Chapter 1275

The Pentagon.

On the large screen, the picture taken by the high altitude UAV is playing.

In the smoke, the soldiers dressed in mechanical exoskeletons, with vigorous tactics, cleared all the armed elements on the deck, without a trace of drag.

When the British special forces arrived by helicopter from the nearest military base, they had not only completed the rehabilitation, but even cleaned the blood on the deck.

End of video show.

The whole conference room was silent.

With a slight cough, the senior military adviser of the Ministry of defense broke the silence in the conference room and clicked twice on the landing screen with his laser pen.

"Thirty seven minutes."

"Shetter They clean the deck faster than I wash the car. "

"Exactly speaking, it should be thirty..." The Pentagon's defense chief, who was sitting at the conference table with his hands on his chest, looked gloomy as if he was about to drip out of the water. "It took only 30 minutes for them to get the news that the cargo ship was hijacked by armed men and send the orbital airborne soldiers to their heads."

"An hour of global deployment is probably the most conservative estimate."

"Their strategic delivery force is stronger than we think!"

There was silence again in the meeting room.

And this time, the silence is a little scary.

"Damn it," said the tired president, taking off his glasses from the bridge of his nose, holding his index finger out of his face and holding the bridge of his nose in a difficult tone, "how did they do it so fast..."

No one can answer this question.

For this orbital Airborne Brigade, their intelligence is almost blank.

What is the way to send a pair of steel divisions armed to the teeth from Jinling, thousands of kilometers away, to the middle of the Baltic Sea?

I'm afraid only the Chinese know the secrets.

At this time, NASA director Carson, who had not spoken, suddenly said, "it is possible that they did not leave the atmosphere completely."

For a moment, a pair of eyes in the conference room looked at him in unison.

With a pair of eyes on his back, he was a little flustered. Director Carson swallowed his saliva and continued with a stiff head.

"Directly through Russian airspace from the lowest satellite orbit, and then throw an airborne capsule at the easternmost side of the Baltic Sea In theory, 30 minutes is possible. "

"But even so, time is pressing."

"From departure to landing, a minute's time is not delayed. Maybe it's enough."

Director Carson's speech made everyone's face more and more heavy.

In the face of such a defenseless force, do they have any sense of victory?

There was a lot of debate in this conference room about the combat effectiveness of this orbital airborne force.

Now, however, not only the voices of all the arguments have disappeared, but also the eyes exchanged by all the people here have changed from different looks to the same worries.

Only at this moment did they really realize what kind of opponents they were facing.

"I want to know who exactly made the idea of the cruise ship," the president added, grimacing, as his index finger clicked heavily on the conference table. "It's better not to have anything to do with us."

The Secretary of defense saw him.

"Not the CIA?"

The president shook his head in an ugly way.

"I have never authorized such a foolish act! I'm sure our director of the CIA won't be so stupid. He'll do so behind my back. "

If it had been five years ago, it might have been profitable.

But now, their only gain is to kill a respected physicist.

As for the higher research institutes and a large number of visible and invisible scientific research heritages he left behind, none of them can be erased by bombs or several killers.

On the contrary, it may cause them a lot of trouble.

"Find out who hired the pirates."

"If necessary, we can also sell a human relationship to the Chinese."


It's not just the Pentagon that's in a mess.

The steel division that came down from the sky has shocked the intelligence agencies all over the world.

Nobody expected that the crisis would be solved in this way.

What's more, no one thought that the steel division armed to the teeth looked the same as their sci-fi appearance, and its performance in actual combat was not ambiguous at all.

At present, the three airborne pods are in the cabin of the "oseberg". Although the intelligence personnel of various countries are greedy for saliva, none of them dare to make their ideas rashly.

There is no other reason.

At the moment, the cargo ship is under the control of the orbital Airborne Brigade, and is slowly crossing large areas of the high seas, heading for East Asia.After seeing the power of the orbital airborne force, no one dared to challenge them easily, let alone stop them.

Even the royal secret service, which had already boarded the deck, retreated to the helicopter in dismay after no progress was made in the negotiations.

While intelligence agencies around the world are focusing on this cargo ship, a file bag filled with photos and various documents has been placed on a simple desk in an office far away from Shangjing, China.

"The organization that attacked academician Lu has been found out," the index finger points on the file bag. An old section chief in national security uniform, like a young man sitting behind his desk, says, "according to the intelligence collected and summarized by our offline intelligence personnel, the one who hired the group of Pirates should be The organization of the spirit of the universe foundation. "

"The spirit of the universe foundation?" The first time I heard the strange name, the man behind the desk had an unexpected expression on his face, "what is that?"

It sounds like a setting in a movie or online game, but it's not something that will appear in the real world.

"It's like a new religion, or an organization that makes money from this new religion It's popular in developed countries and regions, but we don't see any trace of their activities in China. They took Professor Garrett Milo, a former imcrc employee, as a pioneer and believed in the theory of cosmic spirituality. "

"Maybe they have a bigger plan besides making money, but they are very careful, and they don't show a very clear political appeal. So far, they haven't attracted the attention of ZF in other countries."

At this point, the brow of the old section chief couldn't help wrinkling.

"Just don't know why, they will suddenly stare at academician Shanglu."

Is it because of academician Lu that Professor Garrett Milo died?

But that's a bit far fetched.

The man sitting at the back of his desk was thinking about something different from the old section chief. After simply turning over the information in the file bag, he said.

"Isn't this theory denied by Professor Lu?"

Hearing this, the old chief of science smiled.

"There are many things denied by science, but who really listens to them? What's more, Professor Lu didn't completely deny whether there is such a mysterious will in the universe. He just attributed it to the category of Agnosticism, and clearly stated the existence of the void and the existence of N + 1 dimension. "

The man at the back of his desk had an unexpected expression on his face.

"I didn't expect you to know so much about physics."

The old section chief grinned: "after staying in the project team for a long time, you will always learn all kinds of things."

This is the truth.

Especially for Guoan, the cases they deal with are often more difficult than ordinary criminal cases.

There was no comment. After reading the file, the man put it in the corner of the table and sighed softly.

"What about this case?"

"This is no longer our job."

"What do you say?"

“…… According to the news from other departments, our satellite is said to hang on the head of the suspected pirate group 24 hours a day and follow their fishing boat to find their home. "

"Niubi Is it a big fish The man sitting at the back of the desk, could not help but sit up straight, his face full of curiosity, continued, "what are the people on the top going to do? Inform Interpol? "

"Interpol? They can't control this kind of thing, "the old chief of science smiled, his eyes narrowed into a seam," and this little thing doesn't need to ask them. There are 100 ways I can think of alone. "

"What method do you mean?"

"The way to kill this grasshopper."