Chapter 1173

In fact, the Samsung employee's estimate finally belittles people's enthusiasm for virtual reality technology.

When 50000 helmets have been sold at the scene, the transaction price of one hv-1 helmet in the secondary market has exceeded 50000, which has more than quadrupled compared with the price of 12000.

After seeing such a price, many people who sell early show remorse, and the low-cost orders are constantly cancelled by the seller, hanging out at a higher price.

The whole second-hand platform presents a strange picture.

Seeing that there are not many turnover, but the price of helmets is jumping up a step every other minute, which is dominated by the seller into a situation with price and no market.

If we say that in general, there are a group of scalpers standing at the door of the product conference and exhibition, asking the customers who come here but come back empty handed if they want to buy scalpers.

However, the situation here is the opposite. Although there are scalpers at the door, they are not aiming at those customers who can't get in line, but those customers who have bought from the exhibition hall with backpacks and happy faces.

Whenever they see such people, they will rush up to the driver at the gate of the railway station and ask questions endlessly --

"elder brother? Do you want to change hands? I'll give you twenty-four thousand! Turn your hand and double it. There's no shop after this village! "

"Cut! Do you want to buy this money? I'll pay 30000! Sell it to me! "

Of course, in addition to scalpers, there are some players who really want to buy.

But who is not standing here?

So no matter what price those people offer, except for a few people who will hesitate, the vast majority of people's responses are often only one concise word -


At the same time, when the "priceless helmet" was on the top of the hot search list, many users who are lucky enough to enter the conference site have not only brought the helmet back to their home in advance, but also exposed the use experience on the Internet, attracting countless melon eaters to envy and hate the line of vision.

For example, Wang Lihui, a famous director, put only one million helmets on the market after the end of the live conference. Online sales don't start until the early evening. However, there are more than tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people around the country and the world looking forward to this helmet.

The fantasy of virtual reality technology has a long history.

As early as many years ago, in science fiction movies about the future world, people can see the imagination of the completely immersive VR technology. And believe that in the distant future, the real space will no longer be the limit of people's vision, infinite information will make people's thoughts broaden a whole dimension.

Now the technology has finally moved from the laboratory to the reality. Almost all people who turn the Internet into a part of their lives are eager to know what kind of experience this so-called second heaven is.

According to the statistics of major search platforms, the search volume of virtual reality, phantom system, hv-1 and other key words has steadily exceeded other key words.

At this moment, people burst out with unimaginable enthusiasm.

Mining every information about it crazily, just to know more about it before embracing the coming new era


Originally, the product launch was to be held until 5 p.m.

It turned out that everyone didn't expect it to end early at three o'clock.

There is no other reason. As the price of second-hand platform keeps hitting a new high, some people even take high-speed rail from the next city to buy it. As a result, more and more people on the scene have to start evacuating the crowd to avoid major accidents.

As for another more direct reason, 100000 helmets will be sold out by three o'clock.

It's hard for those who have gone for nothing to say where they will not vent their dissatisfaction

Even the Warwick group that hosted the conference didn't expect that offline sales would be so hot.

Although it was predicted that the world's first neuro access virtual reality helmet would sell well, and even made a special record in the public security department, they still didn't expect to exaggerate to such a degree

The day's press conference was a hot one.

10 p.m.

The headquarters of Huawei Group is still well lit.

Especially in the sales department, a group of people have been sitting in front of the computer, meticulously in front of the screen, dare not have a little carelessness.

In two hours, there will be 900000 helmets hanging on the official website.

It's sad to say that two hours before it's time to go on sale, a huge number of visitors have already flooded in.

From the number of IP visits, it can be seen clearly that someone is constantly refreshing the web page, as if it could be picked up in advance.

Thinking of the news from Shanghai during the day, the project director in charge of the hv-1 helmet felt that the burden on his shoulder was like a stone with several hundred jin, even if he drank coffee cup after cup, there was no relief at all.As time went on like this, the pointer finally approached the position of 12 o'clock.

The staff sitting in front of the computer, looking at the time on the screen, said excitedly.

"Boss, it's about time!"

Put down the coffee in his hand, the project manager nodded his head, controlled the excitement in his tone, and made a solemn and steady expression.

"Bring our products online!"