344 Episode 7 Nazna vs Gou 2

"Shit! Shit! Shit! I've never heard of such a troublesome son of a bitch under a witch! Damn it!"

"I'm not a piece of shit! It's called Nazna!"

"Don't say shit to a girl!"

"He's a real jerk!"

"You nasty bastard, I'll blow you up anyway!"

"I got one shot!"

Mythical (Mitrosy Class), the Great Sword Prometheus interfered with the world, twisted the diet, and increased the number of Naznas to five.

Five people arrived at Gow at a different time.

Gow avoids the Nazna × 4 Great Swords at the speed of God's reaction while raising his deeply annoying voice, but he is caught by the last 5 people who crushed the escape route.

Gow loses his escape route and grabs the big sword that is shaken down by the sky with both hands.

As the saying goes, it's a serious white feather picking.

The swinging down strike was too strong, creating a crater on the ground through Gow's feet.

If the people in line had done the same thing, they would have been unbearable and minced.

Gow moans and throws up in shock.

"Ghhh...! How powerful are you when it comes to kids? Ahh!No matter how high the level is!This gorilla is reborn or something! "

"Ah? Why is the sun poking at my knees?"

However, the opponent was the leader of the "Master" on the demonic race side, Miki said, "The highest level and strongest on the demonic race side" Gou.

Through the "Great Sword Prometheus" grasped with both hands, the center of gravity of Nazna collapsed and he put his knees on the ground.

After that, I hit four other Naznas and tried to destroy myself.

"Is this what Mera was talking about? A meaningless attack?Sure, why can't you stand up when you're not being pushed in by force?Well, it doesn't matter! Doriaaaaaaa! "

"!? Haaa!? You're lying!?"

Nazna, with her knees pointing, throws a gourd that grabs the blade with the force of her arms.

"You think you're going to break the power!?How powerful is that tiny body really, damn it! "

It was also due to technology that Gow knelt his body with two fingers without using force.

Without using his strength, he was poking his knees at the center of gravity and posture of Mera's body.

This is what martial arts calls "collapse."

This collapse, which could not be resisted even by Mera's body, was defeated with the strength of a simple arm.

To give an easy analogy, we defeated the technology of "softly controlling rigidity" with more power than that.

Nazna swings around with each gow holding a great sword and tries to hit the ground with that momentum.

"I'll smash you to the ground like this!"

"What a piece of shit!"

Gow feels dangerous and tries to get away with it.

Using the centrifugal force when swinging around, he tries to distance himself from Nazna - but four other Nazna × 4 people don't miss it.

"If you say it like the Mohikans, 'Ha ha!The prey is flying! "

"If you're doing these things, Ellie will get mad at you.I don't know who it is. "

"I don't even know what it is."

"They're all hot, so there's no point in knowing!"

Four people are killed by Nazna to Gow in the air.

"Seriously! Fucking kid!"

Four swords flashing.

All of them are sharp enough to tear the space apart, but the gow can't move properly while it's in the air.

It's not just about holding hands.

Instead of killing the parry momentum, I use my own power to accelerate it and hit 4 Naznas one at a time.

Exactly integrated offensive and defensive.

Gow was rough in appearance, but he was able to fight back with a lot of skill.

But there are five of them.

There's a gap!


Nazna, in the form of a throw of gow, waves down the Great Sword Prometheus without missing a slight gap immediately after the counterattack!

You can't afford to pass the gow, but you can hold your arm guards tight and be knocked down to the ground.

It was never cut off thanks to the force exerted on both arms, but it was struck with enough momentum to sink into the ground.

Naturally, he doesn't go intact, spits out blood, and regains his posture in preparation for the chase.

"Damn it, really damn it!But when I shot the other four, I felt a definite response.If we disable them one by one at this rate... "

"Twist your diet and heal your wounds, Prometheus!"

"... ahh?"

Nazna, who shot Gow, uses the power of the Great Sword Prometheus.

Nazna x 4 wounded by Gow's counterattack heals instantly.

Rather than "healing" to be precise, it is closer as an expression to bend the logic and appeal to the world and rewrite it as "wounded from the beginning."

Four Nazna who had been hit by Gou stroked the area where they had been beaten while spilling their complain.

"When I waved my sword, I was hit in the face at the same time as I was distracted.My nose is broken and it hurts!The power of Prometheus meant there were no wounds! "

"It was my throat. It was completely crushed and I couldn't moan."

You kicked me in the side of the head.My consciousness is flying. "

It was a kick too. And if you try to guard the kick, you'll change course like a snake on the way.Don't be so clever while he's in the air. "

To overcome the disadvantage of the number, Gow waved his fist and kick with a killer attitude.

I must have felt a good response and created an advantage by wounding him without killing him... but his efforts were lost in an instant.

"... hey, why are the wounds disappearing?I'm serious! "

"That's why I told you it was Nazna!"

"Oh, but did you introduce yourself?"

"You did it, didn't you?"

"No, you didn't, did you?"

"Then I'll name you again! It's SUR Real Ancestral Vampire Knight Nazna Level 9999!It's so strong! "

Nazna replies to Gou's question and introduces herself the day after tomorrow.

(I don't think you're deluded...)You don't look that smart.Then you're serious about level 9999....)

Gow also initially thought of it as an act to deceive his abilities, but he was convinced that there was no line from the reaction of Nazna × 5.

Perhaps level 9999 is also true.

"Haaaa ~..."

Gow exhales a distracting sigh.

"Ahh, I didn't know there was a guy under the witch who was level-gunning...Then perhaps the witch herself would be level-casting.If so, is there really a possibility that there is a "C"?Damn it, it's a really troublesome opponent.... "

Gow complained and complained.

Suddenly, before the foolish gow, Nazna × 5 people said:'and tilted his neck.

The technique is very cute.

It's no consolation for Gow to take Nazna x 5.

He gets angry when he leaks a single stupidity.

"Sooo... haaaaaaaaaaaa..."

It is not the same as the previous sigh.

Despite just inhaling and exhaling, Nazna × 5 people felt the air change sensitively.

Gow used a karate breath.

Reflectively, all five reflexes the Great Sword Prometheus.

Gow also took a stand for the first time.

With that alone, the air becomes sharp as if it were serious, and Nazna × 5 people's whole bodies feel hallucinated.

"Ahhhh... alright, it's been a long time since I've seen you as enemies.It's not Digo or Gila, but sometimes it's not bad for me to do everything I can. "

Gow tells with serious eyes that he has never seen before.

"I'll teach you the best of martial arts with monsters like you."