Chapter 1661

"How did he come back to you later?"

Go to Beijing.

Pan Asian cooperation headquarters.

Walking on the corridor to the conference hall, Li Guangya thought for a while and answered with a small chat in the face of secretary general Wu Shuhua's inquiry.

"He didn't answer me."

Hearing the unexpected answer, Wu Shuhua gave him an unexpected look.

"He didn't answer you?"

"Yes," said Li Guangya, shrugging his shoulders and smiling helplessly, "he said, how to go in the future? I should find the answer myself Of course, he may not be interested in anything other than academic. "

Wu Shuhua remained silent for a while and continued, "in any case, we have come to this point."

"Yes," Li Guangya nodded his head with emotion, then raised his head and looked at the spacious gate at the end of the corridor in front of him with contentment. "Good or bad, let the future judge."


On the sixth day of June, a major event took place in Pan Asian cooperation.

To be precise, not only Pan Asian cooperation, but also the fate of the whole world.

At the invitation of Shangjing, hundreds of countries around the world put aside the position of regional alliance and sent representatives to Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Urban Agglomeration to participate in the conference on issues related to the future fate of mankind.

At the end of the conference, the organizers of the conference took the lead in launching a joint initiative to build a new and more internationalist community of shared future for mankind.

The new alliance has been named the human alliance, just like the embryonic organization a century ago.

However, in the old framework, the people of the new era injected a new core into him.

Not only that, under the guarantee of the absolute force of the first fleet and the authority established by the superhighway, this alliance will be more reliable than any alliance born in the long years on this planet

North Sea alliance.

The campus of Oxford University.

Sitting in the library, Leonard is preparing for the most important speech in his life.

At this moment, sitting opposite him is his old friend Professor freen, who is also the only colleague who speaks in this campus.

At the cost of contradicting the opinions of the mainstream school, no one in the whole department of archaeology would give him a good face - except the one sitting in front of him.

Although they are 30 years apart in age, they can find common language unexpectedly.

"The alliance of humanity Tut, as long as you live long enough, you can see everything, "he continued with a smile as his index finger gently clicked on the holographic screen in front of him." I still remember your father wagering with me that the collapse of the human union was just because it was ahead of its time, and it will be revived one day in the future Now it looks like he won. "

Seeing that Leonard didn't speak, freen suddenly thought of something and continued with a little apology.

"I'm sorry. Did I say something that made you sad?"

"There's nothing to be sad about, my father always taught me that people have to look forward," Leonard continued, pushing the holographic glasses on the bridge of his nose. "My father is a great scholar, and I will soon prove that."

"I think so too. It's just the stupidity of a group of people that hides his talent."

Freen sighed softly, as if recalling the past, with a complex emotion in his muddy pupils.

After a long pause, his index finger touched the teacup gently and continued.

"I remember it was 30 years ago, when we talked about the future of human civilization Although it may sound funny for two archaeologists to discuss this matter, his opinions give me the feeling that I don't want to be an ordinary archaeologist at all, but they are more penetrating than the opinions of some experts in international relations. "

There was a slight pause in the pen in his hand, and Leonard moved his eyes away from the holographic panel and looked at freen.

Noticing Leonard's interest in his topic, freen continued with a faint smile.

"In his view, those Chinese people have been planning for a long time"

"for a long time?"

"Well," said freen, nodding his head and laughing, "about the plan to build a global community of shared future for mankind In fact, a century ago, they have begun to lay out

"However, even with full preparation, it is still a huge project, so vast that its span is longer than many people's short life, and it needs the efforts and hard work of countless generations. This requires them to be loyal to a common group at all costs, and the same things are very difficult for us to do. "

"There's something unique about that," Leonard said, looking at him after a moment's reflection. "So in your opinion, how exactly do they do it?""It seems that you still don't understand the inconceivability. What they do is not a specific thing, but a commitment to be fulfilled by the collective in the unconscious behavior."

Leonard: What promise

"Peaceful rise."

Looking at Leonard with a look of surprise on his face, freen smiled and continued with admiration.

"It's been a century since we calculated. Since this century, they have never launched a foreign war, even in the most difficult 1950s. And this is something that has never happened in human history since the 18th century. "

War is a difficult choice, but it is a simple one.

There is no other way to transfer domestic contradictions, crises and mistakes to foreign countries faster than war.

"Didn't you find out? Basically, there was not much resistance to this meeting. "

The index finger taps on the holographic screen and looks at the news in front of him, freen continues.

"On the surface, it's Pan Asian cooperation that uses the fleet and Stargate to blackmail other regional alliances, but in fact, a lot of things have been done in the whole meeting process."

"Didn't you find out? It's quite incredible, like The world is ready for its new master. Even though cultures are quite different, our allies who used to belong to us are moving faster than we thought

Looking at the silent Leonard, freen sighed softly and said with some fascination.

"If only I could live forever Life is so short that most of us can't see the day when our research blooms. I wonder how future generations will evaluate this history. "

"Maybe you can consider leaving a descendant and let him go down to give you a message in 100 years." Saying this in a teasing tone, Leonard looked at his watch and continued, "anyway, my report is about to start..."

Freen: seriously, is it really useful for us to study those insects

"The use is that we can learn from their decline the wrong experience," Leonard whispered, turning off the holographic panel suspended in front of them, "so as to avoid an outcome similar to theirs."