Chapter 1119

As a matter of fact, as for whether we are human beings or not, I'm afraid that we can't answer this question now.

Although from the data on the physical examination test sheet, the strengthening of the system does not seem to be reflected in the transformation of his DNA, but with his current thinking ability, it is clear that it has exceeded the scope that ordinary people can reach - even understand.

If he remembers correctly, when he just entered Princeton, about six years ago, Professor deline invited him to join in the study of standard conjecture.

Now six years have passed.

Obviously, until now, no significant progress has been made on this subject.

Now, however, it's as simple as breathing.

Although a large part of the reason is that the great unity theory provides a theoretical basis for proving this proposition, it is a terrorist thing to solve so many problems in a short half an hour, even if we put aside the conclusions that can be directly drawn from the great unity theory.

Even in his own eyes.

Taking a deep breath of cold air, I let my restless mood cool down a little. Lu Zhou looked at the line on the whiteboard, "Lefschetz standard conjecture, established!" "The words of" have been silent for a long time, "he said slowly.

"As we all know, the standard conjecture can be divided into two parts. The first half is Professor grotengdick's generalization of hard Lefschetz theorem when he studies the wey's conjecture, which is known as Lefschetz's standard conjecture. "

"The second half is Hodge's standard conjecture."

It seems that it was because of something troublesome that Lu Zhou got into a tangle. He frowned and thought for a long time.

There was no sound under the stage.

Everyone is waiting for him to continue.

Under the gaze of countless expectant eyes, the frown suddenly loosed, and in a relaxed tone, the boat continued.

"Forget it."

"Although it is only to demonstrate the application of grand unified theory in the study of Algebraic Geometry..."

"But now that it's all written here."

"It's better to solve it together."

I didn't go to see the shocking faces behind me, nor to listen to the screams and unbelievable comments that resounded through the venue.

With a lot of complex emotions, such as awe, emotion, and calm, he walked to the blank whiteboard beside him and stopped for a moment.

Standard conjecture is one of the most profound propositions in algebraic geometry.

Its profundity lies not only in its complicated beauty, but also in its profound inference.

Most directly, if the standard conjecture holds, we can directly deduce the wey conjecture, and we can deduce that Frobenius plays a semi simple role in the cohomology group of smooth projective algebraic clusters, and we can even deduce the numerical equivalency and homological equivalence of the algebraic cycle in the algebraic clusters Equivalence) is the same equivalence relationship and so on.

These are known.

There are also theories to be explored.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is this conjecture that guides the development of modern algebraic geometry.

So far, however, its historic mission is over.

With his hand raised, the pen on the whiteboard moved.

【…… When I ≤ n / 2, the quadratic form X → (? 1) ^ I · L ^ (r? 2I) x.x on a ^ I (x) ∩ Ker (L ^ (n? 2I + 1)) is positive definite ]

where x is a smooth projective algebraic cluster on the field K, l is the prime number of the characteristic cross prime with K, H ^ I (x, QL) is the cohomology group on the L-Adic of order I of X, and the intersection of X and the hyperplane of the projective space is a subalgebra cluster of X.

This conjecture is known when x is an algebraic surface or a complex algebraic cluster.

Now what he wants to prove is that, in general, it is also true!

Time passes by minute by second.

There are more and more formulas on the whiteboard.

Many people sitting under the stage are not even able to catch up with the speed of his blackboard writing.

Perelman, who was sitting under the stage with his eyebrows locked and arms in his arms, suddenly sat up straight, looking straight at the pupil of the white board and instantly contracting into a point.

Schultz, sitting not far away from him, responded almost the same, even with an incredible exclamation.

“…… The topological information of compact quotient of complete manifold is obtained by using cohomology method on L ^ 2, and Hodge theory on compact manifold is extended to complete noncompact manifold! "

"God He is a genius! "

This is a property of cohomology theory on L ^ 2 mentioned by Sir Atia in his paper on the study of discrete groups and elliptic operators published in the annals of mathematics in 1976.It's not just the ingenuity of his ideas that amazes Schulz, but the ease with which he uses these mathematical tools is like breathing.

As if those mathematical tools were born for him.

Looking at Shultz, who was stunned, Perelman, who had not spoken all the time, muttered in a rare way.

“…… This kind of obvious thing, even if you don't say that everyone knows. "

Not far away.

The two old men sat there, staring at the whiteboard motionless.

At the moment when the ship successfully extended Hodge's theory on Compact Manifolds to complete non compact manifolds, Professor deline suddenly broke the tacit agreement of silence and began to talk.

"What do you think?"

Sitting next to him, faltins did not speak.

After about half a minute, he shook his head.

"I may need a little time Maybe I'm really old. "

In silence, he looked at the stage in a complicated way and stopped talking.

After all these years of friendship, he heard it for the first time. This guy admitted that he was old.

Although this is an indisputable fact, hearing this guy admit it personally still makes him a little sad

The same conversation is taking place on the other side of the venue.

But the question is Mr. Qiu Chengtong, and the answer is Professor Tao.

As an all-round talent in mathematics, he is probably the only one who can keep up with the speed of blackboard writing on the whiteboard except for Lu Zhou himself.

It's not easy though.

Even if he wants to keep up with the pace, it's quite challenging.

"He thinks too fast To make an inappropriate analogy, the average person may be sitting on a rocket Maybe I'm sitting in the Falcon of space-x, but the essence is still rocket, which is no essential difference from other rockets. But he's different. He's got something like a warp engine. When I was still following a line of thought step by step, he had already doubled the whole paper, jumping directly from the topic stem to the result part. "

Because of his wife's work in NASA, he usually has a lot of contact with aerospace. Although he may not be professional, he is still clear about the rocket model.

For this strange metaphor, Mr. Qiu said nothing, but silently moved his eyes to the white board which was almost filled.

It was a long time before he clenched his fist and sighed softly.

"Well done!"


There is no doubt that this is the most brilliant moment in the history of Chinese mathematics.

No, to be exact, it's not just Chinese mathematics.

Even if we look at the world and look back on history, we may not find a more brilliant moment.

At this moment, what he ascended was not only the temple of mathematics, but also the peak of human mind.

Standing in front of the white board connecting the universe, whether it is nationality, race, or cultural background, seems to have become pale and meaningless.

At the height of species and civilization, all this is too small.

With the last punctuation.

All sounds are still.

In fact, as early as ten lines ago, there was no suspense about the result, only few people could see it.

I took back the strokes on the whiteboard, retreated two steps, and looked at my achievements as if I were looking at a work of art for a long time.

About ten minutes later, he turned to the silent meeting place and said slowly.

"The above is the proof of standard conjecture."

The sound reverberated in the open stadium.

There was no sound under the stage.

No one speaks.

There was no applause.

The front row audience's dull or dignified expression has exhausted their mood and state at this moment. No one has ever recovered from the double shock of vision and mind. Naturally, there is no feeling.

Without pausing for a long time, Lu Zhou glanced around the silent meeting place and continued in a leisurely tone.

"In fact, the grand unified theory is the theme of this conference."

"The proof of the standard conjecture is just a piece of cake. I hope that through my exhibition, I can bring you some inspiration for your future exploration of beautiful things. "

"As we all witness, our theory once again proves that our universe is perfect, and it conforms to the aesthetic feeling of mathematics."

"Anyone else, any questions?"

The silence under the stage continued.

There is still no one to speak.

A loose shoulder.It felt like putting down the burden of a thousand catties, the land boat with no expression ups and downs all the time, and suddenly a pleasant smile appeared on its face.

That smile is like the wind in the early spring of March. Although there is no special tension, it blows into the heart of every audience. Where it blows, the ice disappears, the snow melts, the clouds open and the sun rises.

"Since there is no such meeting, I'll be here."

"I will be here for three days. If you have any new questions later, you can come here to find me."

"Thank you."

Applause poured out like rain.

Almost knocked over the ceiling of the stadium.

It's not clear where the land boat is too far away, but the place he can see, the young or old faces, without exception, are full of shock and madness.

The whole world is like being rewound, from the silent silence to the ticking again.

The staff on both sides of the lecture hall, as well as those security personnel, cast a surprised sight into the meeting hall, not quite understanding what happened.

They certainly don't understand.

Just like the beauty of mathematics, it will not open up to everyone.

However, for those who can understand it, this kind of beauty shakes the soul and reaches to the depth of the soul.

Although there is no sound, it is like a song.

Bathed in applause, Lu Zhou put the marker which was destined to be a historical relic on the platform, stepped back and bowed slightly, then turned to the platform.

The era of standard conjecture has come to an end.

Take this moment as a watershed.

Every minute in the future belongs to the new world!