Chapter 1304


Headquarters of imcrc.

In order to give a clear answer to the media all over the world and all people who are concerned about this matter, imcrc has vacated the conference room on the first floor of Building 2 a day in advance and transformed it into the layout of the press conference site.

What nobody expected, however, was that even though they were well prepared, when the press conference started, the scene was still out of control.

The colorful broadcast vehicles almost filled the parking lot, and all the people were crowded at the door, almost crushing the isolation belt for evacuees at the door.

Everyone wants to occupy the most favorable position. All the media are worried that their cameras can't get the best shooting position. It's useless to let the organizers of the conference rip their throat to ensure everyone can enter the venue.

To be honest, although Luo Wenxuan didn't care about it very much and was happy to hold the big guy's thigh as a salted fish, it's impossible to say that he has no regrets in his heart.

From a certain point of view, Professor aulette's words are also a kind of recognition of his ability.

Otherwise, it will not be said in this tone

Think of here, Luo Wenxuan's heart, gradually coruscate the unprecedented drive.

Even if it is to live up to the expectations of friends!

Even in order to live up to the trust and cultivation of Lu Zhou!

He also has to shoulder this press conference and fulfill his responsibilities as Secretary General of imcrc -

for the community of shared future of mankind!


At the end of the day, imcrc's press conference began as scheduled.

Dressed in a suit, Luo Wenxuan, secretary-general of imcrc, walked to the front of the conference platform and gently piled up a stack of Handbooks on the platform, saying in a clear voice.

"Good evening, everyone. I'm Luo Wenxuan, Secretary General of imcrc."

"For work reasons, academician Lu was unable to attend the press conference on the spot. In this press conference, I will replace academician Lu and elaborate on some necessary issues. "

Like most press conferences, this work is basically to read the manuscript according to the book, and the real play is still in the back, the link to answer the questions of journalists.

Now the whole world is paying attention to the experiment of imcrc yesterday. We can imagine how the curiosity will bring about the tricky problem.

It took about 15 minutes for Luo Wenxuan to read the speech from the beginning to the end. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he also combed the whole idea of the press conference and the problems that might arise in a moment.

Having done this, he put the speech aside and looked around the room.

“…… Here is the routine question

"If you have any questions, you can ask them now."

Almost at the moment when the voice fell, the whole venue was like a pot of boiling oil, and a pair of hands were like splashing oil droplets and stars, springing up like lightning.

"Hello, Secretary General Luo, I'm a reporter from CTV. What does the latest discovery of imcrc mean? Can you give a detailed explanation to the audience in front of our TV set? "

"Of course."

In the face of the whole field of twinkling lens, Luo Wenxuan tried to put his mind flat, raised the volume and continued, "through the Z particle clock designed by Professor Lu Zhou, we use the interference effect of Z particle vibration on the gravitational ties between planets to create a narrow strip of low space-time curvature area - we call it the hyperspace channel."

"It's like a highway between folded mountains. Its physical property is no different from that of the regular universe. The only difference is that it has a more gentle curvature relative to the nearby space-time and a shorter distance in three-dimensional space."

"In short, through this hyperspace channel, the photons that we shoot from one end to the other end of the universe actually travel a shorter distance than we can see It's like taking a short cut. "

At the end of CTV's question, another reporter with a foreign face immediately put out his microphone: "Secretary General Luo, if the hyperspace theory is proved, what will be the impact on our world?"

"To correct it, it has been proved, not if," Luo added after emphasizing, "the birth of hyperspace theory will have a huge impact on communication, astronomical observation and even long-distance space activities. Of course, when can we feel this impact It may take a while. "

As soon as this sentence was said, there was a commotion under the stage.

Especially when hearing that long-distance space activities, many people's eyes are obviously excited.

Almost at the moment when he finished his answer, a microphone quickly connected to him again, with no intention of any rest time for him.In an excited tone, the reporter with long brown hair said quickly.

"Hello, Secretary General Luo, I'm a reporter from Los Angeles Daily! May I ask if this means As people say, Star Trek will become a possibility! "

This problem is also the concern of most of the reporters on the scene, and it is also something many people write down in shorthand books.

However, after hearing this question, Luo Wenxuan's face showed a helpless expression and said with a slight sigh.

"Maybe it's possible."

"But I must emphasize that this possibility may not be realized by scholars and experts of that era until a century or even centuries later."

"From any point of view, hyperspace theory is a perfect start. We have mastered the way to break the speed limit faster than we thought."

"But if there are too many unrealistic expectations for it now, I don't think it's a wise one!"

At this time, a reporter reached out his microphone and continued to ask.

"So in your opinion, do you have a pessimistic view about the aerospace industry's realization of superluminal navigation in the world?"

Almost without hesitation, Luo Wenxuan nodded.


"I'm pessimistic about that."