Chapter 1324

Looking at the white board dragged by the waiter, Professor Felix was stunned.

In the face of his own doubts about the fairness of the selection of the problem of the century of physics, this guy has drawn a blank slate.

What on earth does he want to do?

Can we find a way to solve the problem of neutrino mass origin by using "type III seesaw mechanism" here, so as to prove that our problem is not worth mentioning at all?

How can this be done?!

Professor Felix was almost amused by the strange idea.

If the problem is so easy to solve, the physics world will not be at a loss so far for the mysterious neutrinos.

Ignoring the strange expression on Professor Felix's face, he got up from his chair and walked to the whiteboard.

"Thank you."

I threw a tip of 100 RMB to the waiter. I saw the boat standing in front of the whiteboard and picked up the marker on it.

Just thinking about it for less than half a minute, he printed the tip of the pen in his hand and began to write on the whiteboard.

The tip of the pen swished across the whiteboard, and Professor Felix kept his eyes fixed.

Although there was no great movement, such a large white board was placed in the coffee shop, which was quite conspicuous.

Especially the person standing in front of the whiteboard is the president of imcrc! Nobel Laureate in physics! Founder of hyperspace theory!

Countless halos piled on the top of the head, even if you want to ignore this person is difficult.

Gradually attracted by the contents of the whiteboard, many people left their seats, with full of curiosity, gathered here in groups.

"What is Professor Lu writing about?"

"The expression of the mass term of Majorana and Dirac should be the mass of fermion --"

"no, no! It's the seesaw mechanism! If I'm not wrong He's explaining the origin of neutrino mass! "

As soon as this sentence is out, it is like dropping a bomb towards the calm lake, which instantly ignites the air nearby.


"The origin of neutrino mass?!"

"Isn't it? This kind of thing Can you make it clear on a whiteboard? "

"Bullshit! It's a blockhouse! "

For places like imcrc, the coffee shop itself is used to exchange and discuss academic issues, so no one cares if there is too much noise here.

More and more people came to this side, attracted by the roar of the crowd.

Looking at the flowing formula on the whiteboard, Professor Felix swallowed.

In order to demonstrate the embarrassment that he can't fully understand at this moment, he turned his eyes around and looked around. However, this look didn't matter. He was shocked instantly.

I don't know when to start. There is already a full circle of people around the whiteboard, so I can't see the way out.

At the same time, standing in front of the whiteboard, the expression on his face is quite calm.

From the moment of entering the state, his attention is completely focused on the whiteboard in front of him, so he will not be affected by the nearby people and voice naturally.

Lv10's realm is very mysterious.

It seems that the line of calculation is not a calculation, but a spell woven from the words of the gods. Although it does not have the power to call the wind and the rain, it dominates and influences the law of change of all things in the universe.

When entering this state, the heart of Lu Zhou will not help but give birth to a few threads of emotion.

It's no wonder that the math level determines the upper limit of other subject levels.

Without lv10's mathematical level as a support, I'm afraid that even he can't master the language of universe communication

In this way, as time went by, when he squatted down in front of the whiteboard and wrote the last line of calculation, the boat straightened up and retreated for half a step.

Looking at the formula filled with whiteboard, he nodded softly with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Not bad."

As he said this, Lu Zhou turned around and looked at Professor Felix, who was sitting on the chair and was completely stupid, and continued.

"Here is the answer you want. I think these formulas are enough to tell you why your paper will be screened out in the review conference. "

"Wait a minute," said Professor Felix, blushing as he watched the boat with the marker down, "I still don't quite understand. You What did you do? Yes Tell me about it? "

Although reluctant to admit it, it is.

In the middle of the process, he was completely shaken off by this smooth thinking and could not keep up with his rhythm no matter how hard he tried.

This sentence has been recognized by many people nearby, and the voice of harmony has gradually spread around.Obviously, it's not only professor Felix who doesn't follow the rhythm of the blackboard writing on the land, but also the people around here. They only read a little.

"Of course, in fact, I'm just going to do it," he said with a faint smile, turning to look at the contents of the whiteboard, organizing the language in about three seconds, and then he said, "the dynamics of neutrino mass origin is the forefront of high-energy physics research in recent years, which is true, but not all research directions have Possible. "

"At present, there are two possible mass terms for fermions: the Majorana mass term and the Dirac mass term."

"If the neutrino is a Dirac particle, the neutrino mass can be given directly by the tangchuan interaction."

"However, our observations of the anisotropy of cosmic microwave background radiation show that the absolute mass of neutrinos should be less than 0.2eV. Considering the mass of the top quark is 172gev, it is obviously very difficult and unnatural to explain the fermion mass spectrum with such a huge gap only by using the Higgs mechanism! "

"So now it's common to think of neutrinos as Majorana particles, so that we can use seesaw mechanism to study the origin of neutrino mass --"

"that's right!" In response to this, Professor Felix was instantly refreshed. "Is there any problem with my paper? Isn't that what I said? "

Looking at the excited Professor Felix, Lu Zhou laughed and continued.

"Don't worry about it. I haven't finished what I said. It's really attractive to use seesaw mechanism to study the origin of neutrino mass, but the seesaw model of TeV energy standard will lead to the destruction of the unitary lepton flavor mixing matrix Have you thought about it? "

Whispers spread from all around.

Obviously, the speech of Lu Zhou caused a lot of controversy among the crowd.

Forced by this sentence, Professor Felix was stunned, and it took a long time for him to recover.

"The seesaw model of TeV energy scale will lead to the destruction of the unitary property of lepton flavor mixing matrix It seems that there has been such a debate in physics, but it's just a conjecture. How do you know it must be right -- "

" it used to be a conjecture, "the boat raised its chin to the whiteboard behind it and said with a smile," now it's not. "

An uproar spread.

At the moment of hearing this sentence, the onlookers at the scene were crazy.

Countless people took out their mobile phones from their pockets and took photos of the contents on the whiteboard.

Although some people have been videotaping the whole process before, people's reactions are far less enthusiastic than they are now.

Solved a long-standing dispute in physics!?

Just a whiteboard?!

How could it be!

"It's impossible..." He said everyone's heart. Professor Felix stared at the formula on the white board, and couldn't say more. He just kept repeating the sentence "it's impossible."

If the seesaw model with TEV energy label can destroy the unitary of lepton flavor mixing matrix, then the type-III seesaw mechanism is not the best solution to the origin of neutrino mass.

So what is he doing with all his research?!

The expression on Professor Felix's face was a touch of sadness.

Although he wanted to deny Lu Zhou and stand up to refute his point of view, there was no voice of Refutation in his throat.

It's not a surrender to academic authority.

Only in those few words on demand, he has gradually begun to understand the formulas on the whiteboard, and gradually realized that what Lu Zhou said is true.

However, he could not accept the reality at all.

For nearly a decade, he has been working on the type III seesaw mechanism and trying to find the puzzle that can fill the source of neutrino mass as much as possible.

But now the facts in front of him tell him that in the past ten years, he has only been wandering in a dead end, complacent about some meaningless achievements

Looking at Professor Felix, who seemed to have lost his soul, the boat was silent for a while and sighed softly.

He could probably feel the depression and sadness in his heart.

How many years can one live?

In particular, the golden age when one is most suitable for scientific research is only twenty or thirty years in total.

"Sometimes That's how it is, "said the boat, pausing for a moment at the Deathly faced professor Felix

"The seesaw mechanism may be a good idea, but the fatal loopholes make it almost impossible to get to the end of the road."“…… What should I do. "

"I'm afraid you have to ask yourself, after all, I'm not an expert in this field," Lu Zhou said after thinking for a while at the loss of Professor Felix. "If the tool is too difficult, try to repair it."

"The seesaw mechanism has many problems, but I believe it's also an opportunity for you."

"Why don't you try to adjust seesaw mechanism with Leptogenesis mechanism? This model can well explain the problem of the small mass of neutrinos and the asymmetry of baryon number in the universe, and in the Large Hadron Collider, it can make the experimental test of this mechanism possible through canonical interaction All of these are not yet available in seesaw mechanism. "

Looking at the pupils that gradually glowed, Lu Zhou said with a light smile.

“…… Although I can't explain why for a while, as an alternative, I recommend that you start from this point and think more about it. "

"Maybe we can find something different."