Chapter 785

NASA ground command center.

The president's roar echoed in the next meeting room.

"Falk! What a bunch of crap! "

"Since there will be sandstorms there, why do you choose this bad time to send them to our colonists?"

Looking at the president who is breathing, people standing in the conference room are silent one after another, the atmosphere dare not breathe one, deeply afraid of being moved to.

Director Carson, in particular, had an awkward look on his face.

It was entirely out of his expectation that this would happen.

After all, he is not God. How can he know when a sandstorm will happen on Mars

"Mr. President We don't have a weather station on Mars. Although I understand your mood, we can't know the climate change on Mars in advance. And... "

"No," said director Carson in a difficult voice.

"Generally speaking, the frequent period of sandstorm is summer, especially the global sandstorm, which seldom occurs outside summer It's totally uncontrollable that things like this will happen now, although we have considered the coping strategies... "

Asked the president, looking at him aggressively.

"What are the coping strategies?"

"But there were some small accidents," said director Carson with an embarrassed expression. "Our plan was to build methane and groundwater collection points, and then deal with this problem through resources on Mars. As you know, as long as the external input resources are sufficient, it's not a problem to spend this period of light reduction, but... "


After swallowing his saliva, director Carson quickly continued, "but our colonists have just landed on Mars and are not ready to collect methane and water resources on Mars. And the amount of methane carried from the earth It doesn't last long. "

To put it bluntly, they didn't consider that they would encounter such a bad climate in the second week after landing.

Although it is difficult to predict the global dust storm on Mars by astronomical observation, it can be estimated. According to the statistics, it only happens once every three Martian years on average, which translates into 5.5 years of earth year.

The last global sandstorm was in 2018, and now it's only three Earth years ago. In principle, they have another window period of homan transfer orbit to use. Even if there is an accident, they can use this window period to send enough survival materials to help the colonists survive.


No one thought that this time Mars didn't play according to common sense. Only three years later, another dust storm swept the whole planet. From the ground astronomical observation station, the whole planet has turned into a red giant egg, a ray of sunlight can not penetrate the earth's surface

It's not the worst that solar power stations don't work.

The worst part is that their planting area is just inflated, and plants need sunlight to grow.

There are only two options left for the colonists, either to dispose of all the newly sprouted crops or to generate electricity from a small reserve of energy to provide them with sunlight.

No matter which choice, it is difficult.

"Why don't you think about it before!" Looking at director Carson, who explained to him, the president said angrily, "what I said clearly in the White House is that if we can't guarantee 100% of the lives of our colonists, we'd rather not send them up!"

Carson: "sir..."

The president stared at him and said, "do you have any questions? Mr Carson. "

"Yes, you did," said director Carson, swallowing his saliva and gripping his head, "but you said the same when you were in a closed meeting At all costs, build our advantage in the space race as soon as possible. "

The expression on the president's face was suddenly a little stiff. He touched his nose awkwardly and said with a light cough.

"Did I say that?"

The vice president standing by nodded his head in silence.

"I remember you said The minutes of the meeting will testify. "

Anyway, in the White House, the position of vice president is also a mascot. He doesn't need to give the president face very much. What's more, he's the head of the restructured National Space Commission, and he certainly doesn't want the pot to end up on his own.

"I can't hold my face," said the president, grimacing.

"These are not the key points. No matter what I said, I ask you to reconsider the countermeasures immediately! Especially you, director Carson! "

Suddenly called by name, Carson stood up straight.


In an indisputable tone, the president ordered.

"Within 24 hours, I need you to come up with a plan, and then implement it within 72 hours. I don't care what method you use, we must ensure the safety of our astronauts, at least let them live! "

"If you can't, you know the consequences.""Cold sweat on his forehead," Carson replied, with a stiff scalp.



[new Virginia! Light of man! ]

"these people are really optimistic."

Looking at the news pop-up window on the computer screen, Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head.

During the lunch break, in the dean's office of Jinling Institute of higher learning, Lu Zhou was drinking coffee as usual, and brushing the papers he had accumulated.

Just then, I saw the news from the pop-up window.

"It seems that space-x is really a bloody script, and all the soft articles have been put on the international well-known academic forums."

However, the current public opinion seems to be the same.

Since BFS successfully dropped the landing module, new Virginia seems to be a dream place, especially with the broadcast of Mars diary, the whole ares plan has been blown to the sky

Now it seems that the North American media have gradually stopped mentioning the word "space race" and focused on the families, friends and 30 minute videos of several colonists.

Lu Zhou is also a loyal "fan" of Mars diary, and every episode will not be missed.

After all, if you want to win, you have to know them first.

Although he thought that musk sometimes boasted a little too much when he was in North America, there is no doubt that other people have real skills, at least for now, BFR rocket has stood at the top of the chemical propulsion mode, and there is still room for further improvement.

And the life support unit

Therefore, in addition to the hot "Mars diary" of "catch up with the times", the lander will also request the fast project team of Qianzhou Radio Observatory to monitor the electromagnetic wave signal from Mars in real time through the moon orbit construction committee, and send a copy of the monitored data to Xiaoai for cracking.

Although it is not easy to crack, and not all the information can be solved smoothly, it is also a way to get information from the colony of "new Virginia".

If the situation is optimistic, you may get some rather crucial information.

For example, resources exploration in some areas of Mars

Just when the land boat closed the web page and was about to finish the lunch break, a pop-up window popped out in the lower right corner.

[Master, the signal of No. 0001 file has been decrypted! Now let's see baa ψ,

watching AI naughtily waving the devil's fork, Lu Zhou smiles.

"Well, pack and send it to my desk By the way, how about other files? "

[it's not finished yet. Each time they communicate, they use different encryption methods. It takes a certain time to crack (д) ゞ]

"it's OK, just take your time. I'm not in a hurry here."

[MMM! Little AI will come on! (≥? ≤) ゞ]

although Xiaoai is intelligent enough, it is not omnipotent.

After the professional technology encryption of communication, even with the help of supercomputer, it is difficult to say that it can be cracked immediately.

Document 0001 is the first communication signal between golden heart and NASA ground command center after arriving at Mars. It has been two weeks since it was monitored and collected by fast project team.

The ship simply scanned the contents of the documents quickly. As expected, they were all messages such as "reporting for safety" or "applying for tasks". It didn't see much nutritious content.

Just as Lu Zhou was going to save the documents on the U-disk, a knock came out of the door.

Turn off the folder on the desk, and Lu zhouqing clears his throat.

"Come in, please."

The door opened, and in came the light.

I saw a serious expression on his face. He didn't even exchange greetings, so I said.

"New news came from Qianzhou Radio Observatory. They found something unusual when they were directly observing Mars."

Lu Zhou leaned against the office chair, frowned and asked: " Things? "

"It's a global sandstorm!"


(thanks to the leader of Yongteng, a book friend, for the reward ~ ~ ~ it's time to come back and code T.T)