Chapter 494

"Didn't you say you were waiting for us in front, why didn't you say anything when you came back? We didn't see you, where did you come back from?" Feng Jian spoke extremely fast, and he was worried.

Seeing that Feng Jian was in such a hurry, Jian Jian realized her mistake.

"I'm sorry, I saw you and Dad talking and chatting in the back. I thought you were going to stop for a long time. I was bitten by a bug and came out first. I walked back from another path with few branches."

When Feng Jian heard that Jian Jian was bitten by a bug, he didn't bother to question him at all.

She immediately hugged Jian Jian, "Where did you get bitten by the bug? Are you all right?"

Feng Jian squatted down and looked around, Jian Jian patted her shoulder calmly, "I'm fine, the staff applied the medicine for me. Why do you care about me so much, more than Dad and Grandpa ?”

When Jian Jian said this, Feng Jian instantly felt sad.

Kazami immediately stood up, "Because I like you very much. Besides, your family must also care about you, but our concern is different."

Jian Jian smiled, took Feng Jian's hand and kissed, "I like you very much, too, very much."

Lu Zexiao looked at the two from the side, and said that no one would believe that it wasn't mother and son.

Jian Jian understood Lu Zexiao's thoughts, and knew her own thoughts even more.

The first time he saw Kazami, he decided that it was a feeling of extreme wanting to be dependent, that is, he wanted Kazami to be his mother.

So he cleverly made a request to Lu Zexiao and Feng Jian.

"Father, can you accompany my sister to pick fruit, or our trip will be in vain..."

"I'm here waiting for you."

Jian Jian looked very obedient, and Kazami immediately asked Jian Jian about her preferences.

"What fruit do you like to eat, I will pick it for you."

Jian Jian smiled, and leaned into Feng Jian's ear and said the names of a few fruits.

When Feng Jian heard it, he was very surprised, "Wow, Jian Jian, what you like to eat is also what I like."

Inexplicably excited, Feng Jian took Jian Jian's basket and entered the picking park again.

Jian Jian immediately pushed Lu Zexiao, "Father, go quickly, I have created the opportunity, grasp it yourself."

Lu Zexiao looked at Jian Jian's ghostly appearance and patted his head.

"So understand my mind?"


Lu Zexiao squatted in front of Jian Jian, "Dad asked you, do you think she is your mother?"

"It must be." Jian Jian didn't hesitate at all.

Lu Zexiao became more and more familiar with Feng Jian, and she couldn't hide her concern and love for Jian Jian, so this may be due to blood relationship.

Many things, although there is no conclusive evidence, but sometimes intuition and feeling are more accurate than evidence.

Lu Zexiao followed immediately.


Kazami excitedly tiptoed to cut off a fruit that absorbs the most sunlight on the branch, but she couldn't reach it no matter how she tiptoed.

She is very stubborn, and she will not give up if she sees it right.

Kazami held up the scissors and jumped boldly, suddenly his feet couldn't reach the ground.

She felt that someone was hugging her body, and then she was slowly lifted up. She looked down at Lu Zexiao, "What are you doing? Do you want to take advantage! Let me down quickly."

Lu Zexiao smiled, "I've already hugged it, so I took advantage of it. But aren't you going to pick the fruit?"

After thinking about it for a while, Kazami finally reached it.

But it's just picking a fruit or something, she raised her hand and cut off the fruit.

It smelled very sweet, "Wow, it smells so good, this must be delicious, leave it to Jian Jian."

When Kazami got excited, he forgot the scissors in his hand.

She held the fruit in both hands, and the scissors fell straight down.