Chapter 1217

This is probably the closest time a land boat has died.

There may be some ambiguity in this statement, or to put it another way This is the closest he has to a dead man.

Apartment 1 at imcrc.

The downstairs was full of police cars.

Standing outside the quarantine, an old man in plain clothes stood there. The wrinkles on his face were crowded together because of self reproach and sadness. Facing the double palms, he sobbed in a low voice as if he were confessing.

"It's all my fault It was I who signed that paper... "

He clapped professor vilzek on the shoulder, and Professor Witten, standing beside him, said comfortingly.

"I can't blame you, a soul about to travel, no matter where he is, will eventually go in the same direction. I hope he can get the answer he expects on the other side of the world. "

"As for us, we have to go on with our lives and the road we are on."

Beside them, there are many imcrc researchers and interns who come here to work and study with their tutors.

Many of them have heard of Professor Milo's story and the novel "theory of cosmic spirituality".

Even though most people disagree, a small number of people think that this theory seems reasonable.

Different from the common people's understanding of "gods", Professor Milo's theory is more like expounding a concept like "the universe is unreasonable", "the disordered higher consciousness dominates the laws of nature".

It just sounds scary.

If all this is true, then physics is just like studying the laws of a long series of irrational numbers. It really has no great significance.

Looking at the room with the curtains drawn, many people murmured.

"A little scary..."


"Professor Milo is an excellent physicist. I don't understand why he chose to end his life. It would have been a pleasure if we had discovered new physics. "

"I'm not totally happy, at least my tutor doesn't seem to be very emotional."

"What does your mentor study?"

"Quantum lattice calculation method."

"Save the day."

"Is it possible that Professor Milo saw something terrible?"

"Hey, come on, this is imcrc, not the haunted house of the amusement park. The collider is more than 30 million kilometers away from us. Even if it's irradiated by high-energy rays, it can't be said

Just then.

The rustle of voices suddenly stopped.

Through the crowd, a young man in a windbreaker stopped at the edge of the quarantine.

He was noticed by the police, who stood behind the quarantine, and soon came up to him in a respectful voice.

"Hello, academician Lu."

Nodded to him, and Lu Zhou looked at the window with the curtain closed.

He was not familiar with Professor Milo, but he had a few words in his coffee, and heard that the professor seemed to have won some physics awards that he didn't care much about. He was an excellent young scholar.

What happened to imcrc has undoubtedly caused a lot of negative effects.

Now there is such a voice on the Internet. Professor Milo died under the academic authority of imcrc committee because he was ostracized by mainstream physicists.

His followers even threatened to take over the "Torch" from him and revenge imcrc for his death

After a silence, Lu Zhou looked at the policeman and said.

"Can you tell me something about it?"

Hearing this, the policeman hesitated for a moment, as if he was thinking about whether it would be good to do so.

But thinking of the Professor Lu in front of him, I'm afraid he is even higher than his boss's boss. Even if something goes wrong, it won't be his responsibility, so he said.


"He took an overdose of cephalosporins And alcohol. "

"As for more details, we are still investigating. At present, the U.S. embassy has been informed, and they will be responsible for contacting the families of the dead... "

Lu Zhou nodded his head to show that he knew.

Then he went on.

"May I come in?"

Compared with the previous request, this one is a bit embarrassing.

The policeman hesitated for a moment and didn't let go at once.

But just then, Wang Peng took out a certificate from his pocket and handed it to him.

"National security took over the case."

After seeing this certificate, the policeman's face was stunned at first, then he looked solemn.“…… I need to ask for instructions from my superiors. "

Wang Peng nodded his head.

"Go quickly."


Without waiting for a long time, Lu Zhou was allowed to cross the cordon and enter Professor Milo's room.

Unlike the imagination of Lu Zhou, the living space of this physics professor is very tidy, and even it can be seen clearly that there are traces of cleaning in two days.

"This is probably the most bizarre case I've handled in the past two years..."

Looking at the white line drawn on the ground with a complicated look, the policeman with a slightly aged face said with a complicated look, "from the perspective of his living state, he is much healthier than the average person."

Lu Zhou didn't make any comments, just walked into his study and opened the drawer.

For a scholar who works and rest regularly, he usually abides by a code of conduct. That's what we're studying, and we'll put it where we can reach it.

Sure enough, Lu Zhou found something like research notes in his drawer.

Opening the title page of his notes, he read down the lines of neat handwriting and calculation, and his eyes gradually showed some unexpected colors.

This kind of accident is not due to the surprise of Professor Milo's academic achievements. In fact, no one in the world can bring him more surprises in this respect.

To Lu Zhou's surprise, he thought that Professor Milo was just falling into the crazy idea of "the theory of universe has spirit". Unexpectedly, this guy has established a complete theoretical system for this conjecture Or religious programs.

In short, in his theoretical system, the theory of "the universe has spirit" is the core of the whole theoretical system, and then it is derived from "the universe is a projection of a higher consciousness's subjective behavior", "everything is the best arrangement" and "this cosmic consciousness is not impossible to communicate".

This seems to be to say that the spirit of the universe in an abstract sense can communicate in a certain sense.

It sounds like idealism.

On the basis of the creationism of God and the animism of the universe, the theory of consciousness determinism is superposed.

If we let the land boat, the identified materialist, evaluate it, it will be a complete set of poisons.

However, it is worth noting that for the part of the universe spiritualism, this professor Milo has been rigorously theorized. Even though a large number of psychological terms and self-made words that only he can understand are integrated in this process, it can be seen at least that he has tried to use scientific thinking to analyze this theory.

However, when he came to the part of consciousness determinism, that is, "the spirit of the universe can communicate with it", he seemed to give up thinking about it completely and write it down as a conclusion, as if he had acquiesced to it.

There is no doubt that this approach is not rigorous.

At least, he should add the words "may" and "may" to his discussion.

After about 20 minutes, I finally turned my notes from head to tail, took a deep breath, closed it, and looked at the policeman who accompanied him in behind me.

"Can I take this note?"

"I'm afraid not," said the policeman in an apologetic tone, with a embarrassed expression on his face. "It's the remains of the dead and part of the evidence related to the case. I'm afraid you can't take it away until the case is closed and the family members of the deceased are consulted. "

Lu Zhou didn't say anything, nodded, took out the mobile phone from his pocket and turned on the video function, then turned over the notes at a constant speed and took all the contents.

Strictly speaking, it's not allowed, but people standing next to me have one eye open and one eye closed.

After doing these things, Lu Zhou put away his mobile phone and looked at Wang Peng.

"Let's go back."

Wang Peng hesitated a little and asked.

"Is that enough?"

"Well," Lu Zhou nodded, "I think I've probably found the answer. "

From Professor Milo's apartment, Lu Zhou follows Wang Peng and goes straight to the parking place.

Just to see the boat coming out of the cordon, Witten hurriedly squeezed out the crowd and went up to him.

"Did you find anything in it? Professor Milo, why on earth is he -- "

Lu Zhou shakes his head.

"There's nothing particularly noteworthy in it. Professor Milo doesn't have a lot of research materials in his apartment. He doesn't seem like a person who will take his work home."

Looking at the complicated expression on Professor Witten's face, the boat paused for a moment and continued.

"But I found a note in his drawer."

Witten quickly continued to ask, "what's on it?"

"Some of his analysis of imcrc's latest experimental data, as well as his conjecture about the theory of cosmic spirituality, and the theoretical system built around this conjecture It seems that he has been doing it all his time off. "Take off the glasses on the bridge of nose, Witten pinched the bridge of nose with some headache.

"This is really..."

Lu Zhou: "it's a pity, isn't it?"

"Yes It's not just a pity, it's more disturbing. "

This kind of unease not only permeates the imcrc headquarters, but also permeates the hearts of every physicist. The vast majority of people do not believe in the explanation of the theory of universe spiritualism, let alone that their theory of studying for centuries is just as useless as analyzing the law after the decimal point of the PI.

Is physics without faith?

In fact, there are.

It's like the storm caused by the experiment of neutrino's superluminal speed.

Even if we can't find out what's wrong with the experiment of the "opella" project team, the vast majority of people can still make the judgment of "this is a low-level mistake" when they don't know the situation at all.

Imcrc is facing the same situation this time, and what has been shaken is more fundamental.

Before the start of the experiment, I don't know how many people are praying. I hope that all these things are a Wulong. I hope that the new experimental results can cover the past "mistakes". The building of physics will return to the framework of the standard model. It's better to go to the end of the world

Looking at the silent Professor Witten, Lu Zhou thought for a while and said.

"I know you have a lot of confusion now, maybe I mean, maybe, I can answer part of it. "

“…… That extra dimension theory? "

"Yes," Lu nodded, "but it will take a little time."

"Don't wait a long time, at most one week Soon I will give an answer that is not perfect, but may satisfy most people -- "

" about the future of our physics. "