Chapter 886

It's a pity that we can't continue to fight together in the space field with the land boat. But for Hou Guang, it was during the time when the chief designer left the front line that he really felt that he had grown up.

This kind of growth is not only limited to academic ability, but also lies in academic leadership and management ability of scientific research team.

Once upon a time, these things were done by land and boat.

And the chief designer Lu, who has led the domestic controllable fusion project, does have a set in this respect.

However, these experiences can not be directly passed on to others through training, and can only grow in practice.

Sometimes Hou Guang can't help but think that maybe considering this, in order to leave room for his growth, Lu zhoucai chose to withdraw from the first line.

Every time I think about it, I can't help but shed tears.

In the dye vat of the academic world, there are such noble feelings and opportunities to give to those who need them. I'm afraid they are even rarer than giant pandas.

However, if Wang Zengguang, the chief engineer of the nuclear industry group who once cooperated with Lu Zhou on the controllable nuclear fusion project, knew his idea, he would only laugh at it.

Can that guy have that feeling?


But definitely not the main reason!

Besides being not interested in power, the root cause is probably laziness.

People who know about land boat know that this guy will never stay in a field for too long. Even his favorite mathematics, when he has achieved the level of no opponent or progress space in a certain research direction, he will immediately jump out of his comfort zone and create a greater miracle in the new field.

Look what that guy wrote in the letter to the central government when he left as chief designer of Fusion Engineering?

Put aside those euphemistic words, there are no more than two core ideas.

Controllable nuclear fusion has come out. I'm going to play on another research topic.

It's so tired to be the chief designer. You need to send someone to manage it



On the highway.

Sitting in the back of the car and looking at the landscape of the boat, I suddenly sneezed without any sign.

Wang Peng, who was driving in front of him, looked in his rearview mirror and asked.

"Is the air conditioning down?"

"No, no, just this temperature..." Rubbing his nose, Lu Zhou muttered, "who is thinking about my handsome again?" and then he turned his attention back to the paper spread out on his knee.

This paper is the one Luo Wenxuan showed him last week.

The only difference is that although it is the same content, it is not given by the same person.

In fact, Lu Zhou didn't want to see this thing at first. It can be seen from the abstract. This kind of theoretical speculation can neither solve the existing problems nor make a complete physical explanation for the unknown phenomena. It has no value of research at all.

What he didn't expect, however, was that this guy actually contributed his paper to PRL. And what he didn't expect was that PRL actually sent him the invitation to review the manuscript and asked him to help review the manuscript.

Because of the principle of double blindness, elder martial brother Luo probably would not have thought that his paper had been sent to his younger martial brother.

In line with the principle of "it's inconvenient for the ugly to be seen outside", Lu Zhou finally accepted the PRL's invitation to review the manuscript and printed the paper on him. As for why he is on the highway at the moment, it is natural for him to go home for the new year.

In fact, strictly speaking, there is still a week or two before the new year. According to the original plan, the land boat is also intended to go back a few days before the new year.

However, these days, people often come to his office, asking about their achievements and giving gifts. In a word, they are all people who have misguided ideas, which bothers him.

Although there have been such things in the past years, this year, due to the compression of the examination arrangement to the end of the year, all the people looking for him have gathered together.

In addition, there are some teachers and workers who want to report their work at the end of the year and find him in various ways, and they want to ask him to do things. Such a large office can't hold a quiet desk.

After cramming the matter of changing the scroll into he Changwen, Lu Zhou simply went home for the new year ahead of time.

As for why to drive back.

It will be more convenient to have a car for the new year.

In fact, he originally wanted to drive back in a sports car, but the compact space was not suitable for a long journey, so he changed it into the black red flag that the country gave him under the suggestion of Wang Peng.

It's also a custom-made model. The back space of this model is bigger and more comfortable. When you are tired, you can even lie down. It's suitable for driving a long distance. As for the purple electric Max car run, in addition to being used for forcing, running a long distance is really torture yourself.

There is still something in Lu Zhou's mind.

"Minkowski's space theory has a profound understanding, but it's a pity that his mathematical skills are still poor Is this guy really a student brought out by Mr. Witten? "It's not just about computing, but also about logic self consistency.

For the field of theoretical physics, mathematics is very important, but not decisive.

For some scholars who can only use basic mathematical tools, they can also create new theories. For example, Frank vilzek, who had a brief cooperation with Lu Zhou, did not use too advanced mathematical theories in his theoretical research work in the field of quark particles.

Physicists like Edward Witten who can invent mathematical tools and win the fields Prize are, after all, the minority.

Obviously, the mistakes in elder martial brother Luo's paper are not only about calculation, but also the most fundamental logical self consistency. It would be a coincidence to pass such a piece of writing which is hot in the brain.

Smiling and shaking his head, Lu Zhou annotated a line of review comments at the end of the paper with a ballpoint pen.

Do you want to pass the draft?

Does not exist.

Let alone the problems of the paper itself

I've said that. I can't let him eat the table, can I?

Leaving the paper on one side, Lu Zhou looked out the window of the eye car and asked.

"Where are we?"

Wang Peng, holding the steering wheel, replied.

"There are still 10 kilometers to go by Jiangcheng."

Lu Zhou nodded. Just then, he suddenly remembered something.

"In other words, the semiconductor industrial base of Hubei Province, the fifth largest semiconductor industrial group newly established, is in the suburb of Jiangcheng?"

Wang Peng is slightly stunned. He doesn't know why Lu Zhou is talking to him about it.

However, he nodded his head even though he knew something about his work.

"Well I remember it was in the eastern suburb of Jiangcheng. "

Is it in the eastern suburb of Jiangcheng?

The legendary center of the universe, Optical Valley East

Thinking of the fifth semiconductor industry group in full swing, and then thinking of the carbon based semiconductor production and research base jointly established by Huawei group that Chen Yushan mentioned with him a few days ago, it seems that it's here, said Lu Zhou suddenly.

"Take a look."


Although it was a surprise that the land boat suddenly made a decision, but Wang Peng also didn't talk nonsense, skillfully changed the lane with the steering wheel, and drove to the direction of the exit of the expressway.

After driving for so many years for Lu Zhou, he can be said to be quite familiar with this big guy's nature.

It's almost normal to do what you want.

This is true both in life and in research.

It's like going home this time, I only informed him when I was about to leave, and I didn't make any advance arrangements.

As a good driver, he has been used to it for a long time.

However, although Wang Peng is used to it, some people do not

At the exit of Jiangling expressway, more than 200 kilometers away from Jiangcheng, a group of people are shivering in the cold wind