67 34 stories, about a three-year reunion.

"It's okay, Ellie? Looks like they took a lot of magic..."

"Well, I'm fine. There's still room for magic. It's just that Mr. Nazna was suddenly taken by magic because of the outburst... and the magic will soon recover."

Ellie smiles healthy.

Consider no further worries, and I will change the subject.

"The battle on the third floor... Even though the battle of Nazna is as expected, it will be over so soon..."

"Because their expected level is around 3000...... You didn't become Mr. Nazna's opponent, did you? I was also wondering if there was anything with the unknown technology peculiar to Queen Elf..."

"It's so called 'Quiet Hardy' that I was wondering if I had something too... After all, was the only additional effect 'temporary bottom up of the level'? Honestly, I don't think 3000 or 4000 is going to make a big difference to Nazna opponents... Well, you suppressed yourself for now, didn't you? Then as far as Nazna is concerned, the operation is a success."

"As far as I'm concerned, I'm glad Nazna remembered the importance of being a little less important in this case..."


"Giant Tower," 4th floor, top floor, in the throne room.

While I sit on the throne, I hear information from every floor.

"The White Knights" and Sasha have already set foot on the first floor of the "Giant Tower" and split with Ellie's special transfer trap.

You think the Nazna vs' White Knights' regiment leader battle on the third floor is already settled and the other battles on the first and second floors are almost over?

The Nazna battle on the third floor was rather as long as Ellie's sermon.

I sit on the throne, Ellie on the left and Aoyuki on the right.

Aoyuki was monitoring the inside and outside of the 'giant tower' by linking it to the gaze of a monster of covert specialization.

Ellie unfolds a manoeuvre for restoration, including the building, to keep the "White Knights" and Sasha and the others inside the "Giant Tower" from escaping & dying outside.

Even if it makes her somewhat unscrupulous inside the 'giant tower', it makes her magic hard to die at the price, and even if she breaks down the building, it is restored, and incorporates various other elements.

But as a result, Nazna quickly went wild and Ellie, standing next to her left, said, "Ahhh..." I wondered what it was like to have her legs pulled like a freshly born deer.

He said, "If you're prepared to lose a lot of magic, you can tolerate it, but if it's unintentional, your body will react."

If I knew I was coming, I wouldn't be surprised if they shouted from behind.

In case of unintentional hitting, is it like surprise and raising your voice?

After Ellie endured as she pulled her legs like a fresh-born deer, she put in a no and then nailed Nazna with 'SR, Reading Talk'.

Then soon he leaks his voice again: 'Ahhh...'

I immediately turned it down again and began my second sermon in "SR, Reading Talk".

I sympathize with Nazna, but I smiled and made Ellie like it because I couldn't follow her.

Ellie leaks a sigh of 'Ha...' while her head holds her temples in one hand like a pain.

"Mr. Nazna is strong, but I'm sure he has the original personality, but he has the youngest temperament because of the SUR card that came out the last of us. Because of that, you all have strangely sweet verses for Nazna. We have to do something around here. It's not good for Nazna himself."

Her stupidity was convincing.

Nazna is simply strong.

Resistance to witchcraft is slightly lower, but otherwise higher.

Even if Aoyuki and Ellie played hand in hand with Nazna, for example, we don't know which way to win or lose.

Nonetheless, there is the "youngest child temperament" part, as Ellie pointed out, due to the fact that it was the last emitted from my favor (gift), the SUR card emitted from "Infinite Gacha". Everyone had the feeling of 'It's Nazna...' spoiling it.

The 'Naruto' underground fairy maids are also sweet for Nazna.

I feel sweet for Nazna even serious ice heating loud in discipline.

Of course I am myself.

As a result, in this first battle, there was no relief and a series of overkills.

I've strained Ellie.

Second, it replaces the Mays as sisters and associates them.

(I wonder if May is the eldest daughter of the solid, Aoyuki is the second daughter in good order, Ellie is an excellent but hard-won three, and Nazna feels like a healthy youngest?

The association was strangely embedded.

Unexpectedly one person laughs at Niyanya.


"Hmm?... Oh, looks like you have a customer"

To Aoyuki's words, consciousness returns to reality.

My sense of signs indicates that Sasha and her fiancée, the White Knights, Mikael, have arrived close by.

The two of them had traveled a long time because they had been separated from their peers by a transfer trap and were proceeding cautiously to avoid being trapped again in the future.

Ellie, who was spilling her stupidity, also notices, mouths an apology as she revisits her attitude.

"Right. I'm sorry. Stupid during an important operation..."

"No, no, it was more of a meaningful time. But it's important to us from here on out. Shall we all concentrate here?"



"And Ellie, as you can see, when they enter the room and the door closes, ask Nazna and the others to prepare to move the unconscious White Knights at any time."

"Copy that!

While I give instructions, I put on the "SSR, Clown Mask" and again grip the black hooded cape and cane.

Soon, they will arrive a little later.

Under the mask I laugh. [M]

Finally, with the joy of vengeance, my mouth really makes me laugh.

The door opens without sound.

Long blonde hair, pointy elf species-specific ears - for the first time in about three years I met Sasha face to face as a light.