Chapter 1680

In orbit, outside the majestic space port, a long shuttle like spacecraft is shuttling between the port and the Milky way, which is parked there, loading the goods that the colonists may use into the cargo compartment.

It's like a needle through a thread, weaving an invisible net.

It is not just outside the space port that is busy, but also inside the port.

The bustling crowd is passing through the steel corridor of the plane to the galaxy, boarding the flight to tiancang 5 under the guidance of the crew

"Can't these people fix an elevator?" Looking up at the endless corridor and grasping the handrail with his right hand, Shi Zhenghua whispered, "walk on two legs, when do you have to go?"

It has to be said that the corridor from the space port to the galaxy is actually a long and somewhat unfriendly one.

There are no small launch vehicles, no escalators and other things. Whether it's first-class passengers, ordinary economic class colonists, or employees employed by star technology, they have to use this long ladder to board the galaxy.

Although there's no gravity here, it's not so friendly to walk forward all the time.

"It's very dangerous for two mass spacecraft to get too close, especially when there's a mass exchange like this," it seems that the stranger walking beside him smiled and said, "of course, I've heard a saying."

Shi Zhenghua: " What do you mean? "

"Every step of the five kilometer journey to the galaxy leaves you with a chance to repent," the stranger continued, shrugging his shoulders. "Leaving home and going to the world ten light-years away, maybe it's a one-way ticket So there's a saying that on the way to galaxy, it's also a buffer period for passengers. "

"Except for wasting time, there's no meaning at all," said Shi Zhenghua, turning his lips and indifferently. "Will I stand here without careful consideration? I don't see any point in doing so other than killing enthusiasm. "

"Because killing enthusiasm itself is the meaning," said the stranger with a smile and a relaxed tone. "You can't just rely on enthusiasm to maintain a journey of ten light-years. Instead of being killed by countless difficulties and missing your hometown during the journey, it's better to think clearly here and get on the boat."

At the same time, the space harbor is not far away.

Once upon a time, Li Guangya looked out of the window at the land boat standing next to him and said in a tone full of reluctance.

“…… Are you really going to leave? "

The human alliance is just on its way, and there are many problems waiting for him to solve.

Although these z-governance problems are not the expertise of the land boat, and usually the scholar who focuses on scientific research is not willing to give any opinions on them, anyway, having this giant in the solar system, at least in terms of psychological function, can make Li Guangya feel more comfortable.

"I've been planning this trip for a long time, and now it's finally the day of departure," said Lu Zhou in a half joking tone, looking at those tens of millions of reluctant Li Guangya? Don't give up on me? "

"No one is willing to give up," Li Guangya sighed after staring at the boat for a while. "But I know that even if I want to persuade you, I'm afraid I can't

"Don't try to persuade me, just send me," continued Lu Zhou with a grin. "Think about everything in a good way. Today I went to tiancang 5. In a few months, the territory of the alliance of human beings will be able to advance ten light-years outside the solar system. This business is not a loss at all."

Li Guangya said with a wry smile, "where is the problem of not losing money Forget it. "

The look on his face was all right, and he looked at the boat solemnly, said Li Guangya.

"All the way."


He gave Li Guangya a confident smile, and then Lu Zhou looked at Wang Peng, Li Gaoliang and director Li, who were standing beside him.

After opening his mouth, he had a lot to say, but at this moment he couldn't say it.

"Don't make it look like life and death. Now the superluminal technology has broken through. Go to something 10 light-years away, that is, a few decades. Come back often when you have time!" Looking at the speechless boat, Li Gaoliang smiled heartily, breaking the silent atmosphere, "if you are not free, it doesn't matter. I will come to you sometime."

"I thought I was old enough to participate in the future reinforcement plan, but I didn't expect you to be more upset than me," said Li with a sigh, staring at the boat, and saying, "take care of yourself outside, and come back when you are homesick. Don't forget that there are many people on the earth who miss you."

Wang Peng said nothing.

As always, he is not a talkative type, especially in such occasions, he does not know what to say.

He reached out his fist and touched the shoulder of the boat lightly, he said in a solemn tone."Take care."

"Well, you too..."

His face was full of emotion, and the throat knot of Lu Zhou moved gently, but finally he restrained the emotion that was almost overflowing.

He didn't say too many parting words. He silently reached out his fist and touched the shoulders of the three people.

Then he said in a solemn tone.

"Take care!"


I can't bear to let this parting atmosphere last. After saying goodbye to my old friend, Lu Zhou finally met Xiao Qiao. After explaining what he wanted her to do, he turned around and boarded the galaxy.

His room is located at the top near the gangway, where the floor window has the widest view and overlooks the whole gangway

Although there is nothing beautiful here, he still wants to see more.

Just look at the farewell people and the colonists who are on their way to the new world with their backs to their hometown

There was a slight flutter in my heart. Looking at the continuous crowd outside the window, the boat took a deep breath.

He is about to leave for the world ten light-years away

It's a place far away from Mars.

After that, his journey will not be over. For the sake of the whole life of the universe, he will go to a place far away than tiancang 5, where there is no chance to return

Seems to feel the heart of the boat, standing beside the boat, AI, gently holding his hand.

"Master, little AI will always be with you. (?????????"

" well, "with a smile on his face, Lu Zhou lightly nodded his head, held out another hand that was not held, and rubbed the long plastic hair," thank you. "

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the captain's room. After two soft knocks on the door, Vera, holding a flat plate in her chest, came in from outside and said in a soft voice.

"Professor, we have 30 minutes to go. Captain Reinhardt invites you to the bridge to witness this moment."

"I see."

He moved his right hand away from the happy little AI's head. Lu Zhou gently nodded his head toward Vera, and then turned his eyes to the window beside her.

The gangway that the window is facing cannot see the end, and the surging crowd seems to have gradually reached the end.

"The moment is finally here."

The forefinger gently rubbed the diamond ring box in his pocket, and the boat finally took a look at the sparse crowd.

However, just as he was about to turn around, Yu Guangzhong's startled glance made his whole person stupefied.

He was sure that he would not be mistaken.

That familiar face

It's he