Chapter 1088

The idea has been found out, so there is only one thing to do next.

He has registered and borrowed the unfinished works. With these books and printed documents, Lu Zhou returns to his home in Zhongshan International in advance.

As always before closing, Lu Zhouxian went to the bathroom to take a shower with a sense of ceremony. After bathing and dressing, he went to the study and sat down. He took out the ball point pen which he had used for a long time, and began to scribble on the rough paper.

[define m ~ (k) as the following category:]

[its object is, H (x, e), where x is the smooth projective cluster on K, e is the idempotent of ring corr0 ~ (x, x) Q, and the morphism is Hom (H (x, e, H (y, f)): = f · corr0 ~ (x, y) Q · e ]

【…… ]

when inspiration comes, it's almost the same.

Ideas that erupt like volcanoes have even surpassed the speed of their own writing.

A line of calculation is like a trickle of water flowing through a mountain stream, washing the tough Stone Gully. The tip of the pen has been waved into a shadow on the paper. Under the smooth strokes, the inaudible notes have been woven into a song that covers all the phenomena of the universe and shakes people's hearts.

Feeling that he can't print all his ideas on paper in a moment, Lu Zhou can't help but have a whim. If it's in the virtual reality world, will the speed of calculation be faster by outputting these things on the "draft paper" with ideas?

But on second thought, he gave up the idea.

Creative work requires a high concentration of thinking, and the neural access virtual reality system is ultimately a process of simulating dreams, so the more relaxed it is, the easier it is to immerse itself in it.

Maybe the actively guided dream can make it look like the real existence, and it will leave clear memory in the dream after the end, but if you are engaged in creative work, 80% of you will still have insufficient brain.

In order to improve the hand speed and weaken the thinking ability, there is no doubt that it is a bit of putting the cart before the horse.

"At this speed, the first phased results will probably be made by the end of the month at the latest..."

Three pages of scratchpad were full, and Lu Zhou, with a pause, stretched his back and looked at the unfinished steps in front of him.

"On the graded structure of the cohomology ring of the motive!"

"And its straightness and decomposition!"

It's only a few days since the end of the month.

The ship has made up its mind.

In the days before the paper was written, I'd better stay at home for a few days.


At the beginning of the new round of closing of Lu Zhou, the male dormitory of Jinling University was not far away from each other. A Sao Nian was excitedly pushing open the door of the dormitory. He walked in and threw his schoolbag on the chair.

Looking at his face as if he had won five million, looking at Duan Siqi, who has several textbooks, can't help but look at this guy's face twice more and ask.

"What's so exciting? Got the scholarship? "

Jimo said with a smile on his face.

"Don't guess, you can't."

Yang Shuang, who is playing chess, releases his mouse and looks back with interest.

"Then what do you say?"

After unscrewing the bottle cap of mineral water and taking a sip, Jimo, who has moistened Sangzi, has sold the gate to the full. This is why he said without hesitation, "Professor Lu agreed to let me join his project!"

The bedroom was quiet for a few seconds.

Hearing this sentence, not only Duan Siqi and Yang Shuang, but also Wu Di, who is sitting next to playing with his mobile phone, are all surprised.

"Horizontal groove? no Professor Lu's topic? Professor Lu, who won the fields prize in several schools? "

Put down the phone, Wu Di also inserted. Into the dialogue, a face can't believe to look at Jimo said.

"True?! You are an undergraduate Someone else has a problem with you. "

On hearing this, Jimo immediately disagreed.

"What happened to the undergraduates? I have learned all the undergraduate courses by myself! What's more, Professor Lu has said that scientific research is an advanced knowledge in practice. No matter undergraduate or postgraduate, as long as they master the basic theoretical knowledge, they can try to expand the width of knowledge in practice. "

It's OK to say the first half. When it comes to the back, the cheeks of Jimo children's shoes can't help getting a little hot.

In fact, this is not what Professor Lu said, but the senior sister in their office.

However, it is said that the elder martial sister is Professor Lu's chief disciple, who was instructed by him when she was in high school.

So to put it in a round, should it still be equal to what Professor Lu himself said?

"Besides, almost half of the winners of the fields prize have won the IMO gold medal! For example, Shultz, who won the award with Professor Lu, is now regarded as the most potential direction in the field of algebraic geometry with his P-progression and perfect spaceHolding the mouse and clicking on the screen, Yang Shuang quickly turned his head and asked curiously.

"What is P-factor and perfect space?"

"Ah, it's a long story. I don't know much, just a little..."

Looking at Ji, who said something difficult to understand excitedly in his mouth, Duan Siqi, who was sitting beside, kept his stunned expression for a long time, and sighed for a long time.

There's such an amazing roommate, Alexander.

While others are still padding their shoes with their aunt's kerchiefs and kicking in the playground, this guy has completed all the undergraduate courses. He began to do scientific research with Lu Shen while others were still splitting their hair in front of him.

Whether it's core work or non core work, it's also work in academician Lu's team.

As long as he works conscientiously and doesn't say what height the platform for future development can reach, at least in terms of personal growth, he will certainly benefit a lot.

At the thought of this, Duan Siqi's heart is so envious.

There's really no way to deal with this talented player. No matter how much time he spends in the library, he can't catch up with this guy.

But think about it. After all, others are sent in by IMO full score, let alone Jinling University. Even if they go to Berkeley and Princeton, others are eager for them, and they are definitely full scholarship.

Listening to Jimo children's shoes talking about perfect space, p-count and other difficult things, watching Yang Shuang as sharp as a mental handicap, a deep sense of frustration came from Duan Siqi's heart, even the mood to continue reading.

Silently took out the mobile phone, looked at the email in the virtual reality game qualification invitation, his face can not help but some complex expression.

Next Saturday at the Jinling Institute of higher learning, the first public test of virtual reality system will be launched as scheduled.

He didn't expect to win. After all, as of the deadline for application, he saw that the number of applicants had exceeded ten million, while the number of domestic test places was only 200.

This can be drawn, I'm afraid I've used up all my life's luck.

He was going to brush the questions on Saturday

Looking at this invitation, Duan Siqi couldn't help thinking.

Do you want to go or not?