Chapter 779

There was a momentary silence in the ward.

Not only Li Gao Liang was stunned, but also the nurses and doctors who came to change the medicine, even Wang Peng, who had come to the door, were all stunned.

No one spoke for a long time.

After about half a minute, Li Gaoliang's cracked lips trembled and he looked at the boat excitedly.

“…… Really? "

Can stand up again!

Is this really a joke?

As if awakened by Li Gaoliang's words, the stunned doctor finally came back to his senses and coughed.

“…… Please don't make such a joke with the patient. "

Even Professor Lu can't tease patients with such things!

Think of here, that doctor and the nurse beside, look at the expression of the land boat is not so friendly immediately.

Hearing the doctor's words, Li Guangliang, who had bright eyes, suddenly looked gloomy again. He smiled twice to hide his embarrassment and said.

"What's the point of having fun with me The doctors have said that these two legs have been completely destroyed, and it's lucky to get back their lives. "

Lu zhoushook his head and looked at Li Gaoliang and said seriously, "I'm not kidding. I'm serious."

Li Gaoliang is slightly stunned.

Common sense told him that it was impossible.

After all, when he was dragged out from under the ruins, the flesh and blood on his back was blurred, and the two calves were basically smashed, so there was no possibility of rescue.

When he and other wounded soldiers were transferred to Urumqi hospital, only one reply was received. Either amputation, or looking at the two legs necrosis, eventually amputation

Now that the amputation has been completed, Lu Zhou tells him that there is a way to get him to stand up again. Li Gaoliang can't believe it.

In fact, not to mention that he didn't believe it, even the doctor standing next to him didn't believe it at all, he asserted, shaking his head.

"Impossible! I've never heard of this technology. If you're talking about artificial limbs, it's no problem to let people stand. Rehabilitation training is well done. As long as it's not running, it can even recover to the level that walking is no different from normal people. "

"But his condition is different. It's not just the amputation, it's not just the calves that are damaged, it's the end of the spinal nerve! Up to now, he can't even control his bowels and stools. What's the use of a prosthetic? It can only be an ornament at most! "

"You're right," Lu Zhou nodded, looking at Li Gaoliang, who looked dim. After a pause, he continued, "I don't know much about medicine. Theoretically, if it's nerve area damage, it's really not easy to do."

The doctor shook his head and said, "so I said, don't make such a joke with the patient. This kind of thing that can't be done is meaningless to comfort people."

This is not a disease that can be overcome by optimism. Comforting treatment has no meaning except to let patients who understand the reality fall into deeper despair.

"I'm not comforting," Lu said, shaking his head again, pausing for a moment. "It's not possible in theory, but it's based on current technology."

The doctor asked with a smile, "do you mean the future technology will be ok?"

"There's no need for the future," Lu said with a smile. "In fact, we are doing research with Harbin Institute of technology and Sinian university to imitate neural electrical signals by physical methods."

"Neural access technology?" The doctor stared at Lu Zhou, frowned and said, "this thing Are there any successful cases? "

He's heard of this technology, but even the top labs abroad are in the research stage. Judging from the current published results, it's not perfect enough to make the patients with spinal nerve injury stand up again. Now, the concept is thrown out by the land boat. In his opinion, it's no different from comfort therapy.

"No, not to mention the successful cases, not even the cases themselves," Lu said, shaking his head. "This technology has not passed the clinical trial stage, and currently only stays in the laboratory. Although we have made some achievements, we are still far away from maturity. "

The doctor seemed to guess what Lu Zhou wanted to say, looked at him strangely and said, "you mean..."

Lu Zhou nodded, "yes So it depends on whether Comrade Li Gaoliang is willing to do it. "

Looking at the two people playing riddles, Li Gaoliang, who was lying in the hospital bed, said in a misty voice.

"What are you talking about?"

He just wants to know one thing now. Does he have a chance to stand up again?

What's more, have I changed this medicine?

The doctor hesitated for a moment and spoke in a euphemism.

"We're talking about some treatment..."

"It's like this," Lu said, cutting off the doctor's euphemism, and entering the topic, "we are conducting an experiment on neural access devices, which can help you stand up if the situation is optimistic. But at the same time, because there is no clinical trial, the risk is very high. Even if we promise to do everything we can to minimize the risk, there is no guarantee that he will succeed. "Hearing Lu Zhou's words, Li Gaoliang suddenly laughed.

When he finally laughed enough, he shook his head after stopping, turned his eyes to the boat and said in a joking tone without joking.

"Don't tell me what experiment I did. If you can make me stand up again, my life after Li Gaoliang will be yours."

In the middle of the conversation, it seemed that he had thought of something. He quickly followed up.

"Of course The premise is not to betray the country! I don't do illegal things! "

Lu Zhou chuckled, "do you think I'm a man who can do illegal things?"

"I don't mean that," Li said awkwardly I just

"I understand," Lu Zhou smiled and nodded, indicating that the man who was not good at expression didn't need to explain. After a pause, he continued, "you don't need to give your life to me. Your life is given by your parents. Before you leave the army, you only need to be loyal to your motherland. It's also a work-related injury. If you sit in a wheelchair all your life, I'll feel sorry for it. "

Speaking of this, Lu Zhou looked directly at Li Gaoliang's pupil and continued in a solemn tone.

"Well, I'll ask you again, are you willing to accept the experiment? And bear all possible consequences for this? "

Without any hesitation, Li Gaoliang nodded.

"I will."

"Very good," Lu Zhou nodded, his expression did not change much. "I have to discuss this matter with director Li of the science and Technology Bureau. I will give you a result in about three days. If it doesn't work in the end, I hope you won't be too disappointed."

Li Gaoliang glanced at his two legs wrapped in bandages and said with a smile.

"Disappointed? What else do you think I have to lose? "

Seeing Li Gaoliang seems too optimistic, the doctor standing next to him can't help but remind him: "this kind of experiment is not for fun, especially when the knife is used on the nerve. Even if the safety work is done well, there is no guarantee that there will be no accident. I hope you think about it carefully. After all, if there is an accident, you may not even have your life. "

Standing beside the boat quietly listening, did not refute this sentence, is the default of the doctor's statement.

At the same time, he is also observing Li's expression.

If there is any hesitation or uneasiness on his face, he will consider withdrawing the proposal.

After all, it will cost him a lot to apply this immature technology to people.

If you can't get 100% cooperation, the risk of the experiment will increase. In this case, it's better not to do it from the beginning.

However, Lu Zhou, waiting for Li Gaoliang's expression to change, did not see any slightest shake from his face.

Even more, the smile that the corners of the mouth open, more free and easy

Almost without any hesitation, a word came out of his mouth.

"That's death!"