Chapter 5985

Seeing Lin Bai getting up to leave, Miss Yuewu finally became anxious: "Master Wolf, please stay!"

Lin Bai, who had just walked a few steps, showed a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

Lin Bai knew that Yuewu girl would not let him go easily.

As long as Lin Bai wants to leave, Miss Yuewu will definitely keep Lin Bai.

At this moment, Miss Yuewu's face no longer had the wisdom of before, but was filled with a trace of pain.

Because Lin Bai's speculation just now, in her opinion...has been perfectly confirmed.

The place where she had a private meeting with the twenty-first prince was indeed not far from the Moon Palace, and it was indeed an extremely luxurious mansion.

As long as Lin Bai is willing to look for such a mansion, he can find it within a few days.

After Lin Bai finds the house and takes away the sword inside, she will have no chance to negotiate with Lin Bai again.

"Girl, is there anything else?" Lin Bai said to Miss Yuewu with a smile.

The girl Yuewu looked at Lin Bai at this moment, full of fear and fear.

She was secretly shocked, Lin Bai almost explained all the things she concealed in a few words.

Miss Yuewu knew that Lin Bai was difficult to deal with, so she didn't talk nonsense, but talked less.

Simple and clear, he said to Lin Bai: "I can give that sword to Lord Wolf, but I also ask Lord Wolf to help me save the twenty-first prince!"

Lin Bai nodded, "Even if the girl doesn't say anything, I will go to rescue the twenty-first prince."

"I have already said it just now... This matter is related to the safety of the imperial capital. If the imperial capital becomes chaotic, neither His Royal Highness Chen Wang nor Emperor Chu will be happy to see it."

Miss Yuewu finally lamented, now that the initiative is in Lin Bai's hands, she has lost many opportunities to negotiate conditions.

"Master Wolf, please come with me." Miss Yuewu shook her head helplessly, and led Lin Bai out of Fengxue Palace.

"Master Wolf, please hide your face and whereabouts. I don't think Lord Wolf wants this to be known by more people, right?"

"That's natural." Lin Bai smiled, changed into a black robe, used his spiritual power to change his face, and then followed Miss Yuewu.

After walking out of the Wind and Snow Palace, Miss Moon Dance put on a cloak to cover her face and figure.

After exchanging a few words with the maid of Fengxue Palace, he took Lin Bai out of Fengxue Palace along the path.

On the shore of the Moon Palace Island, there was a boatman hiding in the shadows waiting. The Moon Dance girl walked over without any nonsense, so she boarded the boat directly.

The boatman swung his boat and went down the river, and soon he came to a luxurious house.

This area, which has left the Moon Palace area, can be regarded as the most luxurious place inside Mingyuefang.

When the boatman docked, Miss Yuewu and Lin Bai went ashore.

From the beginning to the end, Miss Yuewu never said a word to the boatman.

Apparently, this is not the first time that Moon Palace Oiran has done this kind of thing.

The girl Yuewu left and explained: "Many courtesans in the Moon Palace will secretly meet with dignitaries and dignitaries in the imperial capital here."

"This area is also known as the 'Imperial Palace' of Mingyuefang. The warriors who can buy a house here are all prominent figures in the imperial capital."

"This house is the private house of the servant of the Ministry of Punishment of the Chu Kingdom!"

Walking in front of a house, Miss Yuewu pointed to the gate and said to Lin Bai.

"This house is the private house of Prince Yuan!" Yue Wu girl pointed to another gate and said.

Following Miss Yuewu's introduction, Lin Bai was dumbfounded when he heard the masters behind these private houses.

Either the king of the army, or the prince, or the dignitary in the court of the imperial capital, or the heir of a big family in the imperial capital... Anyway, none of them has a simple origin.

"Where are these private houses used?" Lin Bai asked curiously.

The Moon Dance girl chuckled and said, "This place is so close to the Moon Palace, what does Marquis Wolf think these private houses are used for?"

Lin Bai smiled wryly and said: "In the Moon Palace, the oiran can also stay in the palace, so why bother?"

"This is actually something I've never been able to figure out. Why do so many people in the imperial capital prefer to meet the courtesan of the Moon Palace in a private house?"

"Aren't you willing to go directly to the Moon Palace?"

The girl Yuewu smiled, "Master Wolf, if you haven't married yet, then of course you don't know."

She took a deep breath and slowly explained: "Like the famous people in the imperial capital, many of their wives and concubines are 'political marriages', can Lord Wolf understand?"

Lin Bai nodded, expressing his understanding.

Miss Yuewu said again: "For example, Lord Lang and Miss Shen Xian already have a marriage contract."

"Now Lord Lang and Miss Shen Xian are not married, so naturally there is nothing to say."

"But one day, if Lord Lang marries Miss Shen Xian? Will he still be as chic as today? The romantic place in the Moon Palace will come as soon as you say it, and leave as soon as you say it?"

Uh... Lin Bai was taken aback for a moment, and felt that what Miss Yuewu said made sense.

Miss Yue Wu said: "If Lord Lang and Miss Shen Xian are married, and they are still in love with Fengyue, if the word spreads, what will outsiders think?"

"As the son-in-law of the Prince Hong's mansion, Lord Wolf stays in the Moon Palace all year round. How does this make the royal family lose face?"

Lin Bai smiled wryly, at this moment he finally understood why there are so many private houses.

The circle of powerful people in the imperial capital is actually very small.

Many are political marriages and family marriages.

These big shots seem to be pretty on the surface, but if they linger in romantic places all year round, the wives and concubines at home will definitely not be happy.

Moreover...their wives and concubines are also well-known families, if they are provoked, how could their good families be happy?

That's why there are so many private houses in Mingyuefang, which are specially used for the private meetings of the big figures in the imperial capital and the courtesans of the Moon Palace.

The moon dance girl led Lin Bai to walk quickly in this area, and finally came to a magnificent gate.

Lin Bai looked up, and there were two big characters written on the door plaque: "Huangfu."

Miss Yuewu explained: "Huangfu is the alias of the twenty-first prince."

"Master Wolf, please come in, this house is vacant all year round, and only the 21st Prince and I know about this place!"

The girl Yuewu stepped forward, activated her cultivation power, quietly opened the barrier of the magic circle, and let Lin Bai walk in.

The twenty-first prince really has a private house in the imperial capital... Lin Bai took a deep breath.

"Where is that sword?" Lin Bai asked immediately after entering the courtyard.

"At the water pavilion... I remember the last time I finished dancing with the sword, I put it on the water pavilion." Moon Dance girl replied.

What... This is a key that can unlock the treasures of the Nine Nether Demon Palace, and you just put it in the water pavilion?

Lin Bai turned pale with shock, his figure flickered, and he quickly sprinted towards the waterside pavilion.

The moon dance girl also has the cultivation base of the peak of the Taoist realm, and her speed is not weak, and she also flies away with Lin Bai.

The crow's speed was extremely fast. After it heard the word "Shuixie", it immediately disappeared on Lin Bai's shoulder.

(end of this chapter)