Chapter 801

Just as the moon orbit construction committee is preparing to push the construction site from the moon orbit to the surface of the moon, it has been a month since Xiaguang left the orbit around Mars and embarked on the road back.

With the completion of the last orbit change, Xiaguang, which has a small amount of working medium, has shut down the electric propulsion system and continues to move towards the Earth Moon system according to its inertia.

For Tavi, after a month of getting along with each other, he has basically adapted to the life here.

There are clean bedding, plenty of oxygen, warm and delicious food.

For him, who spent more than a month crouching in the closed and private experimental area of the new Virginia Colony, everything here is paradise.

In particular, Chinese people play much more in bathing than NASA. The whole bathroom is a cylinder with a height of about one person and a width of two steps. The centrifugal acceleration provided by high-speed rotation around a fixed axis is used to simulate the gravity environment on the earth.

If we do not combine the drawings, it will be difficult to describe the whole structure and its principle in detail. But simply speaking, after the device is activated, lying in it is like lying in the bathtub of your bathroom. The water drops that should have floated around are all "sticky" on the bulkhead, not flying everywhere.

Because there is no external reference, stay in this completely closed bathroom. After scrubbing the body, the air outlet outside the bulkhead will use strong wind to pump no drop of water in the cylinder. The cylinder will slow down and stop until the humidity in the device drops to normal value.

At this point, it's like a large centrifuge.

Such a luxurious way of bathing is unimaginable for the BFS spacecraft.

Of course, it may have something to do with the fact that electricity is money free for Chinese people. From the moment when they start to the moment when they are rescued, energy must be used carefully

If there's only one place on the whole ship that makes Tavi unhappy, maybe there's no freedom.

In the narrow room, there is only a bed board with two shoulders wide. There is no other furniture except a table under the bed. He can't even leave his room except for the bath and dinner time. In most cases, he can only pass the time by sleeping.

The slightly depressed atmosphere makes people unable to have a little comfortable feeling. The round porthole on the top of the bed is dark. It's easy to have a symptom similar to deep-sea phobia after a long look, so that he never opened the porthole.

Compared with the luxurious hardware facilities and complete entertainment equipment on the golden heart spacecraft, the cabin of Xiaguang is just like the cargo cabin.

What do you say?

Experience is like going to jail.

Standing behind the isolation door, Tavi put his hands on the door, looked at Johnson in the opposite room and asked, "how long will we be on earth?"

Johnson, who was sitting on the bed turning over his books, did not look up, and said casually.

"Maybe a month and a half, maybe two months Or longer. "

Seeing that the captain seemed not interested in taking care of himself, Tavi shrugged and wanted to lie back with his mouth closed, but he couldn't help saying, "why do you say those Chinese people don't let us go out and walk? Are they still afraid of us -- "

" because I'm not sure if you have bacteria or viruses on Mars, we can't do a comprehensive inspection for you. "

He was interrupted by Liu Biao, who was wearing a spacesuit in the cabin, and came over with a lunch box.

Put the lunch box on the table beside the door, he said with a smile, "it's hard, you have to bear with it a little. After all, this cabin was originally modified from the cargo cabin, and it was only sailing within the Earth Moon system. We had never considered that it would fly so far. "

Looking at the Chinese astronaut who was about to leave after delivering his meal, Tavi stretched out his neck and shouted behind him, "Hey, man, can you consider putting a game machine in the cabin? Not everyone likes to pass the time by reading! "

Liu Biao laughed and said, "I will reflect your opinions to the ground service. If you have the chance, you should be able to see a game machine next time."

"Next time? I don't want to sit for a second time! "

No longer pay attention to the shouting behind, Liu Biao disappeared in the door of the cabin.

Looking at the locked cabin door and the countdown to the unlocking of the cabin door, Tavi had a voice that everyone could hear and murmured, "it's like going to jail."

Johnson said, deadpan, "that's what it's like Anyway, they brought us back. Let's be honest first. "

Think about it. It seems that it is true.

At this time, Tavi suddenly recalled the words of the former Chinese astronaut, and realized a terrible detail.

Swallowing his saliva, he said in a trembling voice."Boss..."

Johnson: "what's the matter..."

Tavi: "if there are microbes or bacteria on Mars that don't exist on earth, doesn't it mean that we..."

"Don't think too much," Johnson said casually, turning the page of the book in his hand, as if he had heard a funny joke. "Thinking too much will only make you worry. What's more, it's only possible, not certain. "

Tavi angrily hammered his fists on the heavy door panel! White House brutes, what do they think we are? Laboratory mice? "

On the other side of the room, Jones, who was listening to the conversation, sat on the bed board with his knees in his arms, staring out of the side window.

During this time, she has been reflecting on her life, her choice, and the plan of Ares itself.

At first, she didn't understand why everyone did the best, and why the final result was the same.

But now she finally understood that the final outcome of Ares' plan might not be an accident.

From the beginning, this hasty trip to Mars was an unwise decision


The day when we put ourselves into the arms of the earth, we arrived a little earlier than we thought.

Probably on the 50th day of the return journey of Xiaguang from Mars, a gray planet and the blue behind it gradually appeared outside the window of Xiaguang.

“…… This is Xiaguang. It's entering the orbit of the space station, requesting navigation support. "

“…… This is the Moon Palace. It's navigating for you. "

"Yes, thank you."

After a short communication response, Xiaguang, which completed the active deceleration through the reverse injection of the wing engine, slowly merged into the orbit of the Moon Palace.

With the passage of time, in the deep dark space, a silver light gradually rises, reflecting on the cold porthole together with the morning light from the skyline.

Looking at the approaching Moon Palace, Johnson closed his books on the bed board, and his blue pupils gradually enlarged.

"God Is this the Chinese space station? "

He couldn't even believe the moment he actually saw it.

Because everything in front of him is more shocking than the one he saw in the concept map.

The ship came closer.

The space station in the distance is getting closer.

Originally, the white rice was turned into a flying dragon.

Thousands of square solar panels are like open Dragon Wings, and rows of fins are like inverted dragon scales. A cylindrical space cabin extending outward from the center line forms its strong skeleton and unbreakable steel body.

It's like a fortress.

And, a work of art

At the same time, sitting in the cockpit of the Xiaguang, Xu Zhenghong, a somewhat tired captain with a smile on his face, reached out his right fist and touched Liu Biao, who was sitting next to him. Then he pressed his index finger on the side of the helmet and spoke in a clear voice.

"This is Xiaguang. We have successfully entered the orbit. Please connect!"

Wait no more than two seconds.

Answer voice, from the communication channel.

“…… This is the Moon Palace. "

"Welcome home, our heroes!"