227 Episode 26 Report

I get out of the second floor hall of the giant tower and head out towards the roof. [M]

Turning to the depths of the native forest, one of the unfamiliar men who flew over the sky, the Magus, repeatedly attacked the ground.

Occasionally, ice centered attacks fly from the ground.

That must be the attack of the ancestor Fenrir... but something's wrong.

Fenrir's attack didn't hit the enemy man?... no, it's more like an attack.)

It was as if Fenrir, the ancestor, had deliberately prevented him from hitting the man, and the attack was unnaturally diverted.

There is no reason for the founder Fenrir to do such a thing at his own discretion.

Had you deliberately prevented the attack, Aoyuki would have noticed. Nevertheless, the fact that the attack is off track...

(Probably because of Miki's "Mightiest Mythic Class" powers... Emotionally, I want to assault him without thinking right now and kill the guy who tears up his friends, but I need to act carefully because the other person's abilities are unknown.)

I was going to start by looking at the Ranged Attacks.

"Son of a bitch! Get your hands on one of them! I won't forgive you!


When Nazna screamed, she jumped off the roof with the momentum to kick down the "giant tower".

A large crack runs through the floor where Nazna was located.

I suppose he kicked with so much force on his feet.

Thanks to her, she storms straight into her enemies like a shot arrow.

The rooftop floor of the "giant tower" kicked down by Nazna is being restored at high speed. At the same time, I thought, "I wonder if Ellie is pulling out another sudden magic release..."

While I was thinking about it, Nazna interfered with the world with the Great Sword Prometheus to fill the gap with the enemy man.

"Twist the diet, stiffen the air! Prometheus!"

As expected, even Nazna was unable to fill the gap with the enemy man, and he bent the course with the Great Sword Prometheus to consolidate the air as a scaffold.

Kick that scaffold and accelerate again.

"Out of the way!

"!? What's next!?

As you speak loudly, the closer you get to your enemies, the more you notice.

The man with the double sword dodges the flash of Nazna, but she turns around on the spot. Nazna grabs the "Great Sword Prometheus" with one hand and stretches her reach.

Enemy men prevent a blow with centrifugal force by crossing their swords, but they are blown away without killing the momentum because of the air.

Why was Nazna attacked?

The attack of the ancestor Fenrir was as if the attack were of his own volition and deviated from him, but he prevented this Nazna blow with his own sword.

Mythical class that nullifies all Ranged Attacks?

But is that all you have to say, "The Strongest Mythic Class"?

When I think about it, a man with a scratch on his recovered face makes a pleasant voice in front of Nazna.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Now it's level 9999 female knight! Ahhhh, delicious, too delicious! Seriously, this is a field that exists to raise my level!

Not only Fenrir, the ancestor of level 9000, but also Nazna, the ancestor of level 9999, will not break his spare attitude.

His own level is... appraised from a distance and says, "Level 7000?? Age, race, male,??" Swordsman, Daigo. "

Because the opponent is concealing their status, even if there is a level difference, some appraisals will fail.

Level 7000 is the highest level ever, but it's hard to beat the level 9999 Nazna.

Rather, I couldn't understand why he was so strong.

(Does that mean you're confident in your Mythic (Mitrosy Class) double sword...)

Another point of concern is, "??" The Swordsman. "

The status was hidden, but I felt that this part was hidden more strongly.

When he's distracted by his status, Nazna tricks him.

"Twist the diet! Prometheus!"

With her screams, Prometheus the Great Sword meets the world, and Nazna splits into five.

In this case, the straw stone and the daigo also face each other, and they become stiff for a moment.

Nazna is not sweet enough to miss it.

"There's plenty of gaps!

"Damn you to attack me!

"It's payback for getting your hands on my people!

"In addition to the cross wounds on your face, I'll give you a new one!


Since the five people spoke together, the dialogue was organized and I could not hear what they were saying, but Nazna × 5 people attacked while screaming to defeat the opponent anyway.

Even Digo can't cope with the simultaneous attack after rigidity. Nazna 1, 2, and 3's attacks are prevented with a sword, and their bodies are twisted and evaded. They are struck by 4-5 attacks and fall into the ground like meteorites and are struck by them.

I did not miss the gap. [M]

"Nazna! I'm going to use attack magic!

"All right, Master!

"Master, do it!

"Master, it's so cool!

"Your husband is always cool, right?

"Of course! How dare you! You're our master!

While the five Naznas were talking about Wachawacha, "SSR, Metastasis" went to the side of the five Naznas.

Stabilize the air with "SR, Flight" and hit the "SSR Explosive Flame" × 10 pieces by the spot where the digo fell.

"Blazing flames! Release!"

"SSR Explosive Flame" - an attack magic that ranks high among the tactical Tactics Classes.

It is a valid card for most monsters with explosion and flame combinations.

Ordinary monsters can do a lot of damage and hurt as little as possible...

Blast flames are covered by a gust of wind.

Daigo, with a cross wound on his face from the center of the storm, appears intact.

Nazna's attack worked, to be precise, but my SSR Explosive Flame x 10 didn't do any damage.

"In addition to the female child of level 9999, I didn't expect a son of a bitch of a bitch of the same level to enter the fight! It's a good economy! Looks like you're finally getting lucky!

(This guy is crazy!?

Not only Nazna, but even though I joined the fight at the same level, I still think of this only as a "level-up prey".

That confidence seems to be supported by his double sword.

(Despite this unfavourable situation, I will not waver. How powerful are mythical (Mitrosy Class) weapons so powerful that you can believe your victory?

His confidence, which is not too shaky, astonishes me. [M]

"If we eat all of you, maybe we can get to level 9999! You can't miss this big chance!

Although we are confident in our weapons, our obsession with level-ups does not seem to be a threat to us, but rather a prey.

Daigo points his sword.


Nazna × 5 people came forward and became a wall.

Their necks are cut in half or their armor is torn, causing deep wounds to their feet, arms, torso, shoulders, etc., and bleeding.

Twist your diet and heal your wounds! Prometheus!

But when Nazna and the others used the Great Sword Prometheus, the wounds healed in an instant - not to be exact, but the fact that they interfered with the world and 'wounded'. Therefore, not only the scratches, but also the armor disappeared as if there were no scratches from the beginning.

But it's also true that the enemy hurt Nazna.

"If the flames don't work, freeze!" SSSR, Ice World, Release! "

Release "SSSR, Ice World" for Daigo.

Cold air hits him, but the trees of the native forest freeze to the root, not even the tip of one of the daigo's fingernails and the tip of his hair.

He laughs with pleasure.

"It's useless, it's useless! You're not supposed to be attacking me like that! They're just prey for themselves! Kill yourself and help your level up!

It was difficult to understand in "SSR Explosive Flame", but it is well understood in "SSSR, Ice World".

Looks like Daigo really doesn't have Ranged Attacks or Attribute-Biased Attacks.

(If so, I hope to defeat them in a melee fight, but it is dangerous to engage in a melee fight even though I don't know the other party's hands.) When I think about it, I get a message from Mela.

Master, may I?

The voice was somehow very confused.