Chapter 1210

An hour later, Lu Zhou was standing at the gate of imcrc headquarters building.

Looking at the elder martial brother Luo who had raised his hand to greet him from afar, waiting for this guy to enter, Lu Zhou said.

"I wish you'd called this morning."


"Because I happened to be in Linggang District in the morning. It only takes me 30 minutes to get here, and now I may have to stay in Shanghai for dinner."

"Pilot area? Where's starsea one? "


Luo Wenxuan cast a curious look at Lu Zhou. "I heard that you calculated the PI to 10 ^ 100 decimal places?"

"Exactly speaking, it's xinghai-1, and it's 3.14x10 ^ 100 digits Any questions? "

"No I think it's cool. Ah! Unfortunately, we were all doing experiments at that time, so we didn't have the chance to go to the scene to have a look... " Raised his head, Luo Wenxuan sighed, some regret said, "Damn, I seem to have missed the opportunity to witness history."

"As long as you like, you can witness history every day..." Walking in the corridor of imcrc headquarters building, Lu Zhou looked at the silver watch on his left wrist and said, "OK, let's get back to the point and tell me about it."

He shrugged his shoulders at the story of Lu Zhou, and Luo Wenxuan said.

"No problem, this is how it happened..."

It took him about ten minutes to tell the whole story to Lu Zhou.

In short, just three days ago, they conducted high-energy particle collision experiments in the 1.13-1.14tev energy region through the moon Hadron Collider, hoping to provide more experimental basis for the high-dimensional particle theoretical model proposed by the land boat, and complete the hyperspace theory that Einstein dreamed of.

However, when they finished the last group of experiments, they found a very unusual thing

"In the last three experiments, we were going to do a control group to finish. As a result, the energy data observed by the four detectors fluctuated violently And it's not a general fluctuation that can be explained by quantum fluctuations, but an order of magnitude fluctuation! "

"It's like..."

Looking at Luo Wenxuan, who can't figure out how to describe after thinking for a long time, Lu Zhou says to him.

"It's like when you're playing billiards, someone adds a stroke to a rolling white ball?"

"That's right," Luo Wenxuan snapped. "That's the feeling! But it's a little bit different, not only adding a stroke, but even adding a black ball to the table. "

Hearing this, Lu Zhou raised his eyebrows slightly.

There are many explanations for the increase in energy, but it's unusual to magnify energy and mass at the same time.

"Are you sure you are not mistaken?"

"Please, am I so careless?" Looking at the apparent distrust on Lu Zhou's face, Luo Wenxuan sighed and continued, "well, even if you don't believe me, you should trust all the engineers and physics experts of imcrc."

Lu Zhou: "have you checked the experimental device?"

Luo Wenxuan: "do you still need to ask? The first thing after the experiment, I asked the engineers at the lunar research station to check the experimental device, but there was no abnormal place on the superconducting magnet or the high-energy particle launcher. "

"It's really unusual..." Feeling his chin and thinking for a long time, the boat continued to ask, "what's the result of the meeting? Have you ever had a seminar? "

"I called you just after the meeting."

In fact, even the phone call itself is one of the opinions of the seminar.

Although imcrc has many Nobel Prize scholars, in the face of this anti common sense observation phenomenon, the experience that can be learned from the past experiments is almost zero.

Compared with the endless debate, many people prefer to listen to Professor Lu's opinions.

After all, the purpose of this experiment is to perfect his high-dimensional particle theoretical model.

Looking at the thinking land boat, Luo Wenxuan continued.

“…… Professor Witten's conjecture is that the low-dimensional expansion of some high-dimensional matter disturbs the near space-time curvature, causing the observation data to be abnormal. In fact, there is no increase or decrease in the mass and energy under the conventional space-time scale. In fact, my view is the same, but Professor wilzek has different opinions. Academician Wu of the Institute of high energy physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is another view On this issue, no one can persuade anyone. "

Lu Zhou: "no matter what causes the abnormality, it will leave clues Let me see the experimental data first. "

"Please follow me."

Quickly came to the office, Luo Wenxuan put his laptop on the table, input his work email and password, and log in the background of the server.Soon, he retrieved the experimental data and gave up his position.

"See for yourself Would you like something to drink? "

Sitting in the office chair, Lu Zhou's attention has been fully focused on the data in front of him, and he casually replied.

"Instant coffee will do."

"Even if you want to drink and grind, I don't have Just a moment. "

Just as brother Luo turned to make coffee, Lu Zhou looked at the data on the screen line by line, and the more he looked down, the more his eyebrows were locked.

Finally, he kept looking down, stopped in a certain line, and stopped for a long time.

After about three minutes, Lu zhoucai took a breath of cool air and squeezed out a self-talk from his mouth.

“…… It's kind of interesting. "

As brother Luo said, the experimental data is quite unusual. Four detectors distributed in the collision area collect much more mass than the lead ion itself from the lead ion collision debris.

In fact, according to quantum chromodynamics, it's normal to see the increase and loss of mass and energy. After all, Goldstone boson with zero mass is a wonderful thing, or it's interfered by the future quark mass, or it may even produce something that can't be observed by existing human technology.

However, there is a limit to the fluctuation of mass or energy.

Generally speaking, using supercomputers to calculate the quantum chromodynamics of lattice dots, the part that can be calculated is 93%, which is the best answer so far.

However, the data presented in front of him at the moment overturned this result.

By analyzing the data collected from the experiment, the collision debris collected from the energy spectrum is a whole order of magnitude higher than the expected data

It's not a question of quantum fluctuations that can fool the past.

Not only his high-dimensional particle theory model will be threatened, but also relativity and standard model, even mass energy equation The cornerstone of the whole modern physics building will be shaken.

Or something interfered with the experiment. As elder martial brother Luo described, someone put an extra billiard ball on the billiard table and made a stroke towards the chaotic table -

just when the idea came into being on the boat, the change suddenly happened.

It's like an illusion.

The light blue window gradually emerged in his vision.

[urgent task: the call of the void]

stare straight at the suspension window in the field of view, and the whole person of the land boat is in a daze.

The last time something like this happened, it seems that it was the Martian bacteria

At this time, Luo Wenxuan came back from the office with two cups of coffee.

Looking at the unnatural expression of the boat, he was slightly stunned and asked curiously.

"Do you see anything coming?"

In the eyes of others, the land boat sitting at the computer desk is really like finding something.

As if to confirm his own guess, Luo Wenxuan looked up at Lu Zhou, and after a moment's silence, he said without any reason.

"We There may be trouble. "

Looking at him inexplicably, Luo Wenxuan put the coffee cup on the desk,

"trouble? Why do you say that? "

"Intuition..." It seems that this statement is not very accurate. Lu Zhou bit his teeth and corrected his way with his eyebrows locked. "Scientific intuition."