Chapter 809

Whether or not to eliminate spores is always the most important index to measure various disinfection and sterilization methods.

At present, the top-notch company in this area is probably octax company in Germany. The environmental disinfectant used in the vaccine production workshop is the most powerful disinfectant in the world. Its main component is silver hydrogen peroxide ion.

After discovering the invasion of the x-0172 bacteria, the Moon Palace imported a batch of customized space versions of such anti-virus agents. However, this kind of thing can be used to disinfect the Xiaguang or the space cabin, but it can't be used on people.

In the face of the spores in the human body, even if the Moon Palace has a large number of international experts, there is still no good way.

At present, the research seems to be in a stalemate.

Lu Zhou felt that if he didn't do anything, he would not be able to see satisfactory results even if he waited for another 90 days.

With the metabolic extracts from Professor Liu, Lu Zhou did not return to the dean's office, but went straight to the underground three floors of Jinling Institute of higher learning, which is his private laboratory. After

calmed down, Lu Zhou sat at his desk and put the metabolic extract in the glass tube at the corner of the table. Then he moved the paper from the computer on the Moon Palace and read it for a long time, and finally sighed gently.

“…… It's a pity that biology is not what I'm good at. I can't help even if I want to. "

"Indeed, can only resort to the wisdom of higher civilization?"

Looking at the reagent on the table, the boat pondered for a while and closed its eyes.

"System, is there any way to kill x-0172 bacterial spores?"

Once again, he opened his eyes, and the light bar of light blue slowly walked through the field of vision, converged into a dialog box, and presented it in front of him.

[solution to eliminate the parasitic x-0172 bacteria in human body]

[required score: 10000 points]

"10000 points?!"

Seeing the figure, the boat almost didn't fall off the chair.

If he remembers correctly, all his points add up to 4835.

At the thought of this, he could not help but begin to doubt life.

Is this bacteria so hard to deal with?

He has saved so many years of task points that he can't exchange a solution


However, just then, the boat suddenly thought of something and slapped its head.

"Mom, how can I forget?"

The system's pricing of "question" is based on the content of the question. If you ask for the solution of the whole problem, the integral required is naturally extremely expensive, but if you divide the problem into many parts and only ask for the solution of one step, the integral required is relatively less exaggerated.

The bottleneck facing the international research team now is not how to kill the x-0172 bacteria, but how to kill the spores of the x-0172 bacteria.

So, he just needs to change his thinking

"System, is there any way to prevent x-0172 bacteria from producing spores?"

The reason why x-0172 is difficult to kill is that when it is attacked, it will take the initiative to form spores to protect itself. Even physical means such as high temperature, high pressure, ultraviolet, and even radiation are difficult to kill, let alone the antibody produced by the organism itself.

Therefore, the key to get rid of x-0172 bacteria is how to avoid spore formation!

As long as the active defense mechanism has been eliminated and the antibody has been found, killing it is only a matter of minutes.

After a brief pause, the pale blue dialog reappears in the horizon of the land boat.

This time, the price offered by the system is much more acceptable.

[plan to prevent x-0172 bacteria from generating spores. ]

[required points: 2500 points. ]

2500 points.

It's about half of his total points.

Although a little distressed, for the future of the earth civilization and for the urgent task in his taskbar, Lu zhoubited his teeth and reached out to select the exchange button.


Almost at the moment when the index finger touches the option, a huge flow of information rushes to his brain like a tide, washing every inch of his scalp.

For the land boat, the feeling of directly instilling knowledge into the brain has not been experienced for a long time.

It's like an unknown corner of the brain is written with a memory that doesn't belong to you.

After about half a minute, the strange feeling finally disappeared.

Sitting in the chair for half an hour, I finally digested the huge amount of information in my brain. When the boat opened its eyes again, there was a flash of enlightenment in my pupils."So it is..."

Although it may not be practical for him to design the solution himself, it is not particularly difficult to understand the solution provided by the system based on his lv6 biochemistry level and the chemistry level of the Nobel Prize.

Simply speaking, in order to prevent the active dormancy of x-0172 bacteria, a special pheromone is mentioned in the system design.

Under the action of this pheromone, x-0172 bacteria can be deceived to think that they are in a comfortable environment, so as to achieve the purpose of "avoiding spores when they are attacked by antibodies".

“…… As long as the infected person is injected or given the pheromone before taking the antibody, the x-0172 bacteria can give up the resistance. "

Feeling that the brain is full of knowledge, Lu Zhou did not hesitate to open the laptop on the table, looked at the reagent on the corner of the table, and began to edit the paper.

The preparation method of pheromone to block the formation of spores by x-0172 bacteria has been given in the solution provided by the system, and it does not need to be modified by others.

As for the effect of x-0172 antibody and metabolite extract on clinical treatment, Lu Zhou cited several papers published by professors Leslie and Zhao Shuxuan.

Time passed minute by second.

The wall clock, soon from morning to afternoon.

Looking at the final finished paper, Lu Zhou's mouth could not help but arouse a satisfied smile.

In other words, it's a long time since I focused on my thesis.

Since he has more and more titles, there are fewer and fewer scientific research tasks that need him to complete in person. In many cases, his work has become a plan for the general direction rather than participating in specific research tasks.

“…… When the space race is over, I'll have a good rest for a while. "

With a sigh in his heart, Lu Zhou turned his paper into PDF format. However, just as he was preparing to contribute, he suddenly thought of one thing.

Do you think it's a little strange that a mathematician of mine suddenly wrote a biology paper with such a high standard?

Moreover, although the research results are from his own hands, they are ultimately not from his own research, but through the exchange of system integral.

At that time, if he won the Nobel Prize for this research, he would feel a little embarrassed.

After thinking for a while, Lu Zhou suddenly made a slight movement in his heart. Pressing the backspace key, he deleted the author's name and typed a letter "Z" on it.


Looking at this paper, I smiled with satisfaction. Lu Zhou opened the arXiv website and created a new account to upload.

It's too much trouble to explain.

Just hang a vest and throw it.