Chapter 1485

The reform of scientific research funds has caused panic within the East Asia Power Group.

Cut half of the research projects, and strictly approve the funds

Although this pair of scissors is still in decline, everyone is worried that they will fall on themselves in the end.

However, the worry comes from the worry. Generally speaking, everyone's mood is relatively stable.

Especially for those grass-roots scientific research workers who can't see the beginning of their career and are diligent in their work, although the practice of land boat is a bit tough and even inhuman, it is quite popular.

In a word, they have been fed up with leaders who rely on nepotism and have no ability to do anything but rely on their power to do whatever they want in the Department.

As for whether those who muddle along are satisfied with their reform

The boat didn't care and didn't want to.

In his view, East Asia electric power at the moment has become a terminally ill giant. If you want to cure its stubborn disease, you have to take a strong medicine.

Cleaning up borers is only the first step.

And the second step is to sweep out those people who muddle through the day!

It's not that the land boat is unkind. He doesn't mind raising a few idle people in other posts. But as a scholar, in scientific research, he must be zero tolerance!

Because he knew what it was like to devote his whole life to scientific research, but in the end he could not get any attention, and in turn he would be encroached on academic achievements.

As long as he is still sitting in the position of chairman of the board for a day, he will not allow such unfair things to happen under his own eyelids!

What's more, he didn't expect those moths and gangsters to help him with the engineering miracle of the second generation controllable fusion.

If you don't want to work hard, it's better to roll home as early as possible.


At the end of the meeting, the land boats arranged by all departments were immediately put into the research of the second generation controllable fusion technology.

Although he doesn't know the rules of this era in a special way, scientific research is just that.

Choose a general direction, and then through continuous trial and error, find a feasible way. From the standpoint of a chief designer, what he needs to do is to plan out the framework of the whole large-scale scientific research project, select several technical routes with the greatest possibility, and then formulate strategic directions for academic leaders in various fields, and try to reduce the number of trial and error and time cost as much as possible.

At present, the three problems faced by the second generation of controllable fusion technology are basically the same as those faced by him in the first generation of controllable fusion technology.

The difference is just the difficulty.

The scattering cross section of deuterium and helium is much smaller than that of deuterium and tritium. The cross section of the former is only 0.8b at 300keV, which is much smaller than that of the latter. Therefore, more energy input is needed and the fusion conditions are more stringent.

For example, for the same fusion reactor, the temperature of DT reaction, i.e. deuterium tritium reaction, is only 100 million degrees.

However, if we want to make deuterium and helium fusion reaction, and keep the reaction stable, we need a temperature of several billion degrees.

Temperature is just one element.

Including density and constraint time, which are indispensable.

So far, the core problem of the second generation controlled fusion is mainly focused on the reaction temperature.

In particular, how to confine and compress the high temperature plasma in a very small region.

The intensity of the magnetic field needed to achieve this would be a very frightening number.

However, although there are so many difficulties, landboat does not feel that this is an unsolvable problem.

When he was designing a generation of controllable fusion cores, he was worried about the same problem. At that time, the situation will not be more optimistic than it is now. Many key technologies, including computational materials, have just emerged a vague bud, and even remain at the stage of concept.

However, in such a background, he still completed the miracle in the history of human science with a group of excellent engineers and scholars.

Since he can do it in the past, he has reason to believe that in the future of more developed science and technology, he will be able to complete this miracle again!

Chairman's office.

Tang Yunge, who reported to the group building, was standing at his desk with an uneasy expression, looking at the great man from a hundred years ago curiously.

About in the morning, he received an email from academician Lu.

In the email, academician Lu asked him to come to the group building and discuss with him about the second generation controlled nuclear fusion project.

Strictly speaking, Tang Yunge's research is not the second generation of controllable fusion. His identity is only a senior researcher in the electromagnet research laboratory. His usual work is to hold meetings and research to design magnetic field containers for East Asia power reactors.He couldn't understand why academician Lu found such a nobody.

Just when he hesitated to say hello, he sat in the boat behind his desk and spoke briefly.

"Sit down, please."

"Thank you."

Looking at Tang Yunge sitting on the sofa, Lu Zhou goes straight to the point and continues.

"I've seen your paper. In the field of electromagnet research, you have put forward many interesting design concepts and ideas, including many works that make my eyes bright."

Having been praised by academician Lu, Tang's heart couldn't help feeling a little complacent, but he said it modestly.

"You're flattering me. I'm not the only one who has made those achievements."

"No matter whose credit it is, it can't be Liu Sihai."

Looking at Tang Yunge who was thrown there like an honest man, the boat stopped for a moment, and then went on.

"Based on my calculations, I need a magnetic field capable of producing 10000 t in a small space to constrain the high-temperature plasma in the reactor core."

"Can you do it?"

"Almost It's impossible, "said Tang, with a difficult expression on his face." with the current technology reserve of East Asia power, the strongest electromagnet we can make, the magnetic field strength is only 5000T, and the maintenance time is less than 50ms, which can't be used to power the core at all. As for 10000t It's a bit exaggerated not to say how long it will last. "

What is the concept of 10000t?

Intuitively speaking, the MRI instrument used in general hospitals is about 3T, which only needs 13T to make frogs float in the air.

It is impossible for ordinary people to imagine what a horrible existence ten thousand Tesla is.

Lu Zhou raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "no hope at all?"

On the sight of the land boat, Tang Yunge just prepared to give a positive reply, but at this moment, his eyes flashed a little hesitation.

Is there really no hope?

Not so much.

But in East Asia Power

He didn't see a glimmer of hope.

After struggling for a while, Tang finally took a deep breath and bit his teeth.

"It's not totally hopeless But the current situation of electromagnet research laboratory is no different from that of no hope! "

"Oh?" Lu Zhou raised his eyebrows, looked at him and asked, "what do you want to say?"

Tang Yunge gave a wry smile and was about to speak out about the problems in the electromagnet research laboratory.

But just then, outside the chairman's office, there was the sound of a fiery footstep.

There were two knocks, followed by a push.

Lu Zhou's office secretary appeared anxiously at the door.

"Lu, academician Lu, no good!"

Looking at the office secretary standing at the door of the office, Lu Zhou frowned slightly.

"What happened?"

With a worried expression on his face, the Secretary said nervously, too late to breathe.

"Electromagnet Research Lab!"

"They're on strike!"
