Chapter 1291

The phone is dead.

Gently spit out the turbid air in the chest, put down the mobile phone's boat, and cast his eyes on the thick rough paper on the table. A happy smile appeared on his face.

"Thirty one days It's probably the longest time I've been closed in this period of time. " Looking at the calendar on the lock screen of the mobile phone, Lu Zhou expressed such feelings.

How long hasn't this feeling passed?

As far as he could remember.

Since the mathematical level broke through lv10, most of the problems in the sense of calculation have lost their meaning for him. Many times when he saw a mathematical formula, even with mathematical intuition, he was able to quickly lock in several expansions that might help the next thinking.

For others, imagination alone consumes almost all the high-dimensional space of brain cells, as well as those Abstract Differential Manifolds, which are as simple and clear as the building blocks in the hands of children.

This time, however, things are different.

Very rarely, when he wrote the first line of calculation, his intuition about mathematics didn't tell him which direction to go at the first time. Messy clues are like a tangled wool, which makes it difficult to clear the thread.

As he continued to change his methods and explore the deep part of the maze, more and more difficulties and traps began to show the tip of the iceberg in front of him.

More than once, Lu Zhou doubted whether his guess was just a brain hole.

Fortunately, he didn't give up until he found a suitable differential manifold on the complex plane, transformed it into an algebraic form through the method of algebraic geometry unified theory, and introduced it into the corresponding function expression in the high-dimensional space, and finally opened the last gate before the end of the maze

"A very typical high-order topological problem, just like the Poincare conjecture..."

The pen in his hand turned around. Looking at the contents of the draft paper, Lu Zhou smiled shallowly and continued to say to himself.

"But it is much more difficult than the pure mathematical problem of Poincare's conjecture, and it involves more than just a few Differential Manifolds or some kind of high-dimensional space."

"Fortunately, this is one of my best areas."

One of the earliest Millennium problems he solved was the existence of solutions to the NS equation.

At that time, he constructed a differential manifold called l manifold, which directly pushed down the huge wall called "many is complex" in front of the hydrodynamics engineers.

So far, he has used this weapon to kill many dragons guarding the treasure.

Now, in a similar way, he has once again killed a monster that stands between human civilization and the deepest mysteries of the universe.

And this monster is more ferocious than the general dragon.

And the treasure it guards is much more valuable than the common Millennium problem

“…… Time and space tell matter how to move, and matter tells time and space how to bend. "

"Particles on the n-dimension will not move to the N-1 dimension without any reason. Once such a transition occurs, it must not only move the matter on the string, but also open a channel between the strings."

"And this channel can be defined mathematically."

Looking at the nearly full face of paper and the formula destined to change the future fate of human civilization, the mouth of the boat raised a smile of victory.

“…… The next step is to input it into the computer. "

If he is the only one who knows such happy things, it would be too boring.

It took about two hours for Lu Zhou to comb the proof process on the draft paper again, and then input them into the computer seriously in the format of the paper.

At last, the title of the paper was drawn up, and the paper was finally finished. The paper was uploaded to arXiv, and then stretched back on the chair, moving some sour shoulders.

“…… The next step is to prove my conjecture in the experiment. "

Although the physics community may not be able to accept his "brain hole" immediately, as imcrc's director general, he has absolute authority on how to waste next year's funds.

Especially after the last Z particle event, his authority has almost no one to challenge. Even if all members of the board voted against it, most of imcrc's physicists would surely be on his side.

"Let me see A "Z particle clock" is deployed in synchronous orbit and lunar orbit respectively? No, wait a minute. The distance between the moon and the earth's orbit seems to be a little too short. Let's change to Mars orbit. "

The consignment work and the order of "Z particle clock" can be digested by the cooperative units of moon orbit construction committee.

For how to realize the whole experiment, the heart of the land boat has a complete blueprint.There is only one thing he wants to do now.

That is to share the joy in his heart with his beloved

"Xiao AI, send a message for me and Wang Peng, and let him pick me up downstairs."

[yes, master. (′???`)]


It was ten o'clock in the evening when the land boat went out. When he sat on the purple electricity max, which was stopped downstairs, snow had already flown in the sky.

Looking at the snow under the street lamp beside his eyes, Wang Peng, who started the car, asked casually.

"Are you going so late?"

After thinking about it, Lu Zhou said, "did you arrive before eleven?"

"Ten thirty would be enough if it didn't take that long."

"Then let's go."

About 20 minutes' drive, a purple car stopped at the entrance of the luxury community in the core area of the high-tech park.

Through the face recognition access control of the guard room, the land boat with an umbrella walked into the community, stood on the elevator, came to the familiar door, and gently pressed the doorbell.

Soon he heard the rustle of footsteps behind the door, and then the familiar sound.


"It's me."

With a warm wind, the door opened with a clang, and then the happy and unexpected face appeared behind the door.

"Why did you come here all of a sudden? Don't say it in advance I, I didn't clean up, you wait first

Suddenly realized that he was wearing a sleeping jacket, no makeup and no comb, Chen Yushan subconsciously wanted to close the door.

Fortunately, Lu Zhou was so quick with his eyes and hands that he put his feet into the door step by step, said Kuang Han.

“…… Do you want to freeze me out? "

Although there is a central air conditioner outside, it's a little difficult to freeze people to death, but when she changes her clothes and make-up, the boat feels that she can stand and fall asleep.

Hearing Lu Zhou's words, Chen Yushan noticed the snowflakes on his shoulders that had not yet melted, and her cheeks blushed with embarrassment.

"I'm almost asleep. How could I know it snowed outside Come in quickly. "

After entering the house, Lu Zhou put on his slippers and went to the sofa in the living room to sit down.

Chen Yushan came out of the kitchen with two cups of hot milk and put them on the tea table.

"It's very cold outside, come and have some hot things. Speaking of it, your closing is over?"

Try it with your lips, feel the right temperature, and take a sip.

With the warm current flowing into the spleen and stomach, he felt not only the cold on his body, but also the fatigue between his eyebrows.

"Well, it's over."

"It seems that you have made some significant discoveries." Sitting on the opposite side of the boat with his hands on his chin, the beautiful face seemed to glow, with exciting light.

"I've been found by you," said Lu Zhou, with a smile on her face, and suddenly thought of something. "I want to give you a gift on Valentine's day."

As soon as she heard about the Valentine's Day gift, Chen Yushan got excited and asked curiously, "what gift?"

The boat smiled mysteriously.

"Now I tell you there's no sense of surprise."

"By Valentine's day, you will know."

The snow outside the window is more and more heavy. It gently hides the residual temperature on the treetop, and also covers the lights that leak out of the window eaves.

All is quiet, only the sporadic street lights and lights, and the inaudible serenade, quietly depicting the outline of the night.

As usual, today's night is no different from yesterday's.

The only difference is probably.

Because of a paper suddenly published on arXiv, many physicists living in the eastern hemisphere may have to lose sleep in tossing and turning