Chapter 1391

It's not just the math world that has sparked the debate.

The news that ABC conjecture was proved soon spread from mathematics circle to the whole university circle and from the whole university circle to the whole network with the collapse of arXiv server.

In less than a day, whether it's Twitter or twitter, whether it's Q group, friends circle or Facebook, almost everyone is talking about it.

"I heard that ABC guess has been solved?"

"What? Solved?! What's the matter! "

"How could it be so fast! You must have heard it wrong? "

"No It seems that it's true. I heard that LSPM team did it. It's the team led by academician Lu. Then yesterday they hung the preprint of their paper on arXiv, which paralyzed arXiv all day

"Ah ah! It turns out that Arxiv didn't go on the website yesterday because of this! I said how to land for half a day is not found, I thought it was a wall. I'm a computer student. I'm lying down and shot! "

"Lying groove, a paper collapses the literature library, and it's still a preprint! Is it so awesome? "

"It's probably impossible for others. After all, the reference value of the general preprint is not great. You are more willing to wait until it's perfected to read the published version, but after all, this paper is compiled by academician Lu Based on his previous experience, his papers published in journals are almost the same as those in preprints. "

"Wait, does ABC guess being solved mean that we can answer the question raised by the extraterrestrial civilization?"

"It seems that I'm afraid that the second dialogue with the extraterrestrial civilization should have been arranged! "

Everyone remembers the press conference half a month ago, as well as the open dialogue recorded by the spokesperson of the Chinese foreign ministry at the press conference.

Prove ABC conjecture, it means to get the recognition of another intelligent civilization!

It means that we have the key to open the door of dialogue!

Although there are also some people who have security concerns and think that this is the exploration of alien civilization, there is a consensus on one point, whether the one who agrees with the contact or the one who disagrees with it.

That is to show the achievements of human civilization in the field of mind, which is conducive to friendly exchanges between the two sides.

After all, if you want to communicate with another civilization equally, at least you need to show your advantages as an intelligent creature, regardless of whether your appearance is pleasing to each other.

If the other side is a primitive civilization that is difficult to calculate even the series of equal differences, most human countries will not communicate with the other side with prudence and respect.

Just as netizens all over the world are talking about the coming second dialogue excitedly, governments are also shocked by the unexpected news.

North America.

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington.

A confidential document was placed on the desk in the president's office.

After staring at the document for a long time, the president finally looked up at the chief of staff standing at his desk and said slowly.

"It means Has ABC's conjecture been solved? "

He didn't understand the complicated process of proof and didn't want to know it.

He only wants to know one thing now, that is, how many percent of this proof is true.

"Yes..." The chief of staff looked down heavily and said quickly, "according to our specially hired Mathematical Science Consultant, there is no big problem in the whole proof process, and the same is true of the research team organized by the Pentagon. And even if we leave these aside, according to past experience, only when 99% of the process is sure to prove that there is no problem, will the land boat upload the paper. "

In fact, China is not the only country offering a reward to solve ABC's conjecture.

Since China released part of the dialogue recordings at the press conference, almost all the countries with slight influence in Mathematics in the world have used administrative force to some extent to promote their mathematicians to study ABC conjecture.

Everyone hopes to finish the proof of ABC conjecture and use it as a chip to gain more benefits for their country. Especially in the establishment of the international dialogue organization of extraterrestrial civilizations, who can take the lead in getting the key to dialogue with extraterrestrial civilizations will undoubtedly win more voice in this organization.

Looking at the silent president, the chief of staff reminded him.

"Now the Chinese people have taken the initiative in the dialogue with the extraterrestrial civilization. If we continue to delay in the dialogue with the extraterrestrial civilization liaison agency, they will probably bypass us, contact each other alone, and then force us to make concessions in a way that creates a fait accompli. At that time, our situation may be more passive than now."

Brows locked on the map on the wall.

After pondering for a long time, the president's eyebrows slightly relaxed, said in a deep voice."I have to promise them first."

At the same time, on the other side of the Atlantic, similar talks are also on.

An invitation letter was sent to the Chinese Embassy in London from No. 10 Downing Street. At the gate of the Elysee Palace, there is a Chinese diplomat's car. A high-level diplomatic meeting is going on in the Kremlin as far away as Eastern Europe. The Japanese cabinet sent an invitation for high-level dialogue to neighboring countries across the sea.

For a time, the global political arena was strained by the proof of a mathematical conjecture


North Rhine, Germany.

University of Bonn.

"I've read the paper," he said directly after seeing Schulz on the first side, "let me guess that at least 50% of the work is done by land boats Is that right? "

"To be exact, it's 60%," Shultz made a helpless expression and sat on the sofa of the office in a big way in the face of Professor Fieldings's words. "It's no exaggeration to say that without his words, we are probably still worried about the things at the starting point of the problem, or arguing because of a little unimportant matter Don't say that. You should have read the paper. What do you think of the proof? "

Looking at Shultz with a smile on his face, Professor fortings took a sip of coffee and said softly.

"I can't find anything wrong."

So there's no problem?

Schulz automatically translated the sentence in his mind.

After all, it's so hard to hear heartfelt praise from Professor fortings.

Looking at Shultz, who just smiled but didn't speak, faltins frowned, but thought of the question he was going to ask, the frown gradually came down, and he continued without hesitation.

"I noticed that the special way he used to describe ABC conjecture is very interesting How did you come up with it in such a short time? "

"According to Lu Zhou's own statement, he drew lessons from the far Abelian geometry, but Wang Yuexin himself firmly denied this. He thought that there was no connection between the two. Instead, he got a lot of inspiration from it and planned to go back and polish his theory, "Schulz pinched his hair a little perplexingly Maybe it's modest. I heard that Chinese people have this habit. Anyway, I think it's probably because of his inspiration. "

It's a good idea.

Faltins's eyebrows twitched, but only for a moment.

Unless it's Riemann's guess that even professor grotendick feels embarrassed, he will never be frank in expressing his praise.

"The proof of ABC's conjecture is probably no suspense in itself, but the method you used is worth studying in depth," concluded the previous topic quickly with a sentence, and Professor fortings put the coffee cup on the table.

After a few seconds of pause, he continued, "there's another thing I need to talk to you about."

Schulz: what's the matter

Organizing the language in his mind, he said, "yesterday, Ms. carrichek came."

Shultz asked with a frown after a slight pause.

"Ms carrichek?"

Faltins: "it's normal that you don't know the Federal Minister of education and research, and I'm not interested in her If you can't remember the name, just remember it as someone who has given money to the University of Bonn and the Max Planck Institute of mathematics. "

At this point, Schulz's bewilderment was not reduced, but his frown grew deeper and deeper.

"What are the federal bureaucrats doing here?"

It's not about math, is it?

I don't know why, Schulz suddenly had a bad feeling.

I don't know if I saw through his mind or didn't notice it at all, Professor fortings shrugged his shoulders and said casually in a nonchalant tone.

"It happens to have something to do with your paper Whether it's 10 or 20 percent, ABC's conjecture proves that you've contributed a part. "

After a pause, he continued.

"In short, she wants you to represent the Federal Republic of Germany..."

"A trip to Mars."

Schulz: "...?"