into his own agent

Even Hollywood won't make such a funny story.

Lu Zhou shrugged and said, "so I say your worry is superfluous"

Wang Peng: "in a word, it's no harm to be careful. He is an American after all."

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if he is an American. I'm sure he won't do anything bad for me, let alone..." "I'm not weak enough to be threatened by an old man," Lu said jokingly

At the insistence of Lu Zhou, Wang Peng finally left the reception room.

With Wang Peng's departure, only professor Angus and Lu Zhou were left in the reception room.

He went to the sofa opposite Professor Angus and sat down. Lu Zhou picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup, then leaned on the sofa and said.

"I guess you have a lot of things to say. Now you can start."

Professor Angus said rudely, "there is only one thing I want to say. Please stop what you are doing right now! Your research is unleashing a terrible demon! "

Looking at the dense fog above the teacup, Lu Zhou said after pondering for a while.

"I don't know much about economics and sociology, or what you call the devil."

Professor Angus propped up the armrest of the sofa and sat up. "If you don't understand, I can tell you."

Lu Zhou nodded, made a continuous look at him, and signaled him to continue.

Professor Angus: "I need a whiteboard Or the blackboard. "

Lu Zhou smiled and said, "no problem. There are many white boards and blackboards here."

He got up and came to the wall. Lu Zhou helped Professor Angus hang the whiteboard on the wall.

Taking up the marker, Professor Angus scribbled down a line of calculations on the whiteboard, and at the same time, he told Lu Zhou his theory in simple language, and his expectation of the future economic trend in a simple curve.

At the same time, he talked about his concerns about the freezing dormancy technology, including causing a large number of asset precipitation, including the transfer of the elite to the future, including the solidification of the population class, and so on, which eventually led to the all-round stagnation of the society.

After all, no one is stupid.

If we can live a better life in the future, who is willing to stay in an era without dreams to cultivate this barren land?“…… No matter in any social form, in countless circulation links, the means of production are ultimately concentrated from most people to a small number of people. So we limit or weaken this phenomenon by law, rules, inheritance tax and many other means. "

"However, your research will make all our efforts in vain."

After listening to Professor Angus's theory quietly, the boat pondered for a while and said.

"Although I admit that your concerns are reasonable, I can't agree with you."


Lu Zhou shook his head with a smile and said.

"More than human body freezing technology, advanced AI, VR, unmanned automatic production Too many things can destroy our fantasy of pastoral songs. If you want to maintain the status quo, I'm afraid you have to call on researchers all over the world to unite and give up their brains. "

Professor Angus said angrily, "you are sophistry!"

"No, it's not. It's just an objective fact," Lu said, shaking his head. "Technology itself is innocent. It's the one who decides whether it's guilty and how to use it."

Professor Angus immediately asked, "but how do you ensure that a technology can be used correctly?"

"I can't guarantee that, just as politicians can't guarantee the elimination of war, economists can't guarantee that economic growth will always be stable, even weather forecasters can't guarantee that tomorrow's weather will be accurate So why do you ask me to make sure that my technology will be used in the right place? "

Professor Angus was stunned to hear that.

After a moment's hesitation, he frowned slightly.

"You are right But there are risks we can't afford. "

"But some risks are inevitable," continued Lu Zhou, looking at Professor Angus, who began to waver. "Our civilization is always moving forward, and some things will be discovered some day in the future even if I don't find them."

"Just like controlled nuclear fusion, many people may hate me because I have eliminated millions or even tens of millions of jobs. But I also believe that more people will thank me in the future. Although I let their parents lose the chance to continue to sweat in the coal mine, the material future will enable more people to live a more decent life and more people have the right to choose their own future and life, rather than working in dangerous mines and narrow workshops for generations. "

This is the law of development of civilization. Even if it stagnates for a short time, it will always move forward on a large time scale.

The new technology replaces the old technology, the advanced productivity replaces the backward productivity. One day, the artificial intelligence will become more and more intelligent, even like the living human beings, and one day, the human beings will become their own God, making themselves omnipotent through gene editing

“…… The same is true of human cryogenics, which can provide a chance for many terminally ill patients to have a complete life, and also can let our civilization spread branches and leaves, and sow the seeds of civilization to galaxies several light-years away and even farther away. "

"As for its impact on our original social order, it may even destroy some old ideas These problems you said will certainly exist, but I believe that our civilization will eventually find a suitable solution to solve these problems from our own. Just as we solve technical problems. "

After a pause, he looked at Professor Angus, who was deep in thought, and Lu Zhou said solemnly.

"And these things are your work."