Chapter 856

At the time when the mathematics circle was surging because of a report meeting, the electronic industry, which seemed to be beyond the reach of eight poles, was also agitating because of a letter of two thousand words.

For those executives with tens of billions in value, many people are acutely aware of some signs that seem to change. However, no matter how they start their contacts, they can't find any information about this matter.

Some people say that the state will introduce a new supporting policy for semiconductor industry, others say that if the lithography technology of 7Nm process has made a breakthrough, some people boast that in a recent internal document, the state plans to build the fifth largest semiconductor industry group and develop advanced semiconductor industry technology.

It has to be said that the last rumor is actually close to the truth.

After the news of graphene transistor technology breakthrough came out, the first content discussed in the high-level emergency meeting in Shangjing was to build the fifth largest semiconductor industry group and adopt the centralized management mode to produce and develop this new semiconductor technology.

In this way, it is convenient for confidentiality and integration of social resources.

Of course, as for the specific contents discussed at the meeting, they are only circulated in a small area at the senior level. All participants in the meeting signed confidentiality agreements, and within one year, they were supervised by supervision and other departments to prevent leakage of secrets. In this way, various rumors were spreading in the industry, and many industry leaders with keen sense of smell were aware of the clue. These rumors are so deliberate that they seem to be deliberately released to cover up something

Wang Zhengfei, Huawei's boss, is one of them.

As early as the wind came out, his keen sense of ZZ told him that a storm was brewing in the semiconductor industry recently. As for whether the storm is followed by a rainbow or mud, only genius knows.

Just as everyone was waiting for the storm, an invitation from Chang'an Street came to his desk.

When he saw the invitation, the stone in Wang Zhengfei's heart finally fell to the ground.

It's time to come, finally!


Shangjing Chang'an Street.

In the stairway conference room on the west side of the grand hall, there was a black crowd.

When he got to the place where he wrote his famous brand, he sat down. Wang Zhengfei looked aside and found that his old friend Li Zixuan, the boss of Huaxing Group, was also here.

When he noticed president Li, President Li also noticed his side.

Two people looked at each other for a while, coincidentally, they laughed and pulled the corners of their mouths.

Do it!

Who arranged the seat!

"Oh, I didn't expect that President Wang also received the invitation."

Wang Zhengfei smiled.

"President Li is here. How can I break my appointment?"

Li Zixuan smiled and didn't answer.

Break the appointment?

It's a joke.

You dare to stand up when the ministry asks you to come to the meeting. You are tired of living.

Without any more verbal communication, they sat quietly waiting for the start of the meeting.

Although he was waiting, Wang Zhengfei was not idle either. With this gap that no one noticed, he secretly looked at other participants sitting in the conference room.

When he found that the participants here were either the general manager of the semiconductor industry or the relevant practitioners of the electronic industry, he probably had a deep understanding of the contents of this meeting.

However, just then, a strange expression appeared on his face.

Wait a minute. Apart from being related to the electronic industry, people here seem to have one common characteristic: being rich.

Recently, the space industry has been making a drastic effort. Is there a lack of money?

Is it supposed to be shearing?

Soon, with the attendance of the participants, the clock on the wall came to the right time, and the meeting finally began.

The participants in the room stopped talking and focused on the front of the conference room. Soon as the curtain fell and the projector opened, a dignified old man came to the stage.

When he saw the old man, there was a flash of surprise on Wang Zhengfei's face.

Head of the G Committee!

It was this big guy who presided over the meeting!

Thinking of this, the expression on his face was gradually serious, and unconsciously, he felt his notebook and ballpoint pen out of his arms.

It seems that today's meeting is of great significance!

"I'm sorry to disturb your work in your busy schedule. I'm calling you here today to discuss one thing with you."

"Before the meeting, I must emphasize again that the contents of this meeting must be kept strictly confidential. All topics discussed in the meeting shall not be discussed with anyone in other occasions. "

"If we find a leak, we will strictly check the source of the leak. Once we confirm who released the leak, the leaker will be charged with espionage, treason and other charges."There was a commotion in the meeting room.

The crime of espionage is a little too scary.

Looking around at the participants in the conference room, the old man confirmed that his meaning had been fully conveyed, and then stopped for a moment to continue to speak.

"Well, that's all nonsense. Let's get to the point where we are today."

With that, the old man on the stage nodded to the staff nearby.

The picture of PPT was soon lit on the screen through the projector.

When I saw the title of that line, Wang Zhengfei was stunned.

Not only him, but also the Huaxing manager sitting next to him, as well as the countless enterprise managers and industry leaders in the related fields of the electronic industry sitting behind him. Almost all of them are like people who have been determined by their own skills and are shocked by the information revealed by the title of that line.

"Carbon based Chip? "

Pushing the glasses on the bridge of his nose, Li Zixuan moved his bottom forward, trying to get closer and see clearly.

When he found out that he was not dazzled and the words on the screen were carbon based chips, he then couldn't help saying a word.

“…… What's the international joke? "

Being awakened by the words of the general manager Li nearby, Wang Zhengfei took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

Carbon chip?

What is it?

Overtaking at this corner turns to overtaking at the corner, but it's too big, isn't it?

No, don't say the turn is too big. He can't even find the north.

It's not just the two of them that are shocked.

As more and more people come back from their surprise, the voice of discussion gradually spreads in the conference room.

Carbon chip?!

This word is not new to them at all. Even from some roadshows or angel investors' summits, they can see some young people who have just graduated with no more than two doors. They are trying to sell carbon based chips' future industrial prospects with rough ppt.

As anyone knows, however, there is little difference between investing in such a project and doing charity.

Joking, even Microsoft, Google and Intel can't figure out the technology that can be worked out by a college student who just graduated a few years ago. That's the sun coming out in the West!

You think everyone is a boat!

However, it's not a roadshow or an angel investor Summit

It's an industry conference convened by the Central Committee. The big guys sitting here are leaders in the field of semiconductor industry and electronic industry, and the leaders of the development and Development Commission are standing on the stage. The topics discussed are more about the future of China's semiconductor industry

In this context, the four words "carbon based chip" are given different meanings in an instant.

The meeting continues.

With the PPT screening.

Wang Zhengfei's face was more shocked, even the index finger and thumb holding the ballpoint pen were shaking slightly.

If this is not another big Wulong similar to Hanxin, it will be an opportunity for Huawei to stand on the top of the world, and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Thinking of this, he could not help holding his breath and clenched his fist.

He must seize the opportunity!

Warwick must hold on!

If he missed it, he would regret it all his life