Chapter 1280

[shocked! The world's first space colonial ship actually looks like this! ]

[Qi Mingxing successfully lifted off, and the first batch of immigrants from Guanghan SAR are going to the moon! ]

[the flight to the moon is leaving. What do you know about it? ]

[with it, we are one step closer to space colonization ]

Chang'e, which has just left the atmosphere, has not yet docked with magpie bridge, which is waiting for the Earth Moon transfer orbit. The ground has fallen into a sea of exultation.

On the headlines of major news networks, the news about the launch plan has been completely brushed.

Whether it's using Penguin chat tools or pig farm games, whether it's tweeting or forcing, as long as there's a net, you can see the "Chang'e" running to the Moon Palace, and the voice of discussion.

Although it is not a rare thing to go to the moon now, it is the first time in the history of human civilization that so many people go to the moon at the same time and settle down.

In order to let you have a deeper understanding of the contents of the Guangzhou cold city plan, and also to eliminate the fear of the general public that their feet leave the earth and go to outer space.

CCTV also invited Nie Yun, the former driver of Xiangrui, to give a special program to introduce the Guangzhou cold city plan.

Nie Yun, standing in the studio, although his appearance and appearance have not changed significantly a few years ago, his temperament is more stable than before. After all, now his identity is not a simple pilot, but a major general serving in the air force.

Standing in front of the camera, wearing a spacesuit on the Moon Palace, he introduced to the audience sitting in front of the TV, computer and mobile phone this seemingly ordinary but not simple special dress.

“…… The gravity on the moon is only one sixth of that on the earth. In addition to the air, food and water problems mentioned earlier, there is also an important problem identification. Living in a low gravity environment for a long time may cause damage to the health of astronauts. In particular, bone density and cardiovascular system will face great challenges in low gravity environment. In the past, we used to rely on fitness to overcome, but now we have more convenient things Like this dress on me. "

"What's special about this dress?" the host asked

"What's special about this dress is that its key parts are filled with special steel. For most of the non working areas and some working areas of the lunar scientific research station, we will install induction electromagnets under the floor to provide adjustable" artificial gravity "for the staff wearing the spacesuit in the cabin, and make up for the missing gravity Compensation. As long as you put on this dress, even in a gravity environment of 1 / 6G, you can still feel the same weight as the earth. "

Host: "but Won't this affect the electronics in the base? "

"Of course not," Nie said with a smile, "the equipment that may have an impact will be protected by diamagnetic materials. In addition to the spacesuits that can imitate the gravity environment, we also have a special gravity chamber in the lunar scientific research station to simulate the gravity environment and maximize the health of the staff."

Host: "can you elaborate?"

Nie Yun: "in short, it's like a Ferris wheel lying upside down on the ground. After starting, it will rotate like a centrifuge, and then combine the gravity of the moon itself to provide people in the room with a gravity inclined downward to the bulkhead. In it, you can exercise, watch movies, or wear a virtual reality helmet to play a game Even a sleep. "

Host: "but if it keeps turning, how can people go up?"

Nie Yun laughed and said, "is that still a question? Go up when you stop, of course! After all, you don't need to stay on it all the time. Just stay for 2-3 hours every day. "

In addition to the spacesuit, Nie Yun then introduced many things.

Including the daily work of the lunar science station, what they usually do, which direction they will develop in the future, and if the model of Guanghan City is proved to be feasible in the future, they will build to Mars, or even more distant places than Mars.

Although there is no cool special effect, the audience who sits in front of the TV and computer and looks at the screen with expectant eyes are still aroused by this slowly unfolding blueprint, and their thoughts can't help floating to the distant stars.

From the moment of Chang'e's launch, our journey is star sea is no longer just a slogan.

This journey about the future has begun


"Lu Shenniu! From then on, we have another city. (dog head) "

" and it's directly under the central government! (erha) "

" Shenshi and sushi cry and faint in the toilet. We have applied for it for so many years but we haven't been able to do it! (crying) "

" at the thought that such an excellent Dalao has no girlfriend, my heart is not only a little envious, even a little proud. At least, I'm not a single dog. (dog head) "Copenhagen Airport.

Sitting in VIP waiting room, Lu Zhou is brushing his mobile phone and watching the comments of netizens.

Just ten minutes ago, he sent a picture taken at the airport. In a flash, the number of Kungfu reading was "100000 +", and the number of comments was running to tens of thousands.

For him, this is expected. Almost every time there is a big news related to him on the Internet, his Weibo will explode.

This time, it's no exception.

Whether it's the Nobel prize or the launch of Chang'e, it's enough to excite the sand sculpture netizens for a while.

Looking at the sand sculpture comments in the comment area, I was so happy that I couldn't close my mouth, especially when I saw the last one, I almost didn't laugh.

I wanted to dry the Nobel Prize in the suitcase, and by the way, you can't laugh if you touch your wallet, but he finally resisted the impulse.

Lu Zhou found that sometimes he was really an unexpected s, but fortunately, his essence was a kind person, so he didn't destroy the "little true happiness" in the heart of a sand sculpture netizen.

It's very dangerous.

Of course, even if it's a big celebration, there's no shortage of two goods jumping out. After all, at any time, it's always easier to attract traffic than to go with the flow.

For example, forcing a certain respondent to make a calculation, and predictably predicting that this huge space colonization program will eventually go bankrupt, no matter how to reduce the cost, there is no way to make the development of moon resources a real profitable thing. The final outcome of this moon colonization program must be that the whole world will watch Chinese astronauts play mud on it, and then laugh off Big teeth.

Another example is a big V reporter on the Weibo, who just finished painting a boat and thought too rationally. At the global climate summit, he criticized a girl too harshly, lacked the sympathy of normal human beings, and failed to reflect the tolerant side of Chinese culture. Now he comes out and accuses this is a hero who puts the fate of 50 families on the gambling table Gambling, did not ask people whether they would like to go up.

However, before Lu Zhou said anything, they could not take care of their own life, which was greeted by angry netizens.

The world's most powerful doctoral program, the city with the highest average salary, has the opportunity to exchange academic issues with Nobel at any time. Colleagues sitting in one office are the hot candidates for the next round of Nobel Prize.

Would you like to go up?

How many research dogs want to go up in line, but they have no chance to go up!

We can't rule out some brave men who resolutely give up their individual and family to embark on the journey for the sake of the future of the country and the nation because of their professional indifference, but most of them are only qualified for heaven by cutting their heads.

They say they are forcing people to go up?

Who do you look down on?

Just as Lu Zhou swiped his mobile phone and giggled, Ambassador Du Yanming came to him in formal clothes and said with a friendly smile.

"Academician Lu, what's so happy?"

"Nothing, just a few interesting fan messages..." He put away his cell phone and smirk on his face. Lu Zhou coughed gently, looked up at him and asked, "what's the matter with Ambassador Du?"

Ambassador Du said with a smile, "nothing, just come to see you off. By the way, remind you that it's time to board."

it's time to board?

Is that all?

"Well, then I won't delay here," said Lu Zhou, rising from his chair and extending his right hand to Ambassador Du. "We'll have a future!"

"We'll see you later!" The hand that clenched the boat shook. The white haired old man smiled and said: "pay attention to safety on the road. I'll have a chance to see you later But I think it's easy to see academician Lu again. "

"Why do you say that?"

Ambassador Du Yanming said with a smile.

"Do you still need to ask? You are in the news papers these days. I'm going to say goodbye to you now. I'm afraid I'll see you again when I go home! "