Chapter 2189

"It's not good for you to progress too quickly with him. Let's see your father's opinion on this matter. Men will be more considerate."

Pippi was a little puzzled, "What is it?"

She didn't know that her family already had further plans in mind after watching her and Zhou Muqing's progress.

The plan between the two families.

Pippi's mother smiled, "It's nothing, this is something we should consider, you go and rest."

She hugged her mother lazily, "Okay, then I'll go to sleep, don't think too much about me... It's a headache."

After finishing speaking, Pippi was about to go upstairs, and turned around to say good night after walking halfway.

"Well, good night, there will be a lot of things to do in the company tomorrow."

Pippi felt tired and paralyzed when she heard her mother's words. She made a face and went back to the room.

Before going to bed, she used the phone in her room to call Zhou Muqing, in fact, she just wanted to say good night to him.

But this good night can't be said, she has been taking the opportunity to chat more, trying to speed up the warming up of their relationship, for fear that the fairy tale will end after saying good night.

Pippi finally fell asleep holding the phone.

Knowing that she fell asleep, Zhou Muqing didn't hang up the phone right away. After a long time, he hung up the phone after making sure that she slept soundly and would not wake up again.

The call history and duration cannot be seen on the home phone, but these information are clearly displayed on Zhou Muqing's phone.

Pippi deliberately stretched the front line last night to make a phone call, which caused him to stay in bed late the next day.

When she arrived by car, the special assistant had already picked her up at the main entrance of the company.

"Miss, follow me in quickly."

Pippi looked at the special assistant anxiously, not knowing what was going on.

She then speeded up, and sprained her foot accidentally.

The special assistant hurriedly supported Pippi, and several other nearby employees hurried over to help.

"Director, are you okay?"

The special assistant was worried about Pippi while talking about the situation of the company's VIP room, "The boss we met before came, and he wanted to talk about the future cooperation in detail. He came early on purpose and has been waiting for nearly an hour... ..."

One hour……

This time sounds really bluffing, as if I missed the appointment.

"Then I'll go there right now."

The special assistant looked helpless, "Miss, this boss didn't make an appointment in advance, he arrived early in the morning. So you don't have to feel guilty, but he did wait for a long time. Out of cooperation considerations, I remind you You need to change your attitude a little when you enter the door."

You can be neither humble nor overbearing.

Pippi nodded, "Yes, I see."

She pushed away the person who was supporting her, endured the pain in her feet and walked towards the VIP room.

The special assistant arranged for the employees who came to help just now to continue to work, and then caught up with Pippi.

"Miss, are your feet okay?"

Pippi looked down, "Actually, it hurts a bit, but there's nothing I can do about it. Let's just leave it at that."

As the special assistant walked, he remembered something.

"Miss, you have a pair of flat shoes in your office, why don't you change them, you won't be rude."


Pippi looked at the special assistant in surprise, "I have flat shoes in my office? Why didn't I know?"

The special assistant explained that this matter was sent by Zhou Muqing when he passed by the company before.

"He sent it?"

The special assistant nodded, "It was sent by Mr. Zhou, but you were in the meeting room at the time, and he didn't wait for you because of the tight schedule. I should have told you when I put you in the office, but there were too many things that day, so I forgot. "