Chapter 1047

Los Angeles.

The International Conference on IC design and process was held as scheduled.

As the top meeting of IC design field under IEEE, this is not only an academic conference for Industry scholars, but also a stage for major chip manufacturers to show off their technology.

For industries involving specific application fields, the boundary between academia and industry is not obvious.

Many scholars themselves are engineers in enterprises. Many senior engineers in enterprises are reviewers of journals. Even some big bulls, while serving as technical directors, are also editors in some IEEE journals. These are not rare things.

Professor Michael Maybury standing on the stage is a typical example.

As president of Intel Semiconductor Research Institute, he also holds the position of chief technology officer (CTO) of Intel.

At this moment, standing on the stage, he is showing all the scholars, engineers and enterprise representatives present the latest consumer processor chip of Intel, as well as the next generation core graphics card and a series of technologies.

Among the dazzling achievements, the most remarkable one is undoubtedly the new microarchitecture "silver light" announced by the company based on 7Nm process technology.

Almost when this content just appeared on PPT, those listed parameters and concept maps immediately became the focus of attention!

According to Intel, the silver light architecture, which will be launched in the second half of 2022, will improve the performance of the chip by another level based on the sunny Cove architecture that Intel launched in 19 years! And the new chip matching with it will be greatly different in the integration and technology.

Standing on the stage, Michael Maybury stressed with excitement and affirmation that this is a leap forward technological innovation, Intel will redefine the future of chip technology Although everyone boasted so much every time, Maybury's speech really made many people's faces show surprise, even surprised expression.

As we all know, the 7Nm process is almost close to the process limit of major manufacturers. Although it is not impossible to achieve 5nm, it is not so cost-effective in terms of cost.

At 5nm, there are theoretical bottlenecks, including the limitation of materials and the increasingly important quantum mechanical effect. It is very difficult to improve the chip performance in the chip manufacturing process.

Therefore, in addition to looking for alternative materials, all major chip manufacturers have begun to work hard outside the process to squeeze the potential of silicon-based chips as much as possible.

The "sunny Cove" architecture, which was released by Intel in the second half of 19 years and has aroused many topics in the industry, is undoubtedly one of them.

Based on the "sunny Cove" architecture of 10 nm process technology, the performance of Intel's core and Xeon chips has been directly improved by 66%!

No one is surprised that Intel can achieve 7Nm process, but it can make such a significant breakthrough in the "sunny Cove" architecture, which is no different from the level of "black technology" in the eyes of many people in the industry.

Obviously, this academic conference has become a dazzling Technology Conference for Intel.

Sitting under the stage, Derek wachov, Qualcomm's chief engineer, looks at the CTO's crazy display of skills on the stage, with a look of envy on his face.

"Intel's black Technology Last time I heard that Maybury said that they were preparing a big news to subvert the traditional architecture design, I thought it was bragging, but I didn't expect that they really got it. "

Sitting next to him, Mr. Koch, vice president of Qualcomm who was also sent to attend the academic conference, squinted enviously at the man on the stage.

“…… I'm afraid Intel's stock will fly to the sky tomorrow. "

Although the relationship between Qualcomm and Intel is not so good, if he can make money, he would not mind increasing his holdings in advance in his own name.

At the same time, Maybury on the stage was already dry and thirsty. He took the cup from the staff and drank water.

For half an hour, he spent 20 minutes telling Intel's partners, or potential partners, about - or "showing off" the brand-new architecture called Silverlight, and the chips that came with it.

Even though it is full of tedious boasting and pompous rhetoric, there is still no one in the whole conference room.

Everyone is well aware of the character of this Mr. Maybury.

He may boast, but he will never speak.

Thirty minutes passed at last. After a round of applause, Michael meberlyon walked down the stage.

The academic event of the chip industry continues, but it is clear that the whole focus has been completely taken away by Intel.Back to mabery, who was sitting under the stage, listening to the faint voice of discussion and exclamation, he could not help but write a few threads of pride on his face.

He enjoyed the feeling.

That's why I came here to make this report myself.

Otherwise, this kind of report will be thrown to the people below.

The reporters on the stage have changed for several rounds, whether Qualcomm, Samsung or apple, the results of this conference are dim in front of their "silver light".

In particular, when talking about the update of Qualcomm's arm-v9 instruction set, the technician on the stage of Qualcomm said that his face was shriveled, which made him feel even more comfortable.

As the reporter from Qualcomm stepped down, a Chinese man wearing glasses stepped onto the stage.

The thin and tall appearance, coupled with a suit that is decent but doesn't show much momentum, makes people not look like a professor or a high-ranking engineer, but rather like an intern or student, assistant and other roles.

When mabery, who was going to see the jokes of his friends and businessmen next to each other, saw the speaker on the stage, he could not help but look down upon him.

Whether it's the logo of Warwick Hayes or the restrained expression on the face of the report, it doesn't make him feel that his next speech is worth his time to listen to.

What's more, send an intern to make a report in such a place. What can he say?

It's just that I don't want to throw this man on my own.

Just then, sitting next to him, Robert swan, CEO of Intel, who had never spoken, suddenly said, "I heard that they are not satisfied with IC design recently, and are cooperating with China's policies to upgrade their industries."

Naturally, they refer to the reporter from Warwick Hayes on the stage.

There was no change in mabery's contempt, and his eyebrows were raised slightly.

"Oh? With the "high-tech" enterprises of Chinese people? "

"You'd better not look down on them too much," said Robert swan in a deep voice. "After all, things like nuclear fusion, we've only touched a little door. They've repaired the cross regional power grid to our factory in Southeast Asia."

Can fusion and chips be a while?

Maybury was turning his lips in disapproval, obviously not taking Swann's words to heart.

At this moment, the reporter who was standing on the stage and suspected to be an intern finally spoke.

Maybe it was because he appeared on such an occasion for the first time, his expression was somewhat restrained, he took several deep breaths to calm down, and then made a simple opening speech with a steady speed.

Several big men in the front row, including Robert Swann and Maybury, gave the young man a kind and encouraging look.

For harmless opponents, their attitude is often sympathetic and tolerant. Even though they can't hide the slightness behind their eyes, at least on the surface, he is a modest scholar.

That's how adults behave.

No matter how annoying the noisy bear children are, they usually hide the boredom in their hearts and look at them with loving eyes instead.

"This project is us The cooperation project between Huawei Haisi and Jinling Institute of higher learning has lasted nearly two years. In fact, it should have been reported by their research team, but they gave us the opportunity out of concern about the location and other aspects of the report. "

It's not a very strong voice, which makes many people under the stage lack of interest.

Although the name of Jinling Institute of higher learning has attracted many people's attention, it was only an intern who thought of sending to the stage to report. Almost all of them had the same disapproval on their faces.

That seems to have been noticed.

Looking at the leaders in the front row who have already paid attention to other places, they even began to whisper and laugh. The reporter standing on the stage was in a hurry, so he sped up and went straight to the point.

"I'll explain the details in PPT."

"This project is about the carbon based chip we are studying..."

That's just half the point.

All of a sudden, the reporter standing on the stage was surprised to find that there was some uneasiness in the meeting place before, and he did not know when it began to be as silent as death.

What's more, it's a little scary