Chapter 1239

Below the building of star technology.

Wang Wei, who left the Mercedes Benz, reached out and gently adjusted his tie, looked up at the tall building, and took a deep breath.

Soon, he will meet a person of great importance to Shunfeng group.

Although this man is neither a national politician nor a business tycoon, he does not have a half relaxed feeling in his heart. Instead, he creates a sense of tension that has not existed for a long time.

Because that man is not a powerful politician or a powerful businessman, but his status is not lower than the first two, even if they are combined, it is difficult to compare with him.

There is no other reason.

If it is not the great man pushed to the forefront of the times and the limit that a politician can reach, it is just to continue the prosperity of a country or region, and the bottleneck of businessmen is narrower. It is basically the limit that an enterprise can reach as an enterprise.

But he's different.

Perhaps he is not the richest man in the world and has never entered the center of power, but even if the times change, his name will be eternal and become a symbol to stay in the world.

As time magazine said of him, he is the wealth of the whole human civilization, and his glory is the peak of human mind.

With this faint respect, he took a step towards the ladder in front of him, but just then a voice came from behind him.

"Friend, annual salary is 5 million, do you want to work for Star Technology?"

Hearing the voice from behind, Wang Wei immediately looked back and saw a young man looking at himself with a smile on his face.

In an instant, he recognized the identity of this man. Wang Wei was slightly shocked, and then he had a bright smile on his face.

"OK, no problem! The annual salary of five million yuan is three times higher than that of me now. Academician Lu is so appreciative. How dare Wang refuse? Before entering the company, I want to ask if I can change this half of my annual salary into shares and give it to me in the form of year-end bonus. After all, the annual salary is too high, and the tax paid is heartbreaking! "

Originally, Lu Zhou intended to make a joke, but unexpectedly he agreed to it. Instead, he was embarrassed to continue to tease him, so he said with a smile.

"That's not good. Mr. Wang is also a man of ten billion yuan. He still thinks about my share."

Wang Wei sighed and said, "academician Lu is joking, not to mention that his wealth is nothing in front of you. I'm afraid that only those who don't care about money will not think about your shares in Star Technology."

To Wang Wei's statement, Lu Zhou didn't answer, just showed a friendly smile.

It's amazing to talk about fate.

He still remembers that when he was still in his undergraduate course, Wang, who was worth ten billion yuan at that time, once offered him a salary of 500000 yuan and asked him to give up his studies and come to Shenzhen to work for him. However, instead of accepting his offer, Lu Zhou completed his studies step by step, and finally returned to China to study abroad and teach, shouldering the banner of the Chinese academic community.

It's almost ten years now.

Mr. Wang is still a man of ten billion yuan, but he has changed from the poor student to the business card of the Chinese academic interface to the world.

Think about it. It's really impressive.

In fact, although 500000 annual salary may not seem a lot in 2023, it was a big number nine years ago. Especially for a new sophomore who is still worried about the cost of living, this is almost an irresistible condition.

Lu Zhou admits that if he didn't see a broader future from the system, he might have accepted the offer and embarked on a road of "entering from the industry".

According to this life path, maybe he has embarked on a completely different road now

They didn't stay at the door all the time. After a few polite greetings, they walked towards the interior of the building together and arrived at the prepared VIP reception room under the reception of the etiquette staff.

The Secretary in charge of reception poured tea for the two, and then turned to leave the reception room, and took the door.

After drinking hot tea and moistening the mulberry, Wang Wei looked at the decoration in the reception room and said with emotion.

"It's said that the reception room is a business card of a company. From the decoration, I can see that academician Lu is a person with good taste."

Hearing this praise, Lu Zhou smiled sheepishly.

In fact, he didn't interfere in the decoration of the group building. After all, he didn't come here often. However, his EQ is not enough to tear down other people's platforms on such trivial issues, so he also received this praise.

"Thank you for your compliment."

"It's not praise," Wang Wei said with a smile and a sudden sigh in his voice. "It's really a pity to say that. In fact, nine years ago, I felt that your future development is not simple, and I wanted to see if I could pick up a leak with 500000 yuan of annual salary, but I didn't expect that I underestimated your potential.""Although I can't be a partner at work, it's not a loss to be a partner in business," Lu Zhou said softly with a smile. "It's better to continue greetings at lunch. Let's get straight to the point. I've heard from my CEO, what kind of technical problems do you encounter? "

"It's like this," Wang Wei continued, nodding his head. "In fact, we have been studying your paper for a long time

After thinking for a while, Lu Zhou opened his mouth and said, "which one do you mean?"

There are a lot of papers he has published. If he just said that, he really can't remember which one Mr. Wang refers to.

"It's about the UAV logistics system." Speaking of this, Wang Wei sighed softly, "I'm ashamed to say that the engineers of our research institute have spent several years researching according to the blueprint you put forward in the paper, but still haven't seen great results. We can't think of any better way to do it now than to ask for your help. "

It turned out to be the paper.

Upon hearing Wang Wei mention this, Lu Zhou's heart was filled with tears and laughter.

If he remembers correctly, the ten papers should be the ones he put into water journal to brush data in order to complete the system task.

Although it took him 25 points to exchange, but in addition to a few algorithms developed to half, no substantive problems have been solved. It would be amazing if we could work out a solution according to that scheme!

“…… It's just something that came out of my student days. It can't be used as a reference for serious research results. "

As soon as he heard Lu Zhou's words, Wang Wei said in a hurry.

"Academician Lu, you are too modest! But to tell you the truth, the research on UAV logistics is not entirely due to your papers, but we have always invested resources in this concept as a research and development direction. "

"After all, the cost of employing a courier is about 10000 yuan, and the price of a drone is less than 8000 yuan. Moreover, in terms of efficiency, the UAV's flexibility in space can easily cross the area that people and vehicles need to spend a lot of time to reach. In contrast, we only need to pay for cheap electricity and maintenance costs of the UAV. "

"At present, we are planning to launch a pilot project of unmanned distribution in Shenzhen, and even have said hello to the local government, but now, our R & D work is in a bottleneck."

After thinking for a moment, the boat said, "can you elaborate?"

Wang Wei nodded and continued.

"There are two main problems we encounter, one is security, the other is distribution efficiency. To put it bluntly, it is necessary to take into account the safety of both goods and pedestrians, and to adapt to the dynamic traffic. Especially in high population density areas such as first tier cities, air areas are strictly controlled. "

"The bottom of our communication with the municipal government is to ensure zero personnel failure rate within half a year of trial operation. That is to say, only one traffic accident can make it possible to extend our license plate. If one UAV or cargo falls from the sky and hits people in this half year, the license plate of the whole UAV distribution pilot will be revoked directly. "

The boat nodded its head.

"It's really a little difficult."

"It's not just difficult," Wang Wei continued with a wry smile. "The test is too late to pass. The director of our institute told me that he would not know what to do if he didn't lower the standard."

In fact, UAV distribution is not a new thing. In some remote areas where it is inconvenient for people and vehicles to arrive, Shunfeng group tried to put UAVs into the distribution link as early as a few years ago.

However, due to the high cost, the technology has not been promoted.

That is to say, in recent years, the breakthrough of nuclear fusion technology has completely liberated production capacity, lowered the price of many industrial products, and reduced the cost of power to a negligible level, which makes the comprehensive promotion of this technology possible.

However, despite this, they have encountered many difficulties in promoting the application scenarios of this technology from remote mountainous areas to cities.

After all, in densely populated cities, especially in the first tier cities, it's too dangerous to fly drones in the sky. If one of them falls off and hits a person or a car, the compensation alone is estimated to be enough to punish them for their ruined property.

Not to mention some poor quality passers-by, they may lose at least their awe because the delivery object is UAV. They take the initiative to shoot down the UAV with slingshot, stone and other things, and pick up the express delivery.

Therefore, they need a set of solutions to perfectly control the avant-garde concept of "UAV logistics". After seeing the news of the completion of xinghai-1 quantum Supercomputing Center, Wang Wei began to think about the cooperation with star technology, especially the thought that Lu Zhou had studied the UAV logistics system before, which became more and more intense.

After listening to Wang Wei's words patiently, Lu Zhou's index finger lightly clicked on the table, thought for a moment and then said, "I probably know your problem."Upon hearing this sentence, Wang Wei Li got up and sat up. However, he was stunned by his next words just when he thought that Lu Zhou would give some opinions.

“…… To be honest, it's not really a big problem. "

"No, it's not a very big question?" There was an unbelievable expression on his face. Wang Wei quickly asked, "what's the meaning of this sentence?"


After a pause, the boat continued.

"In fact, using drones in Logistics There are already pilot factories in Jinling High Tech Park, but they have not been promoted for cost and safety reasons. "

"For example, the" worker bee "logistics UAV distribution system we adopted is provided with cloud computing services by xinghai-1. The maximum safety load of a single UAV is about 10kg, which is mainly used to cooperate with the automated logistics vehicle to complete the operation of a single product part between processing workshops."

With that, Lu Zhou looked at the following table and stood up from the chair.

"That's all. I don't think you can understand what I'm talking about."

"Well, there's just time."

"I'll show you if you're interested."