Chapter 535 Dungeon exploration (15)

Chapter 535 Dungeon exploration (15)

After all of the humanoid rat creatures had been taken care of, the rest of the rats didn't stick around.

They knew that there was nothing to gain from staying here, so they turned and ran as quickly as possible.

When it was all over, we quickly went to see what the damage was.

Surprisingly, there weren't as many zombies that were destroyed as I had thought there would be.

Out of the over two hundred zombies that we had created along the way, there were only around fifty that were destroyed.

Out of the original around fifty mushroom zombies, there were only three that were destroyed.

One was ripped apart by the first humanoid rat creature and the other two were surprisingly torn apart by the last struggle of the rats. Some of the rats that had been affected by the spore actually didn't give up and chose to struggle with the last of their strength.

The mushroom zombies clearly didn't expect this and were ripped apart by the rats before they could even react.

So in the end, there were two more mushroom zombies that were destroyed.

But the gains were hundreds of rat corpses and three more humanoid rat creature corpses.

In the fight, I had seen just how powerful the humanoid rat creature zombie was.

Since it didn't have any fear, it was actually stronger than when it was alive.

It had been able to hold back two of the other humanoid rat creatures by itself while Cecilia focused on taking down the other one with the help of the soldiers and the zombies.

So three more of these powerful monsters would without a doubt be very useful.

But I couldn't turn them into zombies right now since I had seen how much mana it took.

If it was done, it would have to be done when we left this dungeon.

The rats...they were much easier.

But I knew that there were certain people that wouldn't let things end there.

So I gave a nod to Moon and Elsa before gesturing with my hand for them to step aside.

It wasn't just them who would be moving aside.

That included the other elves and dwarves that were still investigating the door.

It took a bit of effort for them to bring the rest of the elves and dwarves away, but they were able to do it in the end.

Though it looked more like they were dragging them away then convincing them to move.

After the space in front of the door was cleared, I turned to the adventurers and mercenaries and said, "Do what you want. If you can open this door, then I'll give you a hundred gold coins and your choice of the treasures we hide behind it."

All of the eyes of the adventurers and mercenaries lit up when they heard this.

Without any hesitation, they immediately went forward towards the stone door to see if they could open it.

Though I didn't have any hopes when I said this.

I had only said this because I didn't want the adventurers and mercenaries messing with the door after this trip.

Though it would be unlikely that they would even be able to reach this far without the help of my soldiers, I didn't want to let that small risk remain.

So it was better to discourage them from trying to get this door open now before something happened in the future.

I didn't think that they would do anything too bad, which was why I let them have their way with the door.

After all, I didn't think that anyone would be dumb enough to try something like hitting the door to open it...

Or did I jinx myself by thinking that?

"Tink! Clang!"