Chapter 1337

Lagrange point space station and Mars research station project are set up at the same time!

Not only that, the meeting also proposed a work schedule including a series of strategic goals, such as "completing manned fire landing within the year", "construction environment inspection at Lagrange point", etc.

From this tight schedule, it can be seen at least that the whole plan is not a cover or a smoke bomb. China really intends to do a big job in the space field.

For the space industry, this is probably the most exciting news this year and even the beginning of last year!

The afternoon after the meeting.

Office of the design section of the Shanghai Institute of Aerospace Science and technology.

"Have you heard of it?"

"What have you heard of?"

"Our country is going to build a permanent space station at Lagrange point!"

"Lagrange point space station? You mean that blue picture of academician Lu

"What else could that be? Ah! Academician Lu Niubi! I heard that there was a meeting on Chang'an Street this morning. The Presbyterian who presided over the meeting showed the concept map of the space station through a holographic projection device. All the participants were shocked! The final vote was almost an overwhelming victory, and both events were immediately on the table! "

Said one of the engineers, itching.

"Is it so exaggerated? What does the concept map look like? "

"I don't know! I'm only listening to others, but since the news has come out, I don't think it's something to keep secret. We should have a chance to see that concept map in two days! "

In fact, China did not intend to keep secret this time.

Since the successful establishment of the Moon Palace space station, it has marked the unshakable position of China in the space field, and there is no need to hide anything as good as before.

whether Lagrange as like as two peas or a Mars Science Station, even if the relevant units are to open the drawings, other countries may not be able to copy the same project as the drawings.

What this tests is not only the simple industrial capacity, but also the industrial scale of a country in the field of aerospace.

Up to now, I'm afraid that only China, which has more than 10 large-scale transportation spacecraft and successfully realized the exploitation and profit of rare earth mineral resources on the moon, is able to complete this grand plan.

Because it was not the secret project, the results of the discussion quickly spread to all the space research institutes in Shangjing.

On the second day after the meeting, all the scholars in the domestic aerospace industry who are still active in this field have already known about it.

At the same time, the relevant departments also held a press conference and announced the result to the media all over the world.

Almost at the same time that the news was announced publicly, people all over the world were shocked by the news of this family member!

NASA headquarters.

Because it's lunch break, most of the engineers in the office are eating sandwiches and drinking coffee while watching videos on YouTube.

When a news coming to CNN came into their eyes, almost everyone was stunned and froze for a while before blinking back to their senses.

Chinese plan to build a space station at Lagrange point?

And Mars research station?

Stop kidding! They've never been to Mars! What is the Mars research station to be built?!

And the Lagrange point space station

That's the thing that will appear in science fiction movies. With the current materials science and engineering technology, whether it can be realized or not, even if it can be realized, it's useless at all.

At least they can't imagine the significance of building a space station in the current scale of the earth's aerospace industry, whether it comes from commercial or scientific research needs?

Count the stars?

Many people's first reaction was fake news.

Some people even sneered and said with disdain, "bragging is becoming more and more difficult to draft.".

After all, these are CNN traditions.

However, they soon found that CNN was not the only one reporting the news.

After a brief silence, the office blew up.

“WTF?! The Chinese plan to build a permanent space station at Lagrange point

"Mars research station?! Send people to Mars? Are they crazy? "

"They just made a special zone of Guanghan City, and now they start to think about Mars again?"

"And the idea of Mars and Lagrange points at the same time..."

"There are only five Lagrange points, and only two are stable! We must report the news to Congress immediately! Make them aware of the seriousness of the problem! "

Originally quiet as a pool of dead water office, the moment is like the whole pool of water is boiling……

Los Angeles Daily: Lagrange point space base project!

New York Times: the roadmap of Mars base research station is released! China will launch a manned fire landing plan!

The times: a war against NASA? Or the challenge to the future! A blueprint shows the ambition of China's space strategy!

Sun: NASA's director declined to comment, and analysts said that NASA would not take over this time!

Beijing Evening News:

The hot news was released from the space field one after another, which soon replaced the Centennial Physics Conference and Centennial question that had been swiping the screen on the Internet some time ago, and became a new hot spot that people talked about and followed.

Especially when seeing the concept map of the Lagrange point space base released in the news, many people think of the space fortress that appeared in the center of the bird's Nest stadium at the National Day celebration last year!

The towering fortress floating in the hologram has almost satisfied most people's all fantasies about the two romantic words of the universe and the future.

Now, all of this is actually becoming a reality!

It's no exception that the hot debate on the Internet will be so huge.

As the general consultant and chief engineer of moon orbit construction committee, of course, the land boat will not miss this important news.

In fact, about five minutes after the meeting, director Li called him and told him the exciting news.

Especially when it comes to winning the overwhelming vote, the old man almost didn't shout out excitedly.

In contrast, it's calmer here. The only worry is whether the old man's heart can't bear it.

As for the projects of the Lagrange point space base and the Mars research station, he was not worried at all.

As for why

One of the biggest reasons is that in his opinion, there is almost no suspense about the passing of the two projects.

Especially after talking with the elder in Shanghai that day, he had a number in mind.

Even if the relevant departments haven't spare no effort to think about the future in a hundred years, they will surely see the driving effect of these two projects on China's aerospace industry as a whole.

Now Guanghan special economic zone is on the right track. If China wants to continue to lead in the aerospace field in the next century, it must find a long-term goal to implement.

The Lagrange point space base and the Mars colonization plan are undoubtedly a suitable choice.

As for another reason.

That's because, since receiving the system mission, these days, the land boats are basically busy with the "space component a" project, and there is no spare time to manage other things