Chapter 1473

Dusk was falling, and darkness was falling.

For people living in urban areas, night life is just beginning.

In sharp contrast to the brightly lit City, the suburbs come a little earlier in the middle of the night.

Just after 10 o'clock, the main road of Maglev Road, traffic has become intermittent up. As for the paths that go deep into the residential area, there is almost no traffic.

However, at this time, a truck is along the road is not spacious, slowly into the residential area.

The traffic police drone, which was parked on the side of the road, flew towards the truck when it detected a violation signal.

However, just as the drone was about to persuade the driver to leave the truck, a light blue current suddenly jumped from its surface.

Like a short circuit, the UAV soon came out with black and blue smoke and fell to the ground askew.

Take the EMP pistol back into his pocket, and the bionic man sitting in the driver's seat skillfully presses the button on the driver's seat to open the cargo door.

As the alloy door opens outwards, a bionic man with a rifle in his hand, surrounded by a rack drone, walks towards the villa next to him.

Standing in front of the door, one of the bionic people took out the toolbox for unlocking from the backpack and was about to open the door.

At this time, however, the door in front of them was opened by themselves.

At the same time, a string of characters with unknown meaning appeared on the holographic window of the access control system.

[br >

at the moment of seeing this string of characters, Chester, sitting on the minibus several kilometers away, instinctively felt a bit bad.

However, he could not say for a while where the bad feeling came from.

After biting his teeth, he thought that it was too late to decide whether to start.

His eyes were fixed on the door in the screen, and he thought that the enemy who killed his brother was in it. His heart lit up a bloodthirsty anger, and he gave the order to attack with a grim smile.

"I see where you are going to hide this time!"

At the moment when the attack command was given, the dozens of bionic people standing at the door immediately opened the security of the weapon, and then killed them into the open door with the weapons in their hands.

However, at this time, the sudden change!

Dozens of biomimetic human armed men stepped on the lawn, suddenly as if they had received an EMP firmly, there were light blue electric sparks in their back neck and pupils, and their forward steps also made carton stumble.

The momentum of the attack suffered a setback at the beginning.

What's more, Chester, who sits at the back of the screen and controls all this remotely, can only watch his modified bionic man turn into scrap iron, but he doesn't know what happened.


Watching the camera turn into snow white one after another, Chester in panic immediately knocked his hands on the holographic screen, locking every window of the villa.

Soon, dozens of four rotor UAVs were flying from the top of the van.

With the fastest speed, the cruise path and firing time are set. At the same time when the attack responsibility is released, Chester decisively starts the offline mode.

the UAV shielding all external signals is like a cruise missile, swooping to the villa tens of meters away.

However, at this time, a more frightening scene happened to Chester.

I saw that the previous stage was like a bionic man who was hit by EMP, and suddenly the action became flexible.

Not only that, the muzzle of that gun turned suddenly, locking the swarms of drones flying like locusts in the air and pulling down the trigger.

The orange fire flickered, and the dense trajectory expended a rain of death in the air. It was hit by the bullets and rain, and the drone was like a fly without wings, which was shot down on the ground one after another.

The explosion lights up the lawn in the front yard of the villa. Many bionic people are engulfed by the explosion and even fly out directly.

Looking at the bionic humans and drones killing each other, Chester, the boss with his mouth open, has lost his words completely.

In any case, he couldn't figure out what happened to those smart devices at the moment he gave the order to attack.

“…… It's impossible. "

Looking at the left bionic human soldier standing in a flame, Chester's heart lit a flame of hope. Ten fingers were beating on the holographic keyboard at full speed, trying to find out the loopholes in the program and regain the control of the bionic human.

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Five minutes later, no matter how hard he tried, the bionic man standing on the lawn with a rifle seemed to have not heard his order, but stood there without saying a word."What the hell happened?! Move for me! Grass! "

A sense of foreboding enveloped Chester.

For some reason, he had never been afraid of anything. Looking at the indifferent biomimetic soldier on the screen, his heart suddenly rose with an unprecedented fear.

It's as if he's not being manipulated, but himself. An invisible puppet thread has bound his hands and feet, and manipulated all this where he can't see.

At last, he tried to obtain the control authority of the bionic human. After seeing no effect, Chester resolutely gave up the intelligent devices he had put on the battlefield and started the van to run.

[the intelligent navigation system has been opened and is connecting you to the maglev road network ]

"disconnect! Take the road navigation mode! "

[switch the road navigation mode. ]

the reason why the maglev road network is not connected is that it is monitored by the Pan Asian cooperation police and the Security Bureau.

Just now, with the sound of gunfire, the maglev road in this area is no longer safe for him.

After starting the van, Chester began to go on the road, looking out of the window at the fleeting scenery. Chester was a little relaxed.

However, when he turned on the holographic computer and was about to check the previous faults, a string of characters with unknown meaning suddenly popped up in the holographic screen.

When he saw this line of characters, Chester was stunned subconsciously.



What is this?

Then just as he thought about it, a figure appeared in the middle of the road where the lights were shining.

The man was standing in the middle of the road in an airtight raincoat.

The shadow under his hood obscured his eyes, and even the high beam could not make Chester see his features above the tip of his nose. But a sense of no reason told him that the guy was looking at himself and was coming for him.

With a shudder of cold sweat, Chester dropped the hologram and grasped the steering wheel with both hands.

"Start manual mode!"

[start failed. ]


Like a runaway wild horse, an uncontrollable van crashed into the man standing in the middle of the road.

No, to be exact, it's not human.

No one has ever been able to be intact in front of such a speed, much less like a power pole, which will collide with his car into such a tragic accident scene.

Starting from the hood, the van that hit the man was like hitting a stone pier. The whole head of the van was smashed to pieces and glass flew everywhere.

Chester, who was stuck in the driver's seat and couldn't move, had blood on his forehead and was dying.

At last, he saw the figure under the raincoat with the dim afterglow, how a steel body full of the spirit of killing.

Looking at the man who took the computer from the car - or the robot, Chester wrote a bitter despair in his heart, and gradually gave up the hope of survival.

“…… What a terrible thing I've provoked. "

With the last trace of thoughts, his eyes closed slowly.

Mingming is an antique 100 years ago, but the result is terrible

At the same time, at the gate of the villa several kilometers away, the police had surrounded the area.

Facing the police force outside, the bionic man surrounded by the lawn thought about it, pointed the gun at his memory, and then pulled the trigger.

With this shot, the crisis alarm was finally lifted, and the armed special police began to come forward and control the scene.

Although there are no casualties, such a large number of weapons actually appear in Pan Asia, which is undoubtedly a severe test for the public security of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration.

Standing by the window, looking at the police officer who just saw yesterday is walking towards the gate of the villa with two police officers, Lu Zhou looks at Xiaoai standing by and asks.

"Is there any result on Ling's side?"

"The guy who threatened the master's safety has been solved! Ling found his personal computer in the car! There are many interesting things in it. Do you want to see them now? (???????? "

Lu Zhou thought about it.

"I'll see the guests first."

While talking, the light blue holographic window was projected in front of him.

The police officer standing at the door politely rang the doorbell and looked at the monitor at the door.

"Hello academician Lu, this is Jinling Public Security Bureau --"

just said half, the door in front of us opened automatically.Looking at the open door, the police officer was slightly stunned.

Then on the screen of the access control system, the face of the land boat appeared.

"The door is not a place to talk. Come into the living room and talk."