
"Who do you think you are? Why are you trying to capture him?!" Jin Yi and Jian Huan immediately stepped forward to stop them.

The leader coldly smiled at them, "You guys don't have the right to criticize the way Guarding Mansion is conducted. Arrest him!"

Yan Xiao laughed and said loudly: "Oh, is Guarding Mansion really so overbearing? It's really my first time seeing someone capture without any proof! "

At this time, most of the customers in the restaurant had already woken up. Furthermore, their Guarding Mansion was not low key at all, and was causing a lot of noise, so when Yan Xiao said it out loud, she immediately lured everyone out.

On the contrary, he sneered and said: "Right now, you are suspected of maliciously killing people in the Jiangyun Town, follow us to be investigated immediately. If you disobey, then flee in fear of your crimes, and we will kill you all on the spot!"

Yan Xiao laughed, "Oh? Who are we to kill, and why are we the murderers when someone is dead? To think that you would want to capture someone for a crime. Isn't that a bit laughable? "

The person who caught him shouted, "Cut the crap! Two people were killed last night at the South gate of the city. They died horribly and before they died, they wrote the three words, 'Yan Jin Jian' on the ground. If you dare to talk anymore, don't blame me for being rude! "

As he spoke, he raised the sword in his hand, and the muscles on his arm bulged.

Yan Xiao's eyes turned slightly cold, and her smile became even more sarcastic.

However, the reason for being so aggressive was not because of you. Cultivators truly did respect the common people, and with the addition of the destruction and offensive abilities of cultivators, if one recklessly killed the innocent, it would cause considerable damage, and there had been a bloody incident in the past.

Therefore, the countries of the Dual Polarity Continent had successively issued orders not to kill anyone within the areas under the rule of their countries.

This meant that regardless of whether it was warriors or civilians, if they killed people in areas under the jurisdiction of the imperial court, the imperial court was absolutely qualified to arrest them for crimes.

However, there were policies and countermeasures.

The casualties during the youth selection were quite normal, but in truth, this was in conflict with the orders given by the imperial court. There were bound to be casualties.

However, the participants had all come for the competition and were mentally prepared. Furthermore, when they had traveled outside, they had encountered many wild beasts that had been killed. Some people had gotten used to it and had not cared too much about it.

Even if someone died in the city, as long as no one reported it, the higher-ups would not know. How were they supposed to deal with it?

After a long time had passed, although this law existed, the people below did not take it seriously at all. They slowly forgot about it, and even did not care about it at all.

For example, if Chu Baoai beat someone to death in the Jiangyun Town, even if she clearly knew that it was her doing, who would be able to report it to the Guarding Mansion? Wasn't this just walking into a trap?

Those who dared to act as they pleased were all people with backgrounds in their families who didn't care about reporting their actions. Thus, this rule was completely different.

However, Guarding Mansion used the law to capture people. Everyone was startled, but they could not say that it was wrong, as they also followed the law.

However, Yan Xiao and the others were very clear that they were here for them, furthermore, they had been together all this time, how could they have the time to kill someone, it was a typical framing!

Jian Huan was extremely furious: "After we finished registering yesterday, we went back to the restaurant. We didn't go out at night at all.

"That's right, I can make the decision as well. We all live on the same floor, and after they came back yesterday, they didn't go out." An enthusiastic neighbor also testified, this person came to Jiangyun Town to sell some herbs, and did not participate in the youth selection competition. He did not have any interests in the first place, so his words were rather accurate.

"Yeah, you must have caught the wrong person."

There were actually members who couldn't bear it and helped to persuade her.

The people from Guarding Mansion had bad looks on their face: "If the personnel from the investigation team do not know, then they did not kill anyone, and why did the dead person refer to them as others, but only the three of them? Otherwise, you guys would have protected the real culprit and become their accomplices!"

This time, it was hard for people to speak, they were definitely not living together with Yan Xiao and the others, and did not have much authority to speak.

The person who came to capture waved his hand, and the soldiers instantly scattered. They did not let go of Yan Xiao and the rest, and even the four guards who were messing around were not spared.

Yan Xiao frowned: "The three of us are suspects, but these four are not. Why should we capture them?!"

"They are your followers. Whatever you order them to do does not need to be done by them. Naturally, they are suspicious as well."

This was his plan.

Jian Huan was anxious: "What should we do, boss?"

Yan Xiao's mind had already started to wander. Even if they knew that she did not kill anyone, someone from Jiangyun Town had died and even pointed them out before they died, regardless of whether they were convinced or not.

With her understanding of Chu Huaizhi and the others, entering the Guarding Mansion Prison was easy, but thinking of coming out would be difficult.

See what they can do.

"Don't struggle yet. Follow me."

Jian Huan opened his eyes wide, and was extremely unconvinced as he held his breath.

Jin Yi was grabbed roughly, and bellowed: "Be careful, you have torn my clothes, will you guys be able to pay for it!"

Don't look at Jin Yi's usual chubby and easygoing appearance, his eyes were still squinted at this time with quite the imposing air. This caused the guards of Guarding Mansion to be stunned, and then angry even more, but they did not dare to make things difficult for these people in front of everyone.

Just as Yan Xiao and the rest were being pressured, Jian Mo, who was monitoring them from outside, came back and saw what was happening right in front of him. He took a big step forward, and his face had already turned completely cold.

When Yan Xiao saw him, he suddenly struggled and jumped high, smashing right into Jian Mo's body, he lowered his voice and anxiously said: "Don't move, pretend you don't know me, don't be in a hurry to find me, you have things to do …."

"Quick, catch him!" The soldiers of the Guarding Mansion were shocked, they immediately rushed over, and were about to attack Yan Xiao.

How could Jian Mo endure this? Just as he was about to step forward and help, Yan Xiao had already dodged his with a smile, and begged for mercy: "Brothers, don't be angry, my legs were cramped just now, so I couldn't control myself and charged forward to ease the pain in my feet."

As he spoke, he leaned towards the leader and placed a bottle on his wrist into the man's hand.

That person was startled, looked at Yan Xiao in shock, and tightened her throat: "It's good that you know you're wrong." She then said to his subordinates, "Hurry up and catch them. Don't lose them."


Jian Mo's face tensed up, she could not help but follow after Yan Xiao's group when they were taken away. Yan Xiao looked over at the same time, her eyes filled with warning.

Jian Mo clenched his fists tightly and watched as Yan Xiao and her brother were taken away.

After being taken away and the people watching the show dispersed, Jian Mo slowly loosened his fist. There were two things in his hand, a brown colored pellet and a broken silver.

Jian Mo brought the pill to his nose and took a sniff. A pungent smell filled his nose, and a look of deep thought flashed past his eyes.