CH 27

Age: ???

Height: 10 cm

Race: Fairy

She likes to talk and loves sweets.

She lived in a fairy village located in the Swansea Forest, but her friends scattered after a dark elf attacked their home.

She’s now heading to the capital Osnell in hopes of finding her friends………

Age: 12

Height: 139 cm

Iris’s sister.

Knitting is her strong point, and she often cobbles together sweaters and mufflers for her sister.

Despite being younger, she often acts as if she’s the older sibling and takes great pride in caring for her older sister.

Her dream is to one day be her sister’s bride.

Age: 16

Height: 155 cm

Race: Hyurian

Iris’s (self-proclaimed) best friend.

He has a lively personality and has been playing with Iris ever since they were both young.

Currently working under his father as a carpenter’s apprentice.

His dream is to one day marry the Calvafon sisters.

Age: 32

Height: 157 cm

Race: Hyurian

Priestess of Solretta Litta, Iris’s hometown.

About ten years ago after being assigned as a priestess, she became the representative minister from the church in charge of management and maintenance and is essentially the top executive in the city.

She also acts as an older sister for the city’s children.