Chapter 1109

Lu Zhou did not know that his manuscript had become a chip on the table of two old gamblers.

If he knew it, he would surely try to make a mistake from both of them.

After holding on to President Qin, who was going to hang a banner to send off, and driving two old friends to the airport with Wang Peng, Lu Zhou returned to his villa in Zhongshan International.

At the same time, I boarded the plane through the security check, fastened my seat belt and looked out of the window at Schulz, who seemed to be thinking about something, until the ground was gradually pulled away until I couldn't see it, then I suddenly said with some emotion.

"Time flies, I didn't expect that I have been here for nearly a month unconsciously."

There seems to be no more feeling about the time. Professor fortings, who has already begun to close his eyes, just simply replied.

"I have to work harder when I get back."

Schulz smiled and said in a natural voice.

"That's for sure."

Genius is proud.

On this point, he is the same.

In fact, the reason why we choose to go back at this time is not just because we want to find something for our students to do. At a time when the vast majority of work can be conveyed through the Internet, the reasons he said are actually things that can be solved by an email.

As for the real reason

He believed that the heart of Lu Zhou must be clear.

In this last stage of human heroism, it may not have much significance to distinguish between the superior and the inferior, but only one person can be remembered by history.

They have completed the non pioneering work in cooperation.

As for who can build the last tile for this building, and it is the most difficult one

That depends on your ability.

This is a tacit understanding.

It's also an open competition.

Although he knew his odds were slim, he planned to try.

He believes that it's not just him. Professor fortings's thoughts at the moment are mostly the same.

Feeling the intense blood in his chest, Schulz could not help clenching his fist.

“…… It's really exciting. "


Flights to Germany have disappeared into the clouds.

The land boat that returns home, also sat in the study.

Like Professor Schulz, the heart of the boat is boiling with excitement.

But for very different reasons.

"It's finally the last step..."

Looking at the drafts of the desks, the white boards hanging beside the bookshelves on the wall, and the land boat with a deep breath, the corners of the mouth could not help holding a heartfelt smile.

The unification of algebra and geometry is only the last step.

After crossing, it is the world of lv10.

In addition, according to the reward of the legendary mission, the memory from the void will also reveal the most mysterious part of the secrets about the system for him.

No matter which one is, it makes him feel deeply adored at the moment!

Without any pause, Lu Zhou reached out and picked up the ballpoint pen at the corner of the table. After gently shaking it, facing a new blank draft paper, he reviewed his communication and research with Perelman and others in the past month, and began his thinking on this last proposition.

Abstract form of geometry is a very complex thing.

For ordinary people, not to mention research, even just learning or even reading, there are many obstacles.

After all, if we say that the abstract meaning behind numbers can be simply analogized by the method of "using different bases to explain the number n separately", the abstract form of geometry can not be simply described by words or symbols.

It needs not only careful thinking, but also strong spatial imagination and understanding of abstract things.

Therefore, it can also be said that unifying geometry and numbers is a proposition that integrates abstraction with abstraction.

Take the simple univariate polynomials with obvious geometric interpretation as an example.

When it has understanding, its dimension is 1, which is a curve. If we consider the complex form, because the dimension of complex is 2, its abstract form is a surface.

The reverse is the same.

Grotengdick's theory gives a more complete framework. He thinks that an integer should be a curve in a sense, and every point on the curve corresponds to a prime number.

This theory is very successful, especially with its own topology tools, it has derived many useful methods and mathematical tools, which can solve many problems in algebra combination.

Even when Witten was studying string theory and trying to use Jones polynomials to explain Chen Simmons theory, he was inspired by this thought.Then, there is the birth of M theory.

What Lu Zhou is doing now is to expand the framework of this theory, to promote this idea, to the extent that it can cover the whole field of algebra and geometry, and even the Langlands program, the dynamic theory, and the cohomology theory in all senses

And on this basis, nurture new mathematics, and even a new world!

For this new world, at least half of it has been predicted, but not confirmed, by grotendic in his standard conjecture.

As for the other half, even the father of modern algebraic geometry dare not imagine

Let X be a nonsingular projective family on the algebraic closed field k of characteristic 0. When we take an embedding K → C, we get a complex manifold x (c) ]

a few lines of calculation are printed on the paper, which simply outlines the framework of the whole proof idea.

Looking at the formula on the paper, Lu Zhou murmurs to himself the words that only he can understand with the voice that only he can hear.

"All cohomology has been abstracted into a geometric set, and the exact expression of CQ (D, K) has been substituted into corollary 4 through the fold method for derivation..."

"A set abstracted from geometry and mapped to a set of n."

“…… In this way, the most likely plan is ready. "

There was a twinkling flame in his eyes, and the tip of the pen, which was fixed on the paper, suddenly moved.

Traces of ink color, such as running streams, have converged on the paper into a mysterious and mathematical aesthetic formula. Under the traction of careful thinking, a huge blueprint has been sketched out.

Time passes by minute by second.

There was only brush strokes left in the study.

The land boat, which has completely entered the state, has completely forgotten the time and space, even its own existence, and is completely immersed in the sea of mathematics.

It's not like it's completing a piece of proof.

It's a symphony of the universe.


(thanks for the reward from the leader of the book friend "iPhone" ~ ~ ~ if you are on a business trip, you must fill in the QAQ)