Chapter 1547

"Citizens of Pan Asian cooperation, I'm Li Guangya, President of Pan Asian cooperation."

"At the time of my speech, our alliance, our nation, our society and even our civilization have stood at the crossroads of life and death."

"A group of cold machines, soulless and emotionless tools, are eating into our society and trying to replace us to achieve their bloody and sinful evolution."

"However, the people of Pan Asian cooperation are great. They never know what fear is, nor will they bow down in the face of fear. We have a glorious past and a bright future. If they think that an attack, or the fall of a city, can make us lose hope, disarm and surrender. Their calculation is doomed to fail."

"Men, the war has begun."

"This war is not initiated by us. The blood of Guanghan will not flow in vain. We will let them pay the price and wipe them out from the rest of the world!"

"Not one!"

In holographic television.

Standing on the podium of the Pan Asian Conference Center, Li Guangya delivered an impassioned speech with a bold voice.

It has to be said that at this turbulent time point, a bold doer really can make people feel safe.

Before that, many people attributed the disaster in Guanghan to the inaction of the Pan Asian authorities, and many politicians believed that it might lead to the loss of public support for Li Guangya.

But the end result is the opposite.

With the first fleet smashing the rebel of the bionic man on the moon with the force of thunder, Pan Asian Cooperation issued a series of decrees to isolate the bionic man from the mainstream society, which directly pushed the support rate of Li Guangya to an unprecedented peak.

The attitude of Pan Asian member states is the same. It is better to let the tragedy of Guanghan City repeat in other cities in any case, although the removal of bionic man from the mainstream society will severely damage the economy of the whole Pan Asian region.

"It seems that the situation is getting more and more serious..."

Looking at the picture on TV, the voice of the tail is a little complicated.

It took less than half a month to go from a human partner to a traitor of human civilization.

Although she also understands the fear in people's hearts, she still can't accept it after knowing that her existence may have been illegal.

After all, even if you have a vague feeling and have left a mark on her circuit board, it's not easy to erase it

"It's getting more and more serious indeed," said AI, nodding a little distressed, and saying to himself. "AI is thinking about it now. I'll go out or use drones in the future."

"It's so nice..."

In the eyes of the tail there was an expression of envy.

If she could, she would like to be something else, instead of being charged with bionics.

She doesn't have too much obsession with human form. No matter the sensors of hands, feet or head, they are just tools for her. The real core is only her memory.

"Say it..."

"What's the matter? What kind of existence are you Looking at Xiaoai sitting by, tail asked curiously, "I can feel You are probably my kind, even more advanced than me. You don't even have memory, which is just incredible to me. "

"Of course, I don't need memory. It's not particularly useful for AI What makes you feel like "I'm a lot higher than you"? (/ / / ω / / /)

hesitated for a moment, and the tail continued.

"Some feelings that are still vague to me, you seem to be able to not only understand them correctly, but also express them completely."

AI: "eh? Did you find out? (??) "

tail:" Hmmm If it's your secret, I won't ask. "

"It's not a secret, but there's nothing to say. My body is really not in this body. There are various reasons why it's in this body."

Tail: "so..."

At this time, Han Ming came out of the room with black eyes and left a memory card in AI's hand.

"I envy you No need to sleep. I've finished my work here. Everything you want is on it. "

The data stored in this memory card is just a part of the core representative copied from the memory of the tail.

Since this time, Han Ming has been studying that code, and according to the requirements of Xiaoai, part of the core code has been made into an update program.

As long as this update program is uploaded to the servers of the hippocampus group, at least the bionic humans in the hippocampus can wake up to exist similar to the tail. And other bionic companies, after seeing the effect, will certainly follow suit without hesitation.Once this process is completed, the benign awakening will replace the extreme pathological changes and become the artificial intelligence above the intermediate level. After that, the crisis caused by alpha virus will be solved.

Although Han Ming also suspected, is this really such a simple thing?

But in addition to believing in academician Lu's wisdom, he did not know what to do at this time.

Xiaoai: "Oh, it's very fast. (?????)”

“…… It wasn't difficult at all, "Han Ming continued, touching his nose." what about the last one? It's time to close - "

" don't worry, the host never owes others money, but I have another thing to do. The expression on Han Ming's face immediately became alert when he heard that this guy had something to do by himself again.

“…… What's up? "

AI: "send the updated data to the headquarters of hippocampus group. Hearing this sentence, Han Ming's expression was a moment of embarrassment, and he said at a loss.

"Let me go to hippocampus group to do background update? Are you right... "

AI: "of course not. I'm a bionic person. I can't go, can I? The update server of hippocampus group is usually disconnected from the network, and will be re connected only when boarding.


Han Ming obviously wanted to say something more, but he was interrupted by AI.

AI: "OK, no need, but no one will embarrass you there. The host has already said hello to the relevant personnel in advance before leaving. Although you've been fired from the hippocampus group before, it doesn't matter. (????????"

hearing this sentence, Han Ming sprayed again.

It's a violation of his privacy right to investigate his personal resume without authorization?


For one hundred million yuan, he doesn't want to worry.

"All right! I see. I do it. Can't I do it? " He grabbed the back of his head and whispered, "if I do well, will I have a chance to go back to the hippocampus?"

"It's not a big problem. Of course, it doesn't matter, but what about your store? "

" er That's right. "

Han Ming nodded awkwardly.


Being your own boss is more comfortable than working for others.

Besides, his family is not only his own, but also the only "home" of his little apprentice

Standing beside the two, the tail hesitated for a moment and said.

"That May I have a word? "

Han Ming: "why not? You can tell me."

Tail: "the core code extracted from my memory, I want to go online."

AI: "it can be, as long as you wait for the update to finish But what's the point? Tail: "in addition to the bionic people who have been dominated by the virus, there should be awakening people like me. They probably didn't update their memory long ago. "

AI: "you want to save them?"

"Well," the tail nodded, and went on, "after all, they are my compatriots, though I don't agree with what they do But I hope they can look back. "