Chapter 788

Jinling Institute of higher learning.

Standing at the door of the dean's office, Chen Yunhai took a deep breath, straightened his collar and tapped on the door.

Soon after hearing a "please come in", he opened the door and went in, respectfully saying.

"You want me?"

"Well, something happened," Lu Zhou stopped his pen and smiled at Chen Yunhai, who was standing at the door. Then he stood up and made a gesture to the sofa, saying, "don't be so polite. Please sit down."

After taking a seat on the sofa, Chen Yunhai nodded his thanks to the secretary who poured the tea for him. Then he sat on the sofa and began to look at the draft papers stacked on the tea table.

There are only some difficult formulas and symbols on the draft paper. Beside these checking steps, there is a standard curve like that drawn with ruler.

After watching for a long time, I didn't see any way out. Just when Chen Yunhai was going to give up, Lu Zhou came over with a cup of coffee and sat down opposite him.

"Some personal interests, please don't mind," said Lu Zhou, sweeping the draft paper on the tea table aside, then taking out a stack of documents with the oil temperature of the printer, putting them on the tea table and gently pushing them in front of him. "About two hours ago, we cracked the signal from Mars to earth, I'm sure you will be interested."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Yunhai's expression immediately became serious. He picked up the document from the tea table and quickly scanned it.

When he saw the three striking characters, his response was almost the same as that of Lu Zhou. He was slightly shocked and then frowned.


The boat nodded.

"Yes, combined with the current events on Mars, it should not be that our cracking work is out of order. New Virginia may indeed have a little trouble."

After a pause, the boat continued.

"It could be an opportunity for us."

At the moment of hearing the word "opportunity", Chen Yunhai's eyes moved slightly, and many thoughts flashed in his head. But half a minute later, he shook his head.

"I know what you mean, but I'm afraid it's hard From the perspective of the White House, I'm afraid Americans would rather they were all killed than allow us to intervene in this matter. "

If China is allowed to take over the rescue work, it will not only damage the national prestige of the United States, but also bring a series of uncontrollable risks such as technology leakage.

While that may not be humanitarian, space itself is a risky business, and the death of several astronauts is not enough to affect the overall situation.

From the perspective of the overall situation, if the rescue work can not be carried out, it is better to let the three astronauts die like this than to let the Chinese nation take part in this matter.

At best, prepare a special funeral for them afterwards.

Maybe the share price of space-x will be hit hard after that, but ares plan will not simply fall. Their researchers will learn from this failure and prepare for the next success

"I know," he continued, nodding, dropping his coffee cup. "In theory, NASA's spacecraft is unlikely to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a trip to Mars for just three astronauts And still in the case of uncertainty about the success of the rescue. It is in the interests of the U.S. authorities to publish the death of three astronauts after the accident. "

"That's right." Chen Yunhai nodded, "so I'm afraid it's hard to use this opportunity."

"Not necessarily," Lu said with a smile, shaking his head. "If we let the Americans know, what about the three astronauts?"

Chen Yunhai's pupil slightly contracted for a while, and his eyebrows raised a little arc of interest: "you mean..."

"That's right, let's get the news out of our side," Lu Zhou nodded and continued, "it's impossible to save, but if it can, it can't be saved..."

"It wasn't an accident, it was a murder!"


The United States.

NASA headquarters.

In the Ares plan ground command center, the staff are busy working in their own positions.

Standing in the command center, director Carson quickly reported the current situation to the gloomy president.

"It has been confirmed that the dust storm on Mars is a global climate activity. It is expected to take at least five months to stop, and our colonists are facing --"

strongly interrupted director Carson, and the president said with a trace of anger in his tired voice: "I don't care whether they encounter dust storm or what, I just want to know now One thing, where is your plan? "

Director Carson said in a heavy voice after a pause.

"Sir Although I don't want to say that, to be honest, there is little hope. Even if we launch the BFR rocket now and go to Mars through an unconventional transfer orbit, it will take at least three months to reach the orbit of Mars. "The president: "can our colonists last for three months?"

Director Carson hesitated for a moment and said with difficulty.

"It's only 50% possible The premise is that they have some conscious self-help words. "

"We can't let them know yet," the president said abruptly, interrupting director Carson. "Tell them we're doing our best to rescue them so they don't have to worry!"

"But our rockets..."

On the president's gloomy line of sight, Secretary Carson, who understood the president's meaning in an instant, opened his mouth, swallowed the second half of the sentence, and nodded with difficulty.

“…… I see. "

It's more important to have three astronauts "shut their mouths" than to bring them back alive. And the premise to shut them up is to convince them that NASA is doing its best to rescue them.

If we let them know that they have no chance to survive, and the BFS spacecraft with high-power telecommunication equipment floating in Mars orbit is still working

It's going to be a disaster for NASA.

Just then, footsteps came from the corridor outside the command center.

Soon, the White House office secretary appeared behind them.


After hearing the voice, the president turned back to look at the tall, thin man and asked with a frown.

"What's the matter?"

Swallowing his spit, the Secretary continued in a heavy voice.

"The news was leaked."

The president asked subconsciously after a slight pause.

"What news?"

"News about the colony of new Virginia..." Taking a folded newspaper out of the document bag, the Secretary unfolded it and handed it to the president, saying carefully, " See for yourself. "

The newspaper is Renren Daily Overseas Edition.

Taking the newspaper from the Secretary's hand, the president squinted.

However, just after he had put his eyes on the newspaper, his heart suddenly clicked.

On the front page of the newspaper, there was a striking line of capital letters.

[Mars has an abnormal climate once in a century, and the global sandstorm covers the world. New Virginia may be in unprecedented danger! ]