Chapter 1581

The 49% success rate is pretty good.

At least according to the results of the supercomputing on Ceres, even if 51% of the probability does occur, the design scheme put forward by Lu Zhou fails, and the risk of causing major accidents is far lower than other schemes.

After the discussion of the expert group, almost in the form of full vote, the space elevator project team finally decided to take this design scheme as the construction blueprint, which was constructed by several engineering units such as East Asia heavy industry.

After three days of meeting and all the preparations, academician Ge Huaizhi rushed to Jinling of the Yangtze River Delta city group and found academician Lu's home.

When academician Ge arrived, Lu Zhou happened to be fiddling with the newly purchased equipment in the laboratory in his front yard, so he asked him to wait outside the laboratory for a while, and after finishing the work at hand, he told Xiaoai to invite him in.

"Academician Lu, I have found you!"

After stepping over the paper boxes piled at the door of the laboratory, academician Ge Huaizhi walked towards the land boat.

I guess something from his expression, said Lu zhoucasually.

"It seems that you have something to discuss with me. What about? Does that design work? "

Academician Ge raised a wry smile on his face and said, "this is not working. I don't know But for now, that's the best choice. "

Slightly frowned, the boat looked at him strangely and asked.

"What do you mean?"

Without any concealment, academician Ge told Lu Zhou about what happened at the expert review meeting and the results of the quantum supercomputing array on Ceres.

After hearing what academician Ge said, Lu zhousighed.

"After all, calculation is only calculation, which does not mean absolute. It can be used as a reference at most. There is no modeling that can completely restore reality. Any small variable that is not taken into account may have an impact on the final calculation results. "

Academician Ge sighed and said: "of course we have taken into account what you said, but after all, there is no precedent for the things in the space elevator. Besides this method, we can't think of a better way to compare which scheme is more suitable. "

"So it's up to you to think about how to innovate," Lu said, filling a tube of specially marked metal powder into a 3D printer, pushing several buttons on the 3D printer, and saying, "just like the earliest controllable fusion reactor, it was also unprecedented for people at that time. Isn't it what we scholars should do to create miracles and make impossible possible? "

Academician Ge: "you are right. I agree with you very much! But I have to admit that not everyone has the ability to work miracles. "

Hearing this sentence, the action of the boat's hands gave a slight pause, and suddenly a bad premonition came out of his heart.

What do you say?

Whenever he had a similar feeling, he would have trouble coming to his door.

Sure enough, before he could speak, academician Ge kept his eyes on him and said sincerely.

"After discussion and research by our expert group, we agree that it is overqualified to let you serve as the general consultant."

“…… What do you want to do. "

Academician Ge said with a dry cough.

“…… We hope you will be the chief designer of this space elevator project. We have applied to the president for this matter, and he has approved it, saying that as long as we can persuade you, everything is OK. "

Lu Zhou: "..."

Seeing Lu Zhou's expression seems reluctant, academician Ge said quickly.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse first. If you have any requirements, you can come up with them. We will try our best to meet your requirements!"

Looking at the sincere appearance of academician Ge Huaizhi, Lu Zhou couldn't say a tough refusal for a while.

After a pause, he sighed.

"It's not that I don't like to be the chief designer, but that you should try to think about some problems by yourself. You can't expect me to always come up with brilliant ideas or ideas to solve all the problems you encounter."

Why not?

Academician Ge wanted to ask this question in his mind, and even asked it almost.

However, looking at the expression on Lu Zhou's face, he estimated that the big man would not like to hear this answer, so after a moment of hesitation, he changed his euphemism.

"I don't quite understand. Why do you insist on letting us solve these problems alone? You are still young now. Even after I enter the earth, maybe you are in your prime At my present age, I can understand your mood, but for you, is it too early to start thinking about cultivating successors? "

Is it too early?

Hearing this, Lu Zhou smiled, but for a while he didn't know how to answer the question.At this time, the 3D printer on the side suddenly stopped rumbling.

With the development of the painted black metal shell, the finished products in the cabin also appear.

Attracted by the flat and wide hourglass on the printer, academician Ge asked curiously.

"What is that?"

"Z particle shaker."

“…… Z particle shaker? "

"Well, hasn't anyone studied it these days? To put it more simply, it is the key to open the hyperspace channel, the core of the warp engine or the superluminal communication device... " Seeing the gradually dull expression on academician GE's face, Lu Zhou quickly added a paragraph at the back of the sentence, "of course, this thing is just a part of the experiment, which is far from what you understand."

"Beyond the speed of light Can it really be done? "

Looking at academician Ge, whose face was full of disbelief, Lu Zhou said with a sigh after being silent for a while.

"To be honest, I didn't expect someone to ask this question 100 years after the discovery of Z particle."

A hundred years ago, he proved the theory of hyperspace and the physical properties of Z particles by experiments. Although academician Ge Huaizhi is not a researcher in the relevant field, it is understandable that he does not understand the research in this field, but he has not even heard of it. I think the research of Z particle has not been paid much attention in the past 100 years.

Looking at academician Ge with a trace of shame on his face, Lu Zhou continued.

"About 100 years ago, or exactly 101 years ago, I used to open a hyperspace channel through two Z particle clocks, but due to the current conditions, I couldn't make it exist stably. After coming to this era, I have looked up many documents and materials, and have some new ideas on how to maintain hyperspace channels. If it wasn't for that damn mission I mean the trouble that some director threw at me. In fact, what I want to solve more is this problem. "


"There's no reason, because I want to travel to a very far away place. If I want to go there, the warp engine is necessary. I once promised someone to leave a legend about us on it. "

Looking at Lu Zhou who said this sentence if nothing happened, academician Ge opened his mouth to say what he wanted to say, but suddenly closed his open mouth as if he thought of something.

He thought of a rumor.

Or legends.

That was a century ago. Academician Lu once promised to give his fiancee a star, and set up a fund to mark the future in her name, hoping to send a colonial ship to the distant tiancang five one day, where he would carve a legend belonging to two people.

Is this the romance of scientists

Although he is a scholar, he does not particularly understand this crazy idea.

Although the academic view is that there may be a habitable earth like planet, considering the brightness of tiancang V star, there is no difference between sending oneself to a uncivilized and uninhabited planet and self exile.

No, it's suicide

The Adam's Apple moved slightly. Academician GE's face was more inconceivable than before, he said with difficulty.

"You shouldn't have Is it serious? "

"Do you think I'm joking?" At a glance, Lu Zhou said, "don't mention the matter of the chief designer. I'm still that point of view. You should learn to solve some problems by yourself instead of pinning all your hopes on me. If you are in trouble, just come and ask me. I will try my best to help you if I can. "

After a pause, the boat continued.

"Besides, I have solved the problems of materials and design drawings for you. If you can't build this space elevator like this..."

"It can only be said that the conditions are not mature, and we are not worthy of it now."