Chapter 1456

History seems to play a joke on everyone.

The "fact" that had been settled was overturned and rewritten at a time that no one expected. A great man who should have been buried in the long river of history and remembered by later generations returned to them with an unexpected gesture.

As if he had been loaned by God or some great being for a while, and now he is returned.

And no matter how many historians lost their heads overnight for this news, the expedition launched a century ago has finally come to an end today in the 22nd century.

And with another happy ending.

Just as the celebration of triumphalism - or the celebration of a great man who came from a century ago, "come back from the dead" is going on, the major media around the world are also broadcasting the party live.

It's a rare day for the elderly.

In particular, those elders who had some ancestral and Lu academicians' origins, but the origins were not deep enough to involve economic exchanges.

When they saw academician Lu's face on the holographic screen, the whole person was excited as if he had been doping, and almost jumped up and cheered.

An apartment listed in Shanghai, a city cluster in the Yangtze River Delta.

Sitting on the sofa of his son's house, watching Luo Xingxue, a 60-70-year-old man younger than his own son in the holographic TV, the excitement on his face never stopped from the beginning of the party, bragging with his little grandson sitting next to him.

“…… My grandfather, your great grandfather, is academician Lu's senior brother. Both of them graduated from Jinling University! "

"Imcrc was just founded at that time, and our physics was not as strong as it is now. From all over the world, foreign physicists have turned their noses to the sky. No one is satisfied with them. Later, academician Lu was appointed as the director of the board of directors. Then, hyperspace theory and extra dimension theory came out one after another, and Hadron Collider became famous! No one questions the status of imcrc's World Physics center any more! "

"But what does it have to do with your grandfather?"

"This There must be some relationship, and it's not small, "Luo Xingxue said with an embarrassed smile and a dry cough." isn't there an old saying that it's easy to fight and hard to defend the world? "

"As the second president of imcrc, your great grandfather, academician Lao Luo, is able to handle the relationship between imcrc and major research institutions around the world in a dangerous environment, which no one can do!"

The child nodded as if he understood.

Looking at the line about the man's honor flashed in the holographic TV, his face showed a curious expression and could not help asking.

"Grandpa, you say that academician Lu and your grandpa studied the story of hyperspace theory together?"

"Unified field theory, I know! That was a big hit at the time! Especially when the interaction of strong electricity came out, the whole physics was shaken by that theory... "

There was a trace of memory in the old man's eyes.

Although he didn't experience the turbulent times personally, he still heard the exciting past from his grandfather's oral statement.

"That's a story a long time ago..."


"In fact, it's not as exaggerated as you think."

After the performance, the guests moved to the hotel of the same name next to "heart of Asia" and started the second half of the celebration.

The dance floor of the first floor hall is full of men and women in colorful clothes. The long table beside the dance floor is filled with champagne and delicious food. With the melodious music, the atmosphere here is light and pleasant.

As the protagonist of the whole party, from the beginning of stepping into the banquet hall, the land boat has become the focus of all the people.

Standing next to him at the moment is ambassador sville from the North American Union.

Like other people who talk to him, almost all people who come up to talk with him will not unconsciously talk with him about a certain past 100 years ago.

Now, for example, the ambassador asked about hyperspace theory.

When it comes to this, Lu Zhou is also quite nostalgic.

Although it has been so many years, it always feels like yesterday.

"At that time, I happened to see a paper when I was studying the hyperspace theory. I still remember it was called" the study of z-particle gravitational wave equation ", and then some inspiration about the curvature of space-time came out. Then I tried to study it, and finally I found some strange properties of Z particle about the curvature of space-time. "

Looking at the boat, Ambassador sville, holding champagne in his hand, had a look of surprise on his face."Just like that?"

The boat nodded its head.

"That's it."

"I thought there was a winding story."

"I'm afraid you're disappointed. It's a boring thing to study a profound problem," said Lu Zhou with a light smile, looking at ambassador sville with a sad expression. "But at the moment when the light comes out and the moment when he crosses the finish line, it's still very pleasant."

"Haha, I'm afraid we laymen can't feel the pleasure you said," ambassador sville continued with a smile. "But from the layman's point of view, I always think hyperspace theory is a fascinating theory. How to put it? Straightening out the curly space-time sounds fascinating. "

"I can understand your fascination," continued the boat jokingly. "In fact, when I just finished this theory, I thought that if I didn't use it for interstellar navigation in 100 years, at least long-distance communication could be achieved. I didn't think it was more. "

"It's too expensive to produce a Z particle, let alone keep it in a stable state of shock," ambassador sville said after a sip of champagne with a slight sigh. "In fact, many people have tried this in the past 100 years, but most of them were defeated at the stage of technical feasibility demonstration due to the cost problem."

"Cost is really a big problem," Lu Zhou said with a smile, nodding his head. "However, my view is quite optimistic. Not now, doesn't mean not in the future. With the current technical reserves and details, many of the things that could only stay in the imagination stage before, at least there are conditions for trial. "

Ambassador sville's face moved a little.

"That is to say, there is hope?"

Lu Zhou shook his head.

"It's hard to say, after all, it's not up to me."

Just as they were talking, there were waves of people nearby.

Looking up, Lu Zhou saw an old woman in full dress coming to him under the crowd.

His eyes fell on the old woman's face, and he was slightly stunned.

I don't know if it's his illusion. He always feels that the charm between the eyebrows is familiar, but for a while, he can't remember where he saw her.

Looking at Lu Zhou, she smiled on her face and said in a voice of nostalgia.

"Long time no see."

"You are..."

Half a sentence just arrived at the mouth, at this time, a name suddenly sprang out of his memory without warning, making his eyes slightly open.

"Princess Lillian?!"

Surprised to see the old woman in front of him, Lu Zhou froze there for a long time, but did not speak.

It was about half a minute before he looked at her and said in a slightly more complex voice.

"Long time no see, I didn't expect You've changed so much. "

When I first met her, she was only a little girl as high as his knee. Now I see her again, but she has become a centenarian.

Think of here, the heart of land boat also can't help a burst of sigh, a time can't say a word.

"It's not that I have changed a lot, but you haven't changed at all in the past 100 years."

compared with the sadness of starting a land boat, Princess Lillian herself is quite open-minded.

Looking at the old man standing in front of her, she said with a smile.

"Remember? In Stockholm's blue hall, I was less than seven years old. I summoned up my courage to ask you to dance, and you said let me wait for a while. "

“…… Of course, I won't forget, "Lu said in a sad tone with the same color of recollection in his eyes, remembering the past years ago." it was the most important moment in my life, and I will probably remember it for my whole life. "

He kissed his love for the first time on the shores of Lake melanin.

Standing by the lake, although she has no dazzling title, she seems to be a real princess in his eyes.

Now a hundred years have passed.

If there is anything that can't be relieved, it's probably about her memories

"Then you should remember that you still owe me a dance."

From the deep memory, I returned to my mind and looked at my princess Lillian with a smile on my face. Lu Zhou was slightly stunned, then smiled and said.

"Sorry, I was a little distracted just now I've kept you waiting. "

She smiled kindly and held out her right hand.

"It doesn't matter. I've been waiting for a century. I don't mind such a moment."


There was soft music on the dance floor.

Standing on the dance floor for a moment, this pair of unusual combinations immediately attracted the attention of the whole audience.At the end of a dance, there was applause around the dance floor.

At the same time, in the corner of the terrace on the second floor, several bodyguards in formal clothes surrounded a vacant lot.

Standing in the center of the enclosed space, overlooking the dance floor hall on the first floor, President Li Guangya is looking at the holographic beam projected from his wrist and talking with Secretary General Wu Shuhua who is visiting overseas.

"Is it your idea to invite the Swedish Royal family?"

"Well, I've read about queen Lillian in a memoir, but I didn't expect it to be made up."

Wu Shuhua did not speak, the expression on his face was still indifferent, waiting for him to continue.

"We have won the friendship of the North Sea alliance, so in the end, we should be able to win 70% - 75% support at the UN conference." Looking at the diplomat of the North Sea alliance who had a good talk with the Minister of foreign affairs of Pan Asia, Li Guangya said in a relaxed tone, "there is no doubt that this is an overwhelming victory."

Wu Shuhua said seriously.

"Don't forget that the resistance is not only from the United Nations, but also from within the Pan Asian cooperation, which is the most difficult one."

"I'm going to solve it."

Glancing across the dance floor, he paused for a while on a young face, and a smile appeared on the face of President Li Guangya.

"At present, it should be a big one."