136 25 story library & treasure trove

Mela's split - head to the library and treasure-like place found by the wolf.

It seems that the place we were in was still a residential section, and further down, another section exists.

A library and treasure-like building existed in that section.

The first one on his way was to the library. Instead of a library to be exact - the image is closer to a library that collects a large number of books that I heard were in the Principality of Six.

A building the size of an aristocratic mansion, when inside, the bookshelf falls and the book falls massively on the floor.

The Dwarf breeds picked up a falling book and checked the contents, saying, 'Ahhh!' or 'Uh-oh!' And so on and so forth give a voice of joy.

I'm also concerned about picking up one of the books that is falling and turning the page to pieces.

Books that are excavated from the ruins of this hand range from grammar close to modern times to objects that need to be deciphered. Apparently the latter one this time, but I just enjoyed viewing the elaborate paintings that are being painted.

(This book says a lot of fish monsters I've seen in the sea above. It even depicts paintings of silona gas octopuses, flying fish, and fish with a scarecrow in their head. Could there be all the fish on that artificial sea?

There are numerous other fish monsters on there that make me feel excited.

But I can't stay here forever. Encouraged Dwarf breeds to move here and there with joy, they headed to the treasure trove next.

There was a gorgeous image from the expression 'treasure trove', but the building reached was a large square box shape.

He seemed to prioritize sturdiness, ignoring any gorgeous designs, decorations, etc.

Unlike homes and libraries, you couldn't spot the entrance or exit from a glance, but the wolf, a split of mela, said you guessed 'isn't it a treasure trove' because it smells like precious metal from the inside?

By the way, there are more than ten similar buildings.

If there's no entrance or exit, we'll have to force ourselves in.

"Nazna, cut the wall with the Great Sword Prometheus"

"Okay, my lord!

Are you glad that Nazna relies on me? Nazna joyfully squeezes the Great Sword Prometheus with her hands and pushes her pointy tip into it.

They pierced the wall halfway in front of the great sword, and cut the wall like a scarecrow with the blade up and down.

"? What's the matter, sir, with your subtle face?

"... I don't have a subtle face. Nazna just can't help but appreciate it."

"Eh, I can't believe I'm grateful. Alas, I will do my best to help your husband more!

Nazna was glad I complimented her, Nico smiles and resumes her work.

... To be honest, I couldn't say I thought you'd look better, wave your sword, slash and drill a hole, and appropriately told the misleading dialogue.

I can understand that her way is reasonable......

Nazna's cooperation opens the entrance and exit safely.

They just had a good position for the drilled hole, and peeking into it, the room was packed with tons of gold and silver treasures.

Asking Nazna to drill another neighboring building the same way, magic wapons and items such as swords, shields, armor, canes, etc. were lined up sloppily.

Dwarf breeds went inside, just like they did at the library, and every time I checked in my hand, I said, 'Ahhh!' or 'Uh-oh!' And so on and so forth give a voice of joy.

Magic wapons and magic items still seem more delightful than gold and silver treasures to the Dwarf species.

The rest of the building also drills one hole after another with Nazna's hands.

I opened it all the way and checked inside.

Each time, the Dwarf species are literally overjoyed.

Dwarf King Dagan came to thank me with a full smile.

"Lord Wright, thank you so much for bringing the Nons so far! Infinite Stone Golem, Artificial Seas, Numerous Books Involving Past Civilizations! A treasure trove lined with treasures that you can see just by looking lightly! Thanks to Lord Wright and the others, it's a long line of discoveries. Wow! Publish this, and history will be turned upside down! The greatest discovery in the history of the Dwarf species! I'm looking forward to studying these technologies. Wow, I'll tell Lord Wright everything I've got, and he'll give me all the magic wepons & items and gold and silver treasures except the ones I'm studying! Tomorrow you can study all you want about past civilizations! Hiccup!"

"... that's more than anything"

I managed to respond as I was overwhelmed by Dagan's much delight.

We don't need gold and silver treasures or low-medium velcro weddings and items that much, but you should keep what you can get to keep the Dwarf Kingdom from increasing its force. Of course, we intend to secure it as a matter of priority if there is a powerful weapon there.

He doesn't care about my reaction. [M]

"Lord Wright kept his promise. Now let Non and others keep their promises. I want you to take this."

"What's this?

It was the golden handkerchief that Dagan took out of his nostalgia.

The handles elephant the hammer and the tsuruhashi, where the snakes are intricately entangled. Very good for what I see as a work of art, but seemed difficult to hold and user-friendly.

Dagan laughs like a prank when he hands me a handkerchief in my hand.

"The King's Seal. The Dwarf Kingdom guarantees everything that Lord Wright has left behind. Any act is acquiesced if it is within Dwarf territory with this king's seal and the king's assurance. Of course, Noon will inform his men that Lord Wright will bear the king's seal, and if he has the king's seal, he has the right to move his soldiers. Instead, bearing the king's seal will not give rise to the inheritance of the Dwarf royal family."

"Inheritance rights? May I have such an important thing?

"Of course not. It's not enough, is it? If Lord Wright wants it, he'll give up his throne now. What do we do?

"No, I'm not going to sit on the Dwarf throne, which is a race."

"Lord Wright is careful. I don't think I need to worry about race, dwarf species, etc., because I've made all these big discoveries and feats. If you have an opposition, you can fish with magic items and crush them with force, and more importantly, I think Lord Wright can do the King of the Dwarf Kingdom nicely, but unfortunately..."

Dagan's tone is calm, but if he had agreed, it would have said on his face, 'I'll change the throne now'. My eyes aren't laughing at all.

The reason is easy to imagine.

Confidential research will be conducted on books, facilities, and magic items discovered in this past site.

You just want to retire from King Dwarf to participate in it.

Even if you push me, a race...

If you jokingly agree here, the signs of leaving it to momentum to push the throne are transmitted to the bin.

I am not interested in the throne, but the full cooperation of this King's Seal and Dwarf King Dagan would be greatly appreciated.

With these, we can get King Dwarf to agree with us in order to sit Lilith on the throne of the racial (human) kingdom. It also made it easier to move within Dwarf territory, meaning that it would be state treason, tax evasion and rape against traitor Nano, but it would even be possible to make up a sin and imprison him if he liked.

"Duh, what's up, Lord Wright? Has Noh ever spoken of anything that bothered her?

I stuck with the idea of 'how do I do it' revenge against the traitor Dwarf species Nano. That emotion gets on the table and frightens Dagan.

He asked sorry with a blue face, but I was in a hurry to deny it.

Tell Duggan there is no no no no no.

And in my chest I kept thinking about how to use this king's seal and how to avenge Nano.