Chapter 902

“…… This flight is about to arrive at Shangjing International Airport. For the safety of you and others, please do not stand up or open the luggage rack first... "

Hearing the broadcast from the airport, Lu Zhou closed his notes and put on the pen cover of a ballpoint pen.

At this time, he suddenly noticed the vision coming from the side, so he glanced sideways, and saw a boy with a cap on his tongue, about 16 or 17 years old, sitting there, his eyes staring straight at the notebook in his hand.

Eyebrow picked pick pick, the boat said with a smile.

"Curious about what I'm writing?"

As if he didn't recognize him, the boy in the cap nodded his head, thought for a moment and then opened his mouth.

“…… Uncle, I seem to have seen this formula you wrote. "

Lu Zhou smiled.

This kid

Not only the mouth is not sweet, but also the bad habit of pretending to be forced.


How dare a kid I don't know know know this formula?

Believe you!

Originally, I wanted to enlighten him, but after thinking about it, I still thought about it.

He put away his notebook, and the boat ignored him. At the prompt of the flight attendant's little sister, he untied his seat belt. Along with Wang Peng, who had helped him take down his suitcase, he walked down the gangway.

However, he didn't care that the boat didn't take care of himself. The boy in the cap thought for a while and suddenly looked up.

"Ah, that It's like a Riemannian zeta function! "

"I'll tell you how I feel familiar. I've seen it on the last big topic of IMO national competition..."

But this man

It's a little strong!

Even Riemann functions know that.

Are you still following the IMO competition at such an old age?

Just then, a little fat man with a travel bag came up from behind and patted him on the shoulder.

"Jige, get off the plane. Don't be dazed."

"Ah," cried his friend, and the boy realized that he was still on the plane. He got up to pick up his luggage. "Wait a minute, I'll be right away."

"Don't dawdle, the leader is pushing."

"Well done, here we are!"


After getting off the plane, Lu Zhou met another acquaintance at the exit of the airport.

This person is not someone else. It's Chen Baohua, Chen Yushan's father who works in the organization department.

Although I haven't seen him for some time, the old man with very neat hair obviously knows himself.

The expression is a little subtle and he said hello, Lu zhouyou smiled and nodded.

"Uncle Chen What a coincidence. "

"Academician Lu is very polite," Chen Baohua nodded and made a gesture of invitation with a little formality. "Please get on the bus."

He was about to return to the driver's seat.

But at this time, Wang Peng stepped forward.

"Let me drive."

Obviously knowing Wang Peng's identity, Chen Baohua thought about it, nodded his head and gave up the driver's seat.


So Lu Zhou and Uncle Chen sat in the back row together.

There was no communication all the way, but I felt uncomfortable sitting in the boat beside Uncle Chen.

I don't know if it's his illusion. He always feels that Uncle Chen seems to be a little defensive?

"I went to your house on the third day of the new year?"

Being asked such a formal question, Lu Zhou's voice could not help but take a little formality with him. He sat up straight and nodded and said, "well But she only stayed for a moment and left. "

"Well No wonder. "

The old man was silent for a while, then sighed and stopped talking.

Lu Zhou wanted to find a topic to talk with him and kill the time of getting off the bus, but he didn't plan to talk to himself when he looked closed, so he stopped talking and put his attention back to the notebook in his pocket.

For him, it was the easiest pastime.

As long as you immerse yourself in the world of mathematics, no matter how many hours you spend, it's like a blink of an eye


The international lunar Hadron Collider conference was held in the Great Hall of Shangjing. More than 500 experts from the world's aerospace industry and physics industry, as well as senior officials from participating countries, participated in the conference.

Although the international summit, which has both political and scientific significance, is nominally led by the science and Engineering Bureau and the space agency, as well as the moon orbit Construction Committee of the ministerial unit, the specific preparatory work is naturally coordinated by the experienced Organization Department and the Protocol Department of the Ministry of foreign affairs.

There are four hotels for the participants according to their countries and identities.In order to ensure the smooth traffic during the meeting, almost the traffic of the second ring road was restricted during the meeting, which is why the closer to the city center, the less cars on the road.

The car drove to the door of the hotel. After getting off, Uncle Chen looked at Lu Zhou and said.

"This car is temporarily lent to you. It will take you about a week or two to go to Beijing. It's more convenient to have one."

Boat passenger airway.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Anyway, this car is not mine. It's arranged by the organization."

With that, Uncle Chen raised his left hand and looked at the time on his watch. "It's not too early, and I won't delay your precious time. If you have time, you can come to my house for a cup of tea. If you don't have time, it's OK. "

After leaving this sentence, Chen Shuxiang nodded to Wang Peng, who was holding the car key, and then turned away.

Put the key away, Wang Peng looked at Lu Zhou and said.

"I'll help you with your luggage. Please check in at the hotel first."

Seeing Uncle Chen's back, Lu Zhou nodded his head.

"OK, please."

Although the waiters of the five-star hotel will help to pick up the luggage and send it all the way to the upstairs with enthusiasm, the luggage of the boat can't be handed over to others, even if the hotel where the participants stay has been checked by the security department once.

When the waiter came to the front desk of the hotel, just as Lu zhouzheng was about to check in, he suddenly felt that the old man standing next to him, wearing a woolen vest outside his sweater, was a little familiar.

It seems that he noticed the sight of the land boat. The old man took out his ID card to register and looked aside. It happened to be the sight of the land boat.

Slightly Leng for a while, the old man's face immediately showed a smile, said with a smile.

"Well, academician Lu, it's a coincidence. I didn't expect to live in the same hotel with you. It's really a pleasure to meet you."

"Academician Wang?" With a smile on his face, Lu Zhou held out his right hand and said politely, "nice to meet you."

The man in front of me is Academician Wang Shicheng, former president of the Chinese mathematics society, and one of the leaders of the Chinese mathematics circle.

However, despite their apparent enthusiasm, the two were in fact just casual friends, not many.

The only two intersections are not so beautiful.

First, Chen provincial mathematics award was pressed by Mr. Qiu. He could not give it to Lu Zhou who was still studying for master's degree. The second is the voting for the election of academicians. Originally, the voting storehouse of several academies was controlled by two mountains, Yanda and Sinian. But under the pressure from the political side, his careful thinking was lost. He had to take the academicians of Yanda faction and vote for Lu Zhou.

After all, the election of the two chambers is not only the opinion of the highest level in Shangjing, but also the praise for Lu Zhouli's contribution.

If not, it would be the political Z accident. Even if Lu Zhou didn't pay attention to it, his academic leader would be responsible.

In fact, he is very convinced if he wants to persuade.

He has studied mathematics for decades, and although he has made great achievements in kink theory, he may not be as brilliant as he showed in a year.

It is not a talent that can improve the impression of the international mathematics community on Chinese mathematics by one's own power, but a feat that only great people can accomplish.

Just like ramanukin's contribution to Indian mathematics, after his death, there must be a land boat award to encourage young scholars to continue on the road of mathematics.

However, although he was convinced, he was forced to give way to a young man. He was really angry!

In particular, Lu Zhou's refusal to come to Yanda has created an extra mountain for the domestic mathematics community. He can even foresee that in the next decade, a group of gold university scholars will surely enter the palace of academicians, shaking the stable landscape of Yanda's Academy for decades

Most let him spit blood is, even if the heart of MMP, the face still have to smile and polite greetings.

"In a word, Academician Wang also received the invitation of the seminar?"

"There is no division between mathematics and physics. My field of study is closely related to mathematics and physics. It is also an honorary director of the Chinese Physics Society. So they sent me an invitation. In a word, academician Lu has to speak on the stage. Are you ready? "

Lu Zhou said with a smile.

"Are you ready, at least not to lose the face of our Chinese academia?"

"Ha ha, how modest! Even if you go up for a joke, I'm afraid that the following people will remember two things carefully, "Wang Shicheng said politely with a smile after a few greetings with Lu Zhou." in a word, there are three days to start the conference. If academician Lu is free, he might as well come to Yanda to sit down. We have been admiring your knowledge for a long time. We have been looking forward to landing academician's opportunity to come to Yanda's school for guidance. Unfortunately, you are too busy. We haven't waited for this opportunity. "

"Academician Wang is very talkative. Yanda academy is as powerful as the clouds. What can I give you Lu Zhou smiled modestly and said, "I don't mind if I just visit. I'm afraid I'll disturb you.""Why?" Academician Wang Shicheng smiled. "Professor Lu is modest. There is no university in the world. He will refuse your visit. Please don't be polite."

Lu Zhou said with a smile, "I'll be fine tomorrow. I'm afraid I'll be very busy in the next few days."

"No problem. When will you come, our Yanda gate will be open for you." Academician Wang Shicheng smiled and said, "then I won't disturb your rest. I have to put a bag on it, and I'll talk about it tomorrow?"

"I'll talk about it tomorrow."

Lu Zhou nodded and said goodbye to the old man. Then he took his suitcase and walked toward the elevator.