Chapter 1137


Restaurant near imcrc headquarters.

The process of waiting for the food is always boring. Generally, Witten will find something to do for himself. Sometimes I read papers, sometimes I get the latest information about physics, or magazines and hobbies.

Looking at the unfinished newspaper from the office, he suddenly frowned and said.

"Whittle is crazy."

On hearing this, Frank vilzek, who was sitting opposite him, turned his inquiring eyes to him.

After a pause, Witten continued.

"He's trying to kidnap the Brookhaven Academy of Sciences in a public mood, bring in things that shouldn't have been brought to academia, and then force a group of scholars, or make a choice."

Frank vilzek raised his eyebrows and asked with interest, "what's your choice?"

"If I had to make a choice, my choice would be to stay here for a while," Witten said, putting down his newspaper. "Whatever he does, this is the first experiment of the LHC. Don't you think it's memorable whether you can achieve satisfactory results or not? "

After a pause, Witten continued with a smile,

"what's more, physics has not been as busy as it is today for a long time."

Drinking lemonade before dinner, vilzek said in silence.

"I'd rather not be so busy."

There is no advantage in being busy except for a lot of trouble. Theoretical physics is a subject from which all human beings can benefit equally. In his opinion, neither the practice of land and boat nor the practice of whittle and Brookhaven scientific society are unreasonable.

Of course, he knows.

How can there be so many rational things in this world?

If he could, of course, he would like the LHC to be involved in more meaningful projects, such as the "time crystal" theory that he is currently working on.

But unfortunately, even if he had this idea, I'm afraid he would have to wait until next year.


After the protest, Brookhaven National Laboratory finally expressed their position with practical action.

As the center of theoretical physics in North America, the withdrawal of Brookhaven National Laboratory is undoubtedly a heavy blow to imcrc just on the right track At least in the eyes of others.

After all, physicists and engineers from North America account for at least 23% of all imcrc jobs. Researchers from Brookhaven National Laboratory account for more than half of them.

This is only a statistical fixed post, and there is no visiting scholar with high statistical mobility. Whether they have direct contact with Brookhaven National Laboratory or not, their decision will be more or less affected by this matter.

Now, the news of the withdrawal of Brookhaven National Laboratory has spread to imcrc.

Almost everyone is discussing this matter and how it may affect the cooperation between China and the United States in physics.

Especially physicists from North American research institutions.

Although dissatisfied with the practice of land boat arbitrariness, whittle's attempt to kidnap them and withdraw from imcrc also aroused many people's antipathy. It doesn't seem like a good thing for them personally to draw a line with either side.

In any case, this event has brought great influence on the project schedule of 750gev characteristic peak.

Office of the president.

Secretary General Luo Wenxuan came here again and reported the latest situation to Lu Zhou.

“…… Brookhaven National Laboratory has formally submitted a written application to my side to withdraw from all the research cooperation projects in 2023 and recall their researchers and engineers in Shanghai. "

When reporting the incident, Luo Wenxuan's face was full of complicated expressions.

He also didn't expect that Brookhaven National Laboratory's response was so big that it directly took a non cooperative way to protest imcrc's "one way and one way".

Glancing at the documents on the table, Lu Zhou said nothing, signed his name on them and then threw it back into Luo Wenxuan's hands.

Seeing that Lu Zhou continued to move his eyes back to the drawings on the table without saying a word, Luo Wenxuan couldn't help asking, "you don't seem to care at all?"

"I don't care," Lu said, looking at him strangely and taking it for granted. "Anyway, they have already paid for it. I care what they don't put their names on their papers."

Luo Wenxuan: "..."

This sentence is so reasonable that he doesn't know what to say.Hesitated for a while, out of the good intention to remind friends, Luo Wenxuan finally spoke.

"Well, about the characteristic peak of 750gev..."

Lu Zhou: "what's the matter?"

Luo Wenxuan tried to persuade and said: "yesterday I turned out the paper of CERN and looked it over again. Their experiment seems to have been done in detail. There is really nothing there In case, I mean in case, if there's really nothing there, we can't come to Taiwan very well. "

Hearing this, Lu Zhou suddenly smiled, stopped his pen and looked up at him.

"You understand again?"

Luo Wenxuan sighed: "ah, I know you look down on my elder martial brother, but I can understand the thesis somehow."

Lu Zhou shook his head and said, "I haven't looked down upon anyone yet. Then tell me how can you understand?"

"How can I tell you if you ask, anyway..." Having made a helpless expression, Luo Wenxuan continued: "in a word, they have done all the experiments that should be done."

Lu Zhou: "has proton collision been done?"

Luo Wenxuan: "that must have been done. The experimental records are still there."

Lu Zhou: "what about heavy ion collisions?"

Luo Wenxuan was stunned: "Chong Heavy ion collision? What is the reason for the heavy ion collision on the characteristic peak of 750gev? "

"What are you doing with the collider?" asked the boat


Luo Wenxuan opened his mouth. This time, he couldn't say a word.

"If you have nothing to do, read more useful papers, let you get in touch with administrative work, not let you completely throw away academic things. If you are curious about why I want to do heavy ion collisions, bury your head and follow me for several experiments, you will understand. Take it."

Subconsciously took a pile of A4 paper from Lu Zhou, Luo Wenxuan said stupidly.

"What is this?"

Land boat impatient way: "take to see, don't understand to ask, all understood to help."

Luo Wenxuan: "..."

You don't understand what you're saying. Who knows?

Just when Luo Wenxuan wanted to ask Lu Zhou what work to arrange for him in the experiment, Lu Zhou suddenly raised his right hand as if he had a premonition to open his mouth.

"Don't talk."

Luo Wenxuan: "

His eyes were fixed on the drawings on the table, and the eyebrows of the boat were locked tightly in the center of the eyebrows, he said in a deep voice.

"Here we are."

Luo Wenxuan: "..."

This is Is inspiration coming?

Do I want to read this paper?

There is always a feeling that this "small problem" will have results in less than a year. Luo Wenxuan looks at the thick paper in his eyes and sighs in his heart.


It's so boring to fight for Niubi's boss